chapter 196
Although everyone said so and thought so in their hearts, no one dared to go up the mountain to have a look these two days, and they all stayed at home to check the situation.

There are also many people who have nightmares at night, dreaming of being swallowed by a big snake, and the bloody mouth is scary.

At the scene at that time, even if they were not frozen, everyone would be terrified. Maybe some people had a bad heart, and their blood vessels burst at that time. Bailu sealed everyone up, and maybe even saved some people. Life.

I heard that two children, Su Qing and Meng Hao, had hunted prey on the mountain for two days in a row.

Under the greedy thoughts, someone finally couldn't hold back, and a dozen young adults agreed to try going to the mountain tomorrow.

Someone wanted to ask Zhu Xiuyun about the situation, but she just didn't open the door. Although she left, she was very unwilling to swear all the way, but Su Qing heard all of it. Knowing that many people would go into the mountain tomorrow, she frowned.

It seems that they will not be able to enter the mountain tomorrow, but their own space is still empty, only a small corner has been filled, and there is no place to replenish when they return to Mingyue City, and they need to spend money to buy exotic animal meat and spiritual grass.

Su Qing was anxious in her heart, but her face remained calm until all the strange beasts were cleaned up.

Zhu Xiuyun wasn't in the mood to cook carefully anymore, Su Qing didn't let Meng Yan go back to eat, so let's make do with it so late.

Zhu Xiuyun only boiled a large pot of porridge, reheated the leftovers at noon, leftover steamed buns, and Meng Hao roasted two pheasants, enough to feed the three of them.

The pheasant is only for Huo Miao, cut it into pieces and put it in the porridge, it is not so salty, Huo Miao tastes very delicious.

Su Qing didn't know if there was a problem with monsters eating too much salt, anyway, I heard that pets should not eat too much salt in their previous life.

The three of them had a makeshift dinner, Zhu Xiuyun locked Su Qing in the new courtyard as usual, and dragged Meng Xiang back home.

It was already dark, so Su Qing turned off the lights in the room, since she couldn't use them anyway, and the night was a kind of protective color.

"Huo Miao, take out all the things in your space, and I'll help you put them away. Later, let's go to the mountains, gather more elixir overnight, and hunt more strange animals by the way.
We won't have to go up the mountain during the day tomorrow. My space is not small, and it's no problem to house thousands of exotic beasts. For the exotic beasts in the mountains, we should hunt more ferocious ones so that the villagers will not encounter danger when going up the mountain. "

"Master, if you don't deal with me, just kill them directly. There are many people who have helped me and my sister. Can you let them go? I will let them not harm humans."

"No problem, it's up to you to hunt those strange beasts."

"Yeah, thank you master, there is a group of Galewolves, I must let them go, they have always been my guards, they will help me guard the cave when I am away, it doesn't matter if those violent bears are killed, and,,, and also."

While talking, Huo Miao waved his paws to empty his own space, and a pile of various foods appeared in front of Su Qing, all of which were collected by Su Qing into the jade pendant space.

With Huo Miao watching the wind, Su Qing entered the jade pendant space and planted all the elixir. Huo Miao's cat food was placed in another place, far away from the things left by the ancestors. After all, the food tasted very strong and should not be contaminated. on those treasures.

She continued to search for various formations in the box, and by the way, asked the ancestor to teach her on the spot, teaching her what formations are and what the levels are for.

In the end, I really asked her to find a few low-level formation disks, including phantom formation disks and protective formation disks, and there were several here and there. Her favorite is the gathering spirit formation disk. up,
She told her ancestor how she felt during cultivation, and the ancestor told her that it was because of the thinness of spiritual energy, and with the spirit gathering disk, it could be relieved during cultivation.

Su Qing sorted out the things in the space a little bit, and went out of the space with a low-priced protective array disk in his hand.
She wants to enter the mountain in the dark, the ancestor must follow, otherwise she is a little scared,
Although Huo Miao is powerful, he is a monster after all. How can the ancestor feel safe to follow him? The ancestor's soul is powerful, and he knows the situation within a hundred miles like the palm of his hand.

