Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 203 Meng Xiaoyu's Surprise

Chapter 203 Meng Xiaoyu's Surprise
Jiabao heard a strange sound, two eyes protruded from his head, and two beams of light fell on Huo Miao, frightened Huo Miao rushed behind the owner, what a thing, scared the cat to death.

"Student Su Qing, if you keep a pet in the dormitory, you need to go to the school's general affairs department to register. You ask the cat to stand up. I will take a photo of him and send it to the school's official website to apply for a pet card. Otherwise, there will be no pets on campus. The alien beast will be cleaned up."

Su Qing didn't expect this to happen, so he hurriedly asked Huomiao to stand up to take a picture. Only then did Huomiao realize that the robot was going to take a picture of him, and immediately put on a beautiful pose, haha! !He is also a registered cat.
After solving the fire issue, Su Qing sent a message to Yang Wei and Meng Xiaoyu, telling them that they had returned to school a long time ago, and brought back a lot of dried meat, sausages and fruits, and asked them to come and get some back to taste.
Meng Xiaoyu came very quickly. Her home is in the family area of ​​the school. As soon as she entered the door, she bluffed and said:
"Qingqing, when you come back, you finally brought the dried meat from home. Keep it for yourself. I know you just came back, and there is nothing in the dormitory. Look, I emptied my refrigerator."

How could Meng Xiaoyu want the things that Su Qing and his wife brought from home? Hearing from Yang Wei, Su Qing and his village are very poor, and the villagers can’t eat a few meals of meat throughout the year, and their life is very miserable. Wang Wang, I feel sorry for Xiao Qingqing living in such an environment.

After Su Qing sent a message, Meng Xiaoyu brought all the vegetables and meat from the refrigerator at home, just to let the two of them eat something good, and let her mother and grandma jump on their feet.

Su Qing and Meng Hao were stunned when they saw the big bag in her hand. They didn't expect sister Xiaoyu to bring them food.

Su Qing winked and motioned for Meng Hao to take it. She smiled and said:

"Sister Xiaoyu, thank you for bringing us something to eat, we just need it,

We brought a lot of bacon and sausages from home for you to taste, but they have not been purified. You have to purify them before eating them. You can see that they are all here. "

Meng Xiaoyu's eyes widened when she saw the dried meat, fruits, sausages, and all kinds of braised meat in the kitchen.

So many things, how did the two children bring them back,

It turned out that when Meng Yu and Jiabao were moving things, Su Qing took the opportunity to release some more, so that they could cover up and eat more dried meat for a few more days.

Jiabao is a robot, and he doesn't think about why there are more things. He only does things according to the program or the owner's order. Even if the jerky at home can't be eaten, he doesn't think it's weird. Only the special system is installed. Security robots have those programs, and Garbo is just a housekeeping robot.

Therefore, the number of cloth bags moved into the kitchen is doubled mysteriously.

"Sister Xiaoyu, I didn't lie to you. We really brought a lot of dried meat. After Meng Yu and I returned home, we went up the mountain every day to collect medicine and hunt strange beasts. We hunted a lot of strange beasts, so we made meat selections." , intending to bring it to the school to eat, so as not to spend money on it, the prices in Mingyue City are too high."

Meng Xiaoyu nodded blankly. Is this the mountain people whose family is difficult that Dad said?

You can hunt strange beasts if you just enter the mountain. It doesn't mean that every family has endless meat, and their family can't eat meat every day. Is it because my father doesn't know the life in the mountain at all and lied to her.

"Qingqing, there are a lot of strange beasts in your place, are they easy to hunt?"

"No, it's very difficult. I have to go to a place far away in the mountains. It's okay for ordinary people to go into the mountains to hunt pheasants and rabbits.

For the young and strong in the village, it takes a lot of people to dare to enter the mountain together. If you can kill at most two strange beasts, you have to go in and out quickly, otherwise you will attract ferocious beasts and die. "

After hearing this, Meng Xiaoyu asked with doubts: "Then how did you two manage to hunt so many strange beasts?"

Adults can't do things, how can two children succeed, aren't they afraid of ferocious beasts?
Su Qing had already prepared her speech,
"We are lucky. The main reason is that Meng Hao is very powerful. His martial arts has broken through to the fourth level, and ordinary beasts can't hurt him. I'm preparing some drugs. It's not difficult to hit wild boars and sheep. Our school teaches Students, can they be the same as ordinary villagers?"

Su Qing and Meng Yan had already discussed and pushed the matter of killing alien beasts to Meng Rong. As for the incident of the alien beast tide in the village, they picked up a carload of alien beasts, they would not take the initiative to mention it, once it spread , it would be bad if it caused trouble,

If Yang Dayong heard what the villagers said, he would go home and tell Yang Wei that Yang Wei asked about this, and they were adapting accordingly, so they would definitely not take the initiative to bring up the occurrence of the Alien Beast Tide.

Meng Xiaoyu suddenly realized, "Really, it turns out that exotic beasts are so easy to hunt, and my dad kept saying it was dangerous and wouldn't let me go. I've wanted to go into the mountains for a long time. It must be fun."

Su Qing and Meng Hao looked at each other, bad, what they said was too easy, which aroused sister Xiaoyu's playfulness,
Meng Hao hurriedly added, "Sister Xiaoyu, going into the mountains is not a joke. Qingqing and I grew up in the village and are familiar with our mountain range. We know where is safe and where is dangerous. Beast territory, only hunting wild sheep, sika deer, wild boars and other herbivorous animals, you don’t have experience in mountains, so you can’t take risks.”

Meng Xiaoyu waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay, don't worry, I'm older than you, and my skills are not bad. If you can hunt strange beasts, I'm sure I'll be fine."

Su Qing thought, what kind of family is the Meng family? It is best to go hunting in the mountains and prepare comprehensively. Teacher Meng will hire many people to protect the precious daughter.

While talking, the doorbell rang, and Yang Wei and Yang Xue came.

The brothers and sisters stared wide-eyed in surprise when they saw so much jerky. Meng Yan asked them to sit down, each with a cup of tea, and listen to him talk about how he killed the Quartet and fought against strange beasts.

Hearing the three of Meng Xiaoyu exclaimed, they opened their mouths wide open, wishing that it was him who killed the strange beast.
Su Qing snorted coldly in her heart, unable to see that Meng Hao still had the talent to tell stories,
Yang Xue touched Huomiao when she saw Huomiao, and wanted to hold her in her arms. Huomiao would rather die than surrender, and struggled hard. Su Qing gave him a glare, and then reconciled helplessly. Okay, let's be hugged by this female for a while,
"Qingqing, your pet cat is so cute. It looks like a little tiger. I want to raise one too, but my mother won't let me, saying it's unhygienic, and I have to take him to be vaccinated and dewormed frequently. My family members are very concerned about it." busy, no one to take care of him."

Su Qing nodded, "Yeah, Huomiao is a stray cat. He was thrown away. It's so pitiful. I adopted him because I had no choice. My grandma didn't agree, so I had to secretly bring him to school. Fortunately, Jiabao able to take care of him."

Several high-end schools in Mingyue City are