Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 200 Getting ready to go back to school

Chapter 200 Getting ready to go back to school
When Zhu Xiuyun came back to cook at noon, he mentioned that there were a dozen or so people in the village who organized the trip up the mountain. Except for pheasants and rabbits, they really didn't have any harvest, and there were no wild boars that were common in the past.

"Hahaha, I knew it would be like this. We searched the mountain for three days, and no matter how stupid the beast is, it would know to run away."

When Meng Hao heard this, his reaction was to laugh happily,
"Okay, you can't talk nonsense outside," Zhu Xiuyun glared at him.

Meng Hao shrank his neck, well, he was a little gloating,
After dinner, Su Qing and Su Qing continued to read books and do questions. Zhu Xiuyun brought the mutton and beef from home, and braised the beef and mutton in a large firewood pot. Qingqing did it a few times, which she had learned a long time ago.

My granddaughter loves to eat beef and mutton, so I will cook more today. After eating all the meat, the two children should go back to Mingyue City. I am left alone at home, so I have to let go no matter how reluctant I am.

Although Meng Hao has always been carefree, he was also depressed when he was about to be separated from his family, so he studied honestly for two days.

The day before they left, Su Qing and Meng Hao took time to find Li Peide,
That day when Li Peide came to look for her, Zhu Xiuyun had already told Su Qing. Before leaving, Su Qing thought that he should explain the matter of Huo Miao and Jiaojiao to him, otherwise he would not know the military headquarters of Anyang City. Supervising her, will she be reported to her superiors? Once she is noticed by a higher level, it will be difficult for her to keep a low profile.

Su Qing and Meng Yu brought Yue Jiaojiao together and went to Li Peide to explain the situation. After listening to Su Qing's words,

Li Peide looked at the red alien beast egg in her hand, and asked solemnly:

"You mean, as long as you have this alien egg in your hands, the flying tiger will not attack the villagers again,"

"Uncle, that's not a tiger, it's Qiongqi, an ancient mythical beast, but his blood has long been impure, more like a tiger."

Li Peide waved his hand, "It doesn't matter what his name is, as long as you know he is very powerful, he is not ordinary just because he can command many strange beasts, even if he will not cause danger to the villagers,

There is also a snake here, she is a thousand times more powerful than that tiger, you are too young to understand, I have never heard of a strange beast that can cultivate a human form, could it be that the legendary monsters and ghosts,
Now we are mainly afraid of her. That snake is not even afraid of the main gun of the shuttle. Isn't it very dangerous? With her in the mountains, it is always a hidden danger. "

Li Peide still has lingering fears when he recalled the scene where he commanded three shuttles to attack the big snake.

Su Qing rolled her eyes in her heart, what kind of monsters, ghosts, little monsters, forget it, Uncle Li doesn't understand, he is not even a supernatural master.

"Uncle, don't worry, Meng Hao and I went into Snake Valley a few days ago. The big snake has moved away. There is a pool in it, and there is a hole at the bottom of the mountain. It is empty. She must have left. Our energy is poor here, no It's suitable for her to practice, so she doesn't need to stay longer."

"Really?" Li Peide didn't really believe it. It was said that the snake had been here for hundreds of years, and now it left so easily. Did it retreat to advance.

"Uncle, the big snake must be gone. If you don't believe me, you can drive to Snake Valley to have a look. There are a lot of poisonous snakes along the way, so be careful."

Li Peide thought that he really didn't dare to go. If he didn't leave, the snake wouldn't be able to swallow them up if they went.

He still carried out the command of the chief and waited at the foot of the mountain for a period of time. If there is no problem for the villagers to go up the mountain in a few days, they will evacuate. After all, the snake has not harmed humans in this place for many years.
In any case, he must obey the orders of his superiors and will not make his own decisions.

"Okay, I see, thank you two for explaining the situation to me,
Student Su Qing, you should be more careful about raising that alien beast. After it breaks its shell, if it is difficult to raise, put her back in the mountain. The alien beast prefers the environment in the mountain. "

"It's okay, I'll take it back to school, and the teachers will teach me how to keep pet animals well. As a supernatural master, there must be a way."

