Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 198 Start Learning Mode

Chapter 198 Start Learning Mode

This time Meng Yu came and went quite quickly, mainly because he didn't have to work hard to get out of the village. The soldiers on patrol were no longer prohibiting the villagers from going out. His grandfather also went to work in the town today.

Meng Yu bought back two large bags of various spices, Su Qing found out several kinds of pepper and aniseed ingredients, put them in a pot and stir-fried them on a low heat,
Put it in a grinder specially brought from home, grind it into powder, and blend it into the meat,
The three of them each took a funnel and began to fill the sausages. The funnels were just bought by Meng Hao. There was only one at home, and they bought two more.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very difficult. Su Qing did not expect that pure natural casings are not easy to use. In her previous life, she used ready-made casings bought online, but she did not expect that natural casings are particularly difficult to use.

Fortunately, as soon as it was poured smoothly, it became much smoother, except for Meng Hao who was in a hurry,
At any rate, Su Qing had the experience of stuffing sausages in her previous life. She was the first to make a sausage and tied it into sections with cotton thread.

Zhu Xiuyun was also struggling with the sausage casing in his hand, and it was more than half finished. Su Qing kept reminding him not to fill it too full, otherwise it would be easy to burst during cooking, and it would not be delicious.

Meng Hao made it all over his hands, and didn't pour too much meat. Su Qing added a little flour to the meat. Huanglong Town didn't sell starch, so he had to mix a little flour and water. It was thin and easy to pour in. He is stupid.

Su Qing doesn't care about him, let's make do with it, because it's all pure meat, the sausages must be delicious,

More than half of the sausages on the earth are starch, and some people like to eat that kind of sausage,

Finally, the three of them used up all the casings and left some meat, which can be directly used for cooking at night.
Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun took a big needle and poked holes in the casing so that the casing could breathe, so as not to burst when cooking.

The stuffed sausages are filled with four large pots, half of which are directly hung on the drying poles to dry, and smoked with fruit tree branches by the way,
Put everything else in a pot and cook. To cook the sausage, put it in the pot with cold water. After the pot is boiled, turn to low heat and cook slowly. Do not cook on high heat, and take the opportunity to stick the eyes on the casing and continue to deflate.

Zhu Xiuyun did this job by herself, without the need for two children, Su Qing and Meng Yu gave sausages outside in the yard, smoked and dried, so that the taste was better,
"Qingqing, can these sausages be left uncooked?"

"Well, the raw ones will dry out after two days, and they can also be kept for a long time. When you eat them, you can just steam them in the pan. Don't leave for dinner. Try the sausage."

Meng Hao nodded hurriedly, it must be delicious if it is made of so much meat.

Thinking of having sausages for dinner, the two smiled happily,

The food culture of Mengyuexing has developed fairly well in Mingyue City. Shanquan Village belongs to a remote area, and it is good if the villagers can eat enough. How can they spend time on food? No one has come up with tricks.

It is the non-staple food sold in the town, most of which are made of synthetic grain, and the taste is not good,
Rich people don’t know how to eat, they will drive directly to Anyang City to buy better snacks, only poor people will buy inferior non-staple food,
Ever since he was a child, Meng Hao has been really bad-mouthed, so whatever Qingqing cooks, he thinks it's fresh and delicious.

It's easy to smoke a few sausages, and it doesn't take long to finish,
The sausage in the cauldron was cooked, Zhu Xiuyun took it out, smelled it with his nose, it was full of fragrance, put it in the basin to cool, then hung it on the drying pole by several people, and smoked it as usual,

Meng Hao was puzzled, why use smoke for everything, is it really delicious?Qingqing doesn't know where she learned it from, she must have seen it on a forum on Xingwang.

Being able to connect to the Imperial Star Network at school has a huge amount of information, and it has everything. Unlike the communicator, which can only connect to the local area network within the planet, only those who have passed the application are eligible to roam.

