Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 197 Making Sausages

Chapter 197 Making Sausages
Luo Zilan babbled in her ears about a set of monk standards, if Su Qing hadn't fixed his three views long ago, at this age, Luo Zilan would definitely have led him astray,

A child who is less than ten years old has not yet formed a sense of right and wrong, and she has high abilities. How can she hold back and not show it? If she is really trained according to the concept of the cultivation world, can she adapt to a country ruled by law like an empire?

Although some opinions are correct, with the development of civilization, the way of fighting has changed. Although monks are powerful, they can't do whatever they want. After all, many high-tech weapons can also cause damage to monks. She can't just listen to the words of her ancestors. It's better to be humble to survive in the interstellar world!
When the sky was about to dawn, Su Qing saw that it was still too early to fill up the space, so he had to go back first. The meat of these strange beasts was enough for them to eat for several years.

Of course, Su Qing forgot to consider that she and Meng Xiao needed more nutrition after they advanced to the next stage of cultivation, and that Jiaojiao would need to add a mouth after her shell was broken. Her wishful thinking would definitely be shattered.

The mountain was almost searched. Su Qing flashed his figure and flew into the air. He had learned the cloud stepping technique before, but he had no chance to use it. He flew all the way tonight, and it felt really good.

Following the breeze, Su Qing returned home just as the roosters in the village began to crow, and the first ray of sunlight appeared in the sky.

She went back to the house and changed her clothes, gave herself a cleansing technique, tidied up neatly, and prepared to make breakfast.

With yesterday's freshly ground flour, Su Qing made a pot of noodles and planned to make some big pancakes.

Grandma Cai will bring it over and bake the pancake first.

The noodles for making pancakes should be soft and soft, add more water, half of hot water, half of cold water, so that pancakes are delicious.

Su Qing has been cooking and eating by herself in her previous life, and her skills are not bad, but not very good. She can cook everyday meals, but not complicated ones. After all, she is not a cook.

She chops firewood on the shelf and burns a small fire, rolls out a piece of cake, puts one in the pan, turns it over and continues later, she moves quickly, and when Zhu Xiuyun comes, a large stack of cakes has already come out of the pan,

In the past, when Su Qing was cooking, she could only help to cook and wash the vegetables. Zhu Xiuyun was worried about letting her cook. No matter how tired she was, she insisted on doing it by herself, and only asked Su Qing to help.

This time when she came back from Mingyue City, Su Qing felt that she had grown up a bit, and rushed to do the cooking, and finally reassured Zhu Xiuyun, and handed over the cooking to her.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Qingqing busy in the kitchen,

"Qingqing, what are you doing?"

"Grandma, you're here. I'll bake a few pancakes, and they'll be done soon."

Zhu Xiuyun looked at the pancakes baked by Qingqing, and even broke off a piece to taste it. It was quite delicious, but it was oily. They generally don’t use this way of making pancakes. Who would be willing to cook like this? A catty of oil will be a disaster in a few days It's all over.

"Qingqing, what dish do you want to eat? I brought cabbage, beans, eggplant, tomato and eggs. I originally planned to eat noodle soup."

"Let's have noodle soup at noon. There are so many dishes, let's make a big pot of stew, and the flames will be eaten."

Zhu Xiuyun nodded, Su Qing would eat as much as she wanted, the family has the conditions now, so Qingqing should be able to eat well, before she was incompetent and wronged the child.

Zhu Xiuyun took out another big bag, "You asked me to bring over all the intestines that were cleaned a few days ago from home, what are you going to do?"

"I have a lot of meat in my hands these days. I plan to stuff some sausages. It's delicious, grandma. You need a lot of green onions and ginger to get rid of the fishiness. Have you brought them?"

"Don't worry, I'll bring everything you said yesterday, and I'll go back to get anything missing. I've brought all the kitchen knives, chopping boards and mixers at home."

Su Qing has been thinking about making sausages, and has been delayed for several days in order to prepare Huo Miao's meals.

There is no need to go up the mountain today. After cleaning up the strange beasts, I will make sausages in the afternoon and dry them for two days.

Then they will pack their bags and go back to Mingyue City, and school will start in a few days.

