Chapter 199
Zhu Xiuyun didn't come back until it was almost time to make dinner. She went to Su Feng's house first, gave them two sausages, and left after a short stay.
Then I went to Meng's house to chat with Luo Cuilan. The two old ladies had similar personalities and shared a common language.

By the way, Zhu Xiuyun said, Meng Yu has to study hard, and dinner is eaten at her house.

The old lady Meng also blamed:

"Xiuyun, your family is not rich, and you managed to earn some money this time. Don't worry about your mouth, you can just feed Qingqing, and you always let Meng Hao get rich. That kid can eat, and one person can eat as much as the two of you. It's eating up your family."

Zhu Xiuyun smiled indifferently and said:
"Sister-in-law, look at what you said, a few meals are nothing, and we are not outsiders.

Meng Hao also helped me with the work yesterday. There is a lot of meat in the house, and our grandchildren must finish eating quickly, otherwise Qingqing will leave, and I won’t be able to eat so much myself. It won’t be bad after a long time. "

"Then you won't make jerky and eat it slowly. Who would hate too much meat? You haven't seen the meat in my house, it's all sprinkled with salt and hung under the eaves to dry, and it can be eaten for a long time."

"Hehe, the children like it, let them eat more, they will return to Mingyue City soon, if they eat well, they will grow taller, I don't worry,"

What can Zhu Xiuyun say, she doesn't want to eat meat that is too much at home, she really dislikes meat, she will be sprayed to death by outsiders' saliva,
Thousands of catties of meat are collected in one day, and a lot of meat is smoked and dried and put away after a day in the sun, otherwise there is no place to put it.

When she first entered the door, the old sister saw the sausage she brought and scolded her too.
Luo Cuilan reacted like this because ever since the children came home from vacation and the Su family invited them to eat dumplings, Meng Yan would continue to eat at the Su family for a long time.
The Meng family took advantage of it, and the old lady Meng felt very uncomfortable. She felt that Zhu Xiuyun was at a disadvantage. The old girl had to support Qingqing by herself, so she was ashamed.

Right now, Zhu Xiuyun sent two more sausages, which are said to be made of fresh meat, and the grandson brought back a basket of fruit yesterday, and their family didn't have anything good to send back, so they would naturally persuade sister Xiuyun not to be too generous ,
I still secretly decided in my heart, turned around and told my grandson to take good care of Qingqing when he got to school,
Why did Xiuyun do this? Why didn't she do it a few years ago? It wasn't for the sake of the child. She understood that she accepted everything to make Xiuyun feel at ease, and she understood her own thoughts.

It's a pity that Grandma Meng really misunderstood, Zhu Xiuyun definitely didn't mean it that way, it's hard to say who takes care of whom at school, Meng Yu's school depends entirely on her family Qingqing!
Zhu Xiuyun went home and started to make dinner. The noodles at noon had already been made, and it was time to steam the steamed buns, and made another large pot of stew.

She thinks this dish is good. The meat and vegetables are stewed together in a big pot. You can eat anything. It is very fragrant.
I cut up a large sausage, although it was quite a lot of cooking, Su Qing and Meng Hao were especially edible, and there was nothing left.

Even Huo Miao ate two steamed buns, and he licked the basin very clean.

In the evening, Su Qing was the only one left in the courtyard. She entered the space to plant spirit grass as usual, and poured water on all the spirit medicines.

Started tidying up the things left by the ancestor, she was not moving in the box for the time being, and tidying up was the sundries piled up outside like a mountain, everything was mixed together,
Su Qing sorted it out and arranged them one by one by category, thinking about going back to Mingyue City to buy more boxes, not to put them in such a random way, it's better to pack them up.

After tidying up for about an hour, Luo Zilan said impatiently:
"Okay, I'll clean it up later. There are ready-made animal skins and blood. If you don't hurry up, go out and learn how to refine weapons and draw talismans. So many things piled up in the space look messy,"

Su Qing looked up at the sky, the ancestor still disliked the mess of the things he had installed, he sorted them clearly and arranged them neatly, it seemed like she was piled up together, and she had to rummage around when looking for anything.