In fact, it’s not that the government restricts citizens’ access to the Internet, it’s just that the charges are so expensive that they can’t afford it, so it’s better to apply for it if someone needs it, but at least one year’s fee must be paid in advance. Most people think it’s not worth it, so they won’t apply.

The weird and novel things that Su Qing brought up, Meng Yu thought she had learned them on Xingwang.

Meng Hao himself also learned a lot of knowledge on Xingwang, mostly military martial arts, mech warships, weapons, etc., and what he knows most is entertainment news and celebrity gossip.

The cooked sausages were smoked, Su Qing asked grandma to send some to Uncle Su and Meng's family to taste,

A few days ago, she talked about making sausages with casings. Everyone knows that Grandma Meng and Aunt Meng helped clean up the casings.

Zhu Xiuyun nodded and said yes, I made delicious food at home, and I definitely want to give it to everyone.

These days Meng Hao has been helping with work a lot. The half-grown child is already a strong laborer. His parents have gone to the fields to water the wheat, but the child has been helping them with the work. Although she is in charge of the food, the food is nothing. The etiquette of human relations means reciprocity, and don't forget to share good things with relatives and friends.

Meng Yu said bluntly that he could be sent home to save Zhu Xiuyun an extra trip.

Zhu Xiuyun shook her head and refused,

"Let me go. You and Qingqing have been working for the past two days, which has delayed your studies. Hurry up and review your homework. I will go and chat with your grandma by the way. You two can read quietly at home."

When it comes to study, Meng Hao has a headache. He is not afraid of work, but he is weak in study.

Su Qing nodded. She had been working and delaying her studies for the past two days. Her vacation plan was not well completed at all, so she didn't care.

Meng Hao knew that he couldn't procrastinate, so he had to droop his head and go into the house with Qingqing to study his homework. The work was done, and there was no reason not to study. It was still early and he couldn't go home. He was still thinking about eating sausage for dinner! !
Although he resists studying, he also knows the importance of studying, and he will never shirk when it is time to be serious.

Su Qing Shua Shua wrote him a list,
"These are all things you need to memorize in the past two days. Starting tomorrow, we will enter the study mode, pack up and salute and return to school after two days of assault."

"Oh." Hearing that he entered the learning mode, Meng Hao knew that he couldn't escape.
Don't think about anything else starting from tomorrow. You will spend all day and night with textbooks. Going up the mountain, exotic animals, collecting herbs, and working are all far away from him. His only task is to read books and do questions, and recite various formulas. knowledge points.

This is the pattern of him and Qingqing at school, so it's good, I have to calm down and get used to it in advance, otherwise I will go back to school suddenly, and I won't be able to come back to play wild.

The two studied very seriously. Su Qing had almost previewed the basic courses to be learned in the new semester, such as mathematics, history, and physical chemistry.

Students in the interstellar world learn a lot of basic courses, especially in the first three years of the intermediate class, there are many names, the universe is too big, and there is so much knowledge to learn

In this case, there must be some students who will be biased, and some subjects will fail. As long as it is not the main subject, it does not matter, because everyone is the same.
The reason why Su Qing can always rank first in the exam is because she is not partial to subjects, and her grades in each subject are quite high.
But other people can't do it. Generally, when students reach the second grade, they have to choose to spend their energy on some courses they are good at.
After passing the third grade smoothly, as long as the credits are completed, you can be promoted to the fourth grade, and you can directly choose vocational courses. There are many basic courses for minor subjects, which you can learn or not.

Because no one has so much energy to take care of both, Su Qing's request to Meng Rong is to keep several major courses, earn full credits, and directly choose martial arts in the fourth grade.

In the future, if Meng Hao wants to get into the martial arts department of a famous college in the graduation exam, he must study well, and he still can't relax in his studies.
Su Qing's plan is to ask Meng Xiang how to learn by himself,

If Meng Hao knew that he could be more relaxed, he would be tossed to death in order to go to a prestigious school, and he would definitely cry.

(End of this chapter)

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