Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 202 The cat that entered the city

Chapter 202 The cat that entered the city
Zhu Xiuyun: "Qingqing picked it up. This cat only listens to Qingqing, and I don't like keeping it. Let her take it to school and raise it. Just eat whatever you want, and it's easy to feed even if it's small."

"Oh," Luo Cuilan didn't say much, although she didn't quite agree.

There are a lot of people who keep cats, it's not uncommon, even Qingqing insists on bringing a cat all the way, the old girl is enough to spoil her granddaughter.

Su Feng stood at the door of the house, waiting to send the child off. He carried a bag in his hand, which contained dried meat and energy flour. There were no other good things in the house, so it was just these two things. It was his kindness to bring them to the child.

After Su Qing declined, she thanked her uncle for accepting it. She couldn't let her second uncle lose face, and he also gave it to herself sincerely.

The tram driven by Zhu Xiuyun was full, and the bag from Su Feng could only be put on the tram of Meng’s house.

A group of people walked slowly towards the entrance of the village. The villagers they met on the way knew that the two children were going back to school, and they all looked at them with envy.

The aircraft that Su Qing reserved arrived at 9:8, and it was only [-]:[-] at this time, and there was still half an hour to wait.

Everyone was standing at the entrance of the village chatting. Li Peide knew that Su Qing and Meng Hao were returning to school today, and waved to them from a distance, but did not come over.

The more we parted, the more things we could talk about, which made the atmosphere a bit sad.
Su Qing has never experienced in her previous life, the feeling of someone caring, nagging, and being told, tears flowed down unconsciously, she was so reluctant to part with her grandma,

Those who are in ecstasy are just farewell, Su Qing finally felt this emotion deeply.

No matter how much you want to talk to your loved ones again, the time has come,

The aircraft dropped from the sky, the pilot checked the information, the cabin door opened, and everyone began to help move things in, almost filling the cabin.

Su Qing and Meng Xiao parted with their relatives in tears, and embarked on a journey to study again. This situation will happen many times,

Now they are only studying on this planet, and they are likely to leave Mengyuexing in the future to pursue a farther future.

There was no words all the way, the two of them were very silent,

In the afternoon, the aircraft arrived at Mingyue City, and soon stopped at the gate of the first intermediate class. At this time, there were still many aircraft parked at the gate of the school, all of which were returning students.
After the aircraft landed, Su Qing paid directly, opened the cabin door, and the two of them went down to move things down and put them on the side of the road where they would not get in the way.
On other aircraft, the students who came down showed disdainful smiles when they saw their big bags and small bags. At first glance, they were poor students from bad backgrounds. They took everything to school and had to move. eat.

Just look at them carrying a light suitcase and walking out of the cabin door. Who would go back to school with a lot of torn bags? It's a shame. There are such students in their school.

Su Qing and the others ignored other people's eyes, and moved everything by themselves. After the pilot checked, the aircraft left by itself.

"Meng Hao, you go to the school to rent a tram, so many things, we can't take them back at once."

"I know, Qingqing, you are here to look at the luggage, I will be back soon."

After Meng Hao finished speaking, he ran into the school at high speed, his movement unfolded, as fast as a shooting star.

It is very safe at the school gate, Meng Hao is not at ease, leaving Qingqing alone for too long, as for Huo Miao, she can't be exposed in Mingyue City, she can only be a pet cat.

Even though he usually listens to Qingqing, Meng Yan is like a big brother in life, not to mention that his family tells him to take good care of his younger sister every day.
Meng Yu went to the school to rent a car, Su Qing stood by the roadside, looking at a large pile of luggage, and Huo Miao squatted vigilantly beside the master, with big round eyes, looking around non-stop,

This is a human city. There are so many people, and the houses are so tall. It is not the same as in the inheritance. Huo Miao’s heart is pounding with excitement. He has been in the barren mountains and mountains since he was born, and he has never been to a busy city. Vision, I think the master did the right thing, it's my sister who has vision.

