Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 201 Grandma Meng's Advice

Chapter 201 Grandma Meng's Advice
After all, she came from a slightly cold background, and she is an inconspicuous existence in Mengyuexing, without any forces to rely on.

Zhou Peilan and Meng Zhitao will not offend the powerful for a student, and they will definitely let her hand over the fire after weighing it.
Huo Miao is a descendant of an ancient divine beast, not an ordinary alien beast with some abilities. Besides, alien beasts have no room to carry them around, nor do they have systematic cultivation and inheritance. They are not at the same level as the monster race.

The fact that Huo Miao has space must be a top secret, and the two of them can't afford to buy a storage device for the time being, so they have to hide it. For safety, only the three of them know about it, and keep the secret under the cover of each other.

After listening to it, Zhu Xiuyun and Meng Hao knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded repeatedly, didn't they?

Everyone is innocent and conceived a crime, and they poor people can't show off even if they have something good, and they will definitely be snatched away if they show it.

Therefore, the things you bring should be taken into account in all aspects, and you must take a copy of every kind of thing in the flame space outside.
A bag of bacon, a bag of sausages, a bag of blood tofu, a bag of marinated offal, a bag of exotic animal heads, all of which are flame cat food.

A bag of corn, a bag of flour, a large basket of fruit, these are almost more than what Su Qing brought when they came,
The three of them checked the things in the space again, and didn't rest assured until there were no mistakes.

Su Qing asked Zhu Xiuyun to keep a lot of bacon, sausages and fruits. Zhu Xiuyun would not agree if she didn't want her. How could she eat meat every day and let her grandma live a hard life? It is difficult to get exotic meat to eat.

You can't keep too much, it's all things that Uncle Su and the Meng family have seen, if there are too many, it will be bad if others suspect it, after she goes back, she will transfer a few more interstellar coins to her grandma, so that she can buy pork to eat , don't be reluctant to eat good food to save money.

Zhu Xiuyun filled the trolley with the things that Su Qing was going to take away. I don't know how many things the Meng family has prepared for Meng Yu!

At this time, Meng Yu was also saying goodbye to his parents, grandparents, and younger brothers at home. After dinner, he would go to the village entrance to wait for the aircraft.

Meng Yan's eyes were slightly red, "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will study hard and get ahead in the future, so that our whole family can live a good life. You don't have to worry about tuition and living expenses. Qingqing and I will set up a vegetable stall and work to earn money of."

Wang Qian held back her tears, but said bluntly:
"Son, can you do it? I really don't need any interstellar currency. This year our family has made money. We have saved a lot by selling yams and exotic animals, which is enough for your tuition."

"Mom, don't worry, it's very easy to make money in Mingyue City. There are rich people everywhere, especially our school. You should earn some money and save it well."

Meng Hong and his wife looked at each other. They were not as easy to fool as their son and his wife.

Meng Hong stared at the eldest grandson, "Meng Yan, tell us the truth, your own tuition and living expenses are really earned by yourself, and a part-time job at school is enough."

Meng Yan's eyes flickered, and he insisted:

"Of course, would I still lie to you? I have a scholarship, plus odd jobs, and Qingqing and I have grown a lot of vegetables, which will be sold in the market.
Grandpa, Qingqing and I worked very hard. We also picked a few valuable elixir plants on the mountain, and asked Grandpa Yang to take them back, and they can also be sold for a large amount of interstellar coins. "

Meng Yan stuck out his tongue quietly in his heart, it would be strange if he didn't lie, optical expenses and living expenses might really be enough,

But going to school is not only a small amount of money, various tuition and miscellaneous fees, and various resources and equipment needed for practice, there are countless. Qingqing and him probably spent tens of millions last semester.
If there is no Qingqing, he will definitely drop out of school, and his family members must not know about these things, even Grandma Zhu is half-knowledgeable, so there is no need to explain clearly, let them worry, he and Qingqing will solve it.