Su Qing wore thick clothes, cuffs and trousers were tightly tied with cloth strips, and he carried several medicine bags on his body to prevent mosquitoes, snakes, insects, rats and ants.
Although the weather is still a bit cool and there are few mosquitoes, we must take precautions. There are also many poisonous insects in the mountains.

Everything is ready, Su Qing said softly,
"Let's go."

She jumped, and jumped out of the fence lightly. A formation plate appeared in her hand, activated by spiritual energy, covering the entire yard, and not even a fly could fly in. This was the only way to be safe and avoid people visiting at night.

Run the spiritual energy, unfold the cloud stepping technique, soar into the sky, fly up,
At night, there is no need to worry about it, the floating technique is fine, it is faster to directly use the cloud stepping technique, it is the first time she has flown, and she has flown so high,
Flying on the clouds, walking against the wind, with fluttering skirts, it really is the demeanor of a fairy in the imagination,
It's a pity that I'm too young to show that sense of elegance. The scenery quickly passed by my feet, and soon I reached the mountain, and they had almost searched the periphery.

He greeted Huo Miao who was following him, "Let's go, let's go to the deep mountains,"

Take a breath of spiritual energy, speed up the speed of stepping on the clouds, and fly to the depths of the mountains like lightning and thunder, those inaccessible places.

There are not many strange beasts active at night, and most of them sleep in caves. Who would have thought that disasters would come from the sky when they fall asleep, and all the beasts were hunted down by Su Qing and Huo Miao, and they were killed by Su Qing. Put it into the jade pendant space,

After being dug out, Su Qing and Huo Miao were able to fly very far. This night, they tossed the strange beasts in the mountains, sheep, cattle, deer and other large herbivorous beasts, and they were basically taken by Su Qing. nest end.

Anyway, these strange beasts are not to protect and cherish animals, and some of them are extremely fertile and will never be extinct, so she can pretend to go away. As for her killing all herbivores, the villagers will not be able to hunt them down when they go up the mountain What about the prey?
Didn’t there still be pheasants and rabbits, left to the villagers? Without carnivorous things, those small animals must reproduce like crazy. Without natural enemies, they would definitely be everywhere. Rabbits are meat even if they are small!

There are many kinds of alien beasts, and there are many groups of them. There are no herbivorous animals nearby. This mountain range will soon usher in a new herbivorous animal group. There will never be a shortage of herbivorous animals in the mountains.

One group will disappear soon and a new group will migrate over. The villagers will have nothing to gain this year at most.
Anyway, the income from yams can make up for it. When the villagers go up the mountain in autumn, there will be fewer wild animals, and it will be safer.

Anyway, Su Qing found a lot of excuses for his search, and comforted himself.

Many herbivorous beasts were put into the jade pendant space by Su Qing in their sleep. There was no air in the space, and they would probably suffocate to death soon. Su Qing felt that it was more painful. A pat on the head saved them from suffering, she was still very kind and couldn't bear to watch the strange beast struggle.

Even if he tried to build up his heart again and again, Su Qing still felt that he couldn't bear to kill so many strange beasts. Did he commit too many evils? Talking about the uneasiness in his heart to the ancestor,
Luo Zilan laughed at her, what's the point of hunting strange beasts, nature chooses the weak to prey on the strong, this is the law of the universe,

As long as you don't kill intelligent beings indiscriminately, cultivation is to plunder the way of heaven, strengthen yourself, and finally break through the shackles of the universe and ascend to the upper realm. You are not a hypocritical person who is benevolent and supreme.

Buddhist monks don't agree with sweeping the floor without harming the lives of ants, and moths throwing flames and covering gauze lamps.
As a monk, you must use all resources to continuously improve your own strength. What is it to kill some strange beasts? When necessary, in order to compete for resources, it is common for people to fight to the death.
(End of this chapter)

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