At this time, another aircraft landed in the sky, and when the hatch opened, a beautiful girl stepped out, in an exquisite dress, with hair flowing like a cloud, pulling a pink suitcase, and walked out of the hatch lightly.

The girl wanted to go straight into the school gate, but when she glanced at Su Qing and saw Su Qing guarding a pile of rags, she immediately showed contempt, walked towards Su Qing instead, and said softly:
"Hey, look at who this is, isn't he a young genius of our class, why is he guarding a pile of rags?"

Su Qing looked at her coldly, "I don't know you, what you do has nothing to do with you, don't have nothing to do with me."

"Hey, little girl, what are you talking about? It's really rude. My sister greeted you, but who is getting close to you? A student without talent, just taking exams is useless. When you reach the fourth grade, you will cry, hum. "

After the girl finished speaking, she was very self-sufficient, not as knowledgeable as her, twisted her slender waist, pulled the suitcase, and walked away with a proud face. Who wants to talk to this beggar.

The girl's voice attracted the attention of many students, who looked at Su Qing with curiosity, disdain, and inquiry.
He was not in the same class as Su Qing, and he didn't know who she was, so he whispered to his acquaintances who the little girl was and how she set up a stall at the school gate.

Faced with these, Su Qing completely ignored them. I saw many such things in my previous life, and there were more extreme things than this. Being scolded and insulted, the students' petty tricks were nothing at all, they were very immature.

Su Qing's pink and tender face was as calm as water, expressionless, standing there motionless, whatever others wanted to say, anyway, she and Meng Hao had always been different in school.

Meng Yu drove the tram and stopped beside Su Qing, and seeing many people staring at Qingqing and pointing fingers, he immediately frowned nervously, seeing that Qingqing was fine,
He also ignored those people and laughed at the luggage behind them. If he cared about it every day, he wouldn't be able to work.

"Qingqing, I'm here, let's load the car, first put this basket of fruit on top, and put the dried meat on the bottom so it won't get crushed."

"Well," the two quickly loaded the things into the car, stacked them up high if they couldn't fit, and tied them tightly with a rope. Fortunately, they were well prepared. Thinking of this, they took the rope from home, and they were not afraid of meat and flour. It was crushed, and the whole car was loaded.

After packing all the salutes, Meng Hao drove, Su Qing followed behind with two suitcases, and entered the campus openly, ignoring those strange eyes at all, you don't care how much I take of my own things.

The people passing by left a strong smell of meat, which made everyone salivate, what is in it, it smells so good.

Meng Yu drove the car, Su Qing followed along with the flames, no one noticed, Su Qing didn't take a step, it seemed small, but he could always catch up with the speed of the tram, he seemed very leisurely,
Finally arrived at the door of their dormitory, Su Qing took out her student card and swiped to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Jiabao's voice came, "Welcome Su Qing and Meng Yu back."

Suddenly there was a sound, and the flames that were poking at the door were so frightened that they immediately blew their hairs and swished onto the luggage on the tram, what the hell?

Su Qing walked in and said to Jiabao: "Jiabao, we are back with a lot of things, come and help us move in."

"Okay, student Su Qing." Jiabao started his driving program and slid out the door.

At school, all the work was contracted by Jiabao and Meng Hao, Su Qing was only in charge of directing, all the food was put in the kitchen, and Meng Hao went to return the tram first.
Huo Miao walked around looking for Jiabao several times, and even got closer to smell it. Su Qing had a question in his mind,

"Master, what kind of monster is this? Why isn't it made of flesh and blood?"

Su Qing looked at her with a smile, and replied: "Jiabao is not a monster, but a robot, and he will take care of you in the future."

Then he said to Garbo:

"Jiabao, this is my pet cat named Huo Miao. I will take care of him from now on. Prepare food, bathe him, and clean up his feces."

(End of this chapter)

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