The grandparent and grandson picked vegetables and cut the meat. The vegetables were washed and cut, and a large pot of meat and vegetables was stewed in no time.
"Grandma, yesterday I heard people in the village say that they have organized more than a dozen people and they are going to hunt strange animals in the mountains. We will not go into the mountains today.
Last night, Huo Miao went out hunting all night. It is estimated that the harvest is good. The meat of exotic animals is enough for a year. We will clean up the exotic animals at home in the morning and stuff sausages in the afternoon. "

"Okay, don't go if you have enough to eat. You have wiped out all the strange beasts in the mountains, and the people in the village are worried if they can't catch them. They all hope to sell some strange beasts to make money."

Su Qing chuckled and said: "Hehe, there must be no big beasts, and some of them will go into the deep mountains. There are plenty of pheasants and wild rabbits, and there will be no harvest."

Zhu Xiuyun looked at her granddaughter reproachfully, "You,"

How could she not see her granddaughter's schadenfreude, she heard the poor tone of the villagers yesterday, but there is no need to be as knowledgeable as them, Qingqing must be angry.

When the vegetables were stewed, I put a big pot for the flames without adding salt, and put a pancake in it, put salt on the remaining vegetables in the pot, put them out, and brought them to the dining table. The grandparents and grandchildren began to eat breakfast .

Huo Miao happily ate the food in front of him. He used to eat it raw and never ate vegetables, except for elixir.
After recognizing the master, it doesn't matter what the master eats, what he eats, except that he is not allowed to eat at the table, he is more used to eating like this, and he doesn't feel bad.

After eating, without waiting for Meng Xiao to come over, Huomiao asked Huo Miao to take out some of the strange beasts, and the grandparent and grandson started to work.

Today's job is not easy, there are countless strange beasts in the space of the jade pendant, but fortunately Su Qing is not ready to clean up, I plan to talk about it later, anyway, the space has the function of keeping fresh.

Su Qing planned to clean up only the beasts in the flame space in the morning, and slowly clean up the beasts in the jade pendant space later.

The grandparents and grandchildren were busy, and Meng Hao came. He has learned from Su Qing now. He knocked on the door first and shouted twice to let them know that it was he who came, and then jumped over the wall to come in.

"Grandma Zhu, Qingqing, good morning, hey, where did the strange beast come from?"

"Last night Huo Miao went into the mountain to catch them. Today, many villagers are going into the mountain to hunt. We won't go up the mountain, so as not to make too much noise and be discovered by others,"

"Oh." Meng Hao nodded, knowing that he would not ask more questions if he didn't enter the mountain, so he started to help with the work.

How did he know that in the space of Su Qing's jade pendant, there are a large number of strange beasts lying there, all of which were killed by Su Qing long ago, without a single wound on his body, when he saw it suddenly, it was quite scary,
I can't blame Su Qing thinking that he killed too much yesterday. After all, he had never killed chickens in his previous life. It was a bit uncomfortable to kill so many strange beasts all at once, but fortunately it was not bloody.

There are also a lot of strange beasts piled up in Huomiao Space. It is not easy to clean up all those strange beasts this morning. Fortunately, the three of them have become proficient in the past few days, and the speed has increased a lot.

Su Qing purposely saved the meat of two wild boars to make sausages. The hoofs, heads and internal organs were cooked in a large pot, and the flames were put away. Anyway, the flames are not picky eaters, so I will give them to him when he arrives at school.
There are too many meats processed these days, and there are not enough seasonings, soy sauce, salt and sugar.

After lunch, Su Qing transferred a sum of interstellar coins to Meng Hao, and asked him to go to the town to buy some seasonings and come back. You don't need to buy too much, just enough for them to make sausages.

During the period when Meng Hao went to town, the grandparents and grandsons cleaned all kinds of casings used for making sausages, mainly soaking them in stove ashes to remove the stench.

Then wash the blood from the two wild boars, and start chopping the meat. When will the meat of the two pigs be chopped? Su Qing will definitely not let grandma get tired.

She first put a large piece of pork on the chopping board and beat it vigorously with the back of a knife to break up all the meat, and then cut it into small pieces, diced meat.

With a wave of his hand, he controlled the two kitchen knives and chopped them on the chopping board. The meat for the sausage enema didn't need to be chopped too finely, just about the same.

All the meat is chopped, there are four large pots of meat, and then continue to chop the onion and ginger, marinate with the existing seasoning first, and add other seasonings when Meng Xiao comes back.

(End of this chapter)

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