"Oh, I forgot, your teachers are not ordinary people, so I wish you success in your studies and become the pillars of the empire in the future."

"Thank you uncle, let's go back,"

She deliberately explained to Li Peide about the alien beast egg, just to avoid trouble in the future,
After Su Qing and Meng Yu bid farewell to Li Peide, they went home and continued to read books and prepare for homework.
After lunch, they will pack up and salute in the afternoon, and prepare to go back to school tomorrow.

Su Qing had collected all the exotic animal meat in the new courtyard last night, and went back to her home to live in. The bacon was packed into the flame and jade pendants respectively.

This afternoon, I packed things with my grandma, stayed with her, and listened to my grandma's non-stop instructions.

For dinner, the grandfather and grandson made dumplings stuffed with mutton. Zhu Xiuyun had endless words to tell her granddaughter to let go no matter how worried she was, and let the children learn their skills so that they would have a better life in the future. Trapped in a small mountain village.

In the evening, Su Qing didn't practice drawing talisman refiners, but took out the spirit-gathering array plate to activate it, and began to try to practice in the spirit-gathering array.

Sitting cross-legged in the spirit-gathering formation, Su Qing felt very refreshed as soon as he started practicing. His thirsty meridians were finally satisfied, and his body swallowed a large amount of spiritual energy. The supernatural energy emitted made the flowers on the windowsill bloom and fall. , the big tree in the courtyard has grown new branches, and the crown of the tree has expanded a circle,
The energy spread and overflowed the yard, and the weeds on the corner and roadside began to grow wildly again. If someone passed by at this time, they would definitely be terrified.

Before dawn, Su Qing let out a deep breath, her breathing was steady, her spiritual energy retracted to her dantian, and she closed her eyes to open her eyes.

I saw a few potted plants on the window sill that covered the entire window without accident. During the time she was at home, these flowers worked very hard, and she often pruned them, otherwise the windows would be covered.
It is estimated that the trees and grass in the yard have not grown less. In the past, she would get up early to clean up, and would quietly pull out the crazy weeds.

After a long time, the weeds in front of the house and in the yard will be much less, but if a gust of wind can't stand it, countless grass seeds will be brought, and they will continue to grow.

Su Qing didn't care about her own yard, opened the gate and sure enough, the weeds were two feet high, she released her consciousness, no one was around,

A few wind blades passed by, cleaned up immediately, and piled up at the gate of my own farming field with a wave of hand, just feed the pigs directly,

Turning around and entering the courtyard, Zhu Xiuyu had already got up and was washing up. Su Qing silently picked up the broom and began to clean the fallen leaves in the courtyard.

After breakfast, she and Meng Hao will leave soon, and it will be the end of the year when we meet again.

As soon as she turned around, she saw her grandma looking at her with reluctance in her eyes, but she smiled and said to her:

"Qingqing, you are busy with your business, practice and pack your luggage, I will cook, after dinner, grandma will send you to the entrance of the village to make a flying machine."

"Yeah!" Su Qing nodded.

Sure enough, she was standing in the courtyard and started practicing. Zhu Xiuyun glanced at her. The little granddaughter had grown half as tall as before, and she had already reached her heart.

If you don't give up, you have to let go. Qingqing is an amazing child. She must not be delayed because she was not taken away by the Li family. She is already very sorry for the child.
After Su Qing practiced, she started to pack her luggage. When she came, she brought a bunch of them back, and when she left, there were quite a few of them. Those things were still in the suitcase.

What needs to be taken away is one flame, one monster egg, and the rest are the food Zhu Xiuyun prepared for her. Most of them are stored in the space.
Su Qing solemnly told Zhu Xiuyun and Meng Hao that the fact that Huomiao has space must be kept secret, because in the records, there is no strange beast with its own space.
Huo Miao must be a very cherished monster. Of course, what Su Qing said, the strange beast and the monster, the two of them couldn't figure out the difference, thinking they were both the same creature.

Su Qing continued to explain to the two that the storage device in Mengyuexing is very precious. If someone knows that Huomiao is a space pet, she will definitely not be able to keep Huomiao. Even her teacher Zhou Peilan will have scruples and cannot help her .

(End of this chapter)

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