But what the ancestor said is right, there are very few opportunities to be alone, these two days I have to practice drawing symbols and refining weapons, without practical operation, it will always be just talking on paper,

She walked out of the space with a large pile of animal skins and a bucket of animal blood,

The lights were still turned off in the room, Su Qing put the things on the table, picked up a piece of rabbit skin with the lowest value, cut it into small pieces the size of a palm,
Find a bowl, pour the collected animal blood into the bowl, hold a talisman pen in your hand, and start to draw talismans on the animal skin,
There are many kinds of talismans, and the most basic one is the five-element talisman of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Su Qing intends to draw a wood spirit talisman first, since the wood system matches her spiritual root, it should be the easiest to succeed.

Su Qing has been learning all kinds of talismans for a while, and the patterns have been deeply memorized in his mind, and he has also drawn them with ordinary paper and pens.
It was the first time to formally draw a talisman. Without Luo Zilan's urging, Su Qing held the talisman pen and stained it with animal blood, and drew directly on the animal skin. Failed,
Luo Zilan said in a deep voice: "Continue, remember, the spiritual energy must be completed in one go, without stopping, the whole pattern is drawn in one stroke, once it is broken in the middle, the spiritual energy will not be able to circulate, and it will fail."

Su Qing nodded and continued to draw talismans. The aura at the end of the second one was not well grasped. With a puff, the animal skin couldn't withstand the impact of aura and exploded into pieces.
Su Qing took the third animal skin and continued to draw talismans. Doing anything will not be easy and successful. It needs continuous efforts and accumulation bit by bit. Every time she fails, Luo Zilan will point out Su Qing's shortcomings , she will improve, a little bit of progress.

One piece of animal skin was broken one by one, until the room was full of debris, Su Qing finally succeeded in drawing the first wood-type talisman,
Throw it out when confronting the enemy, it can turn into a green vine with thorns to entangle the enemy,

Su Qing drew several pictures in a row, finally mastered this low-level talisman, and continued to draw the next one,
The fire talisman is what she needs urgently. As long as she can draw the fire talisman, she can start alchemy. Otherwise, with her own aura, a batch of pills will be powerless after half of the refining.
When Su Qing gets serious, she can practice non-stop and sleepless, and draw all kinds of talismans. This is the first time she has used real objects to draw talismans, and it feels very novel. There was a smell of blood.

It took a whole night for Su Qing to master all kinds of talismans with the attributes of the five elements. There is a [-]% success rate in drawing talismans.
With this little achievement, there is a lot of waste. The discarded animal skins are piled up into hills. Fortunately, they are all worthless exotic animal skins. Even so, they are worth tens of thousands of interstellar coins, so any cultivation system is very resource-intensive. , No ability, talent alone can't become a strong man, the road to the strong is paved with money and blood.

Su Qing put away the drawn talisman. Although it was only a low-level talisman, the effect was not particularly good. The talisman he drew for the first time was also worth commemorating.

He waved his hand at the broken animal skins, piled them together, threw out a small fireball, and with a whimper, they all burned up. Seeing that all the debris was burned to ashes, after a dust purification technique, all the ashes in the room were condensed into a big one. The ball was thrown by Su Qing into the sewer in the courtyard, and it was washed away with water without leaving any traces.

After dawn, Su Qing stood in the courtyard and practiced body exercises, and then began to prepare breakfast.
Facing the rising sun, a new beautiful day begins.

Nothing happened today, after the grandparents and grandchildren had breakfast, Meng Yu came over to continue studying with Su Qing,
Zhu Xiuyun locked the courtyard door and went to work in the field. After finishing work here, she went to work at home again.

Su Qing and Meng Hao will be returning to school after two days of surprise study, and she has already made an appointment for the aircraft in the morning of the day after tomorrow.

Thinking of parting from their family members, both of them felt a little reluctant to part with them. Many things happened during this holiday, which gave them training and a more mature mind.

(End of this chapter)

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