Grandma Meng looked at her grandson lovingly, and said angrily:
"Meng Hao, after hearing what you said, I knew that you must have taken advantage of Qingqing's child, but our two families have a good relationship, so it's nothing. You are so much older than Qingqing, so you must take good care of her at school. , don't let others bully her."

"Well, I know, Grandma."

Meng Hao grinned in his heart, who dares to bully Qingqing, it would be good not to be bullied by her, he didn't know how powerful Qingqing was before, but this time, Qingqing showed a little clue, anyway, Qingqing has been different since she was a child, very That's great.

"That kid Qingqing, did he activate his abilities?"

Luo Cuilan suddenly said this sentence, which made the whole family's face change. In the eyes of ordinary people, the supernatural master is like a fairy.
Meng Hao was suddenly asked by his grandma, and was immediately surprised. He thought that everyone had reached a consensus and kept this matter a secret.

Luo Cuilan continued:
"It was Qingqing who saved us that day. Everyone didn't say anything because it was to protect her. I don't know how Qingqing is at school. In the future, the child's achievements will be great.

Our whole family knows your aptitude, Meng Hao. Without Qingqing, you would be just like Dahu and the others, working with your father every day. It was Qingqing who dragged you into the intermediate class. You can't go wrong with that child's pace. "

Meng Yu nodded heavily,

"Grandma, I know that Qingqing's ability to activate is a secret. No one at school knows it. I, like you, just discovered it.

Qingqing said that she doesn't want to be so high-profile, we are not from a good background, we can't compare with those children from rich and powerful families, and we can hide our strength properly so that we won't be targeted by others. Only good test scores, those geniuses in school who are above the top don't care, Qingqing said that she would soar into the sky after the graduation exam. "

Meng Hong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the young Su Qing could think of these things. That child is thoughtful and intelligent. He is so young that he can think of hiding his strength so as not to make people jealous.

"Okay, we'll all be tight-lipped, take your luggage, and let's go out."

Meng Hao took his own suitcase, and the family prepared a big bag for him, which contained dried meat, flour and corn flour, and saved it for school to eat, so as to save money and save a little.

The Meng family thought that what they brought to Meng Yan would be complete enough, but when they went out, they saw Zhu Xiuyun's full load, and they all opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.
Mrs. Meng hurried over and asked in a low voice:
"Xiuyun, you're having a hard time, why did you bring so many things to Qingqing, even a basket of fruit, can they get them when they arrive at school?"

Looking at what the old sister prepared for the child, and then looking at her own home, she blushed a little, as it was clear that Qingqing couldn't finish eating by herself, and her grandson would definitely eat it up again.

"It's okay, not too much, I finished eating in a few days. In the first two days, I didn't share with you the two strange beasts that the two children went up the mountain to hunt. I just wanted to dry them all and bring them to them. Cook the internal organs and feed them to the cats. There’s still some bacon left over, you can try a piece later, it’s delicious.”

Two days ago, Su Qing and Meng Hao went up the mountain and hit the strange beast two days in a row. Why didn't Grandma Meng know about it, but they didn't ask when the grandson didn't mention it when he came home.
After asking, it seemed that they were thinking about the meat, but Xiuyun had already prepared it and brought it to the child. Fortunately, I am not the kind of petite person, otherwise I would come to the door, and it would not be shameful to make a big blush, so I said immediately:

"Look at what you said, am I the narrow-minded person? I have long thought that you prepared it for the children, and you keep the rest for you to eat. I still have meat in my family."

Zhu Xiuyun really wanted to smoke it well, and divide it between the two families. She has been busy all the time, so she wanted to wait for the child to leave and send some to her younger siblings and elder sister. There are too many exotic meats at home, so she hangs them in the warehouse of the new courtyard. on the beam.

Grandma Meng spotted a fat cat with stripes squatting on the car driven by Zhu Xiuyun, and asked in surprise:
"Qingqing goes to school, why does she have to take the cat with her? Where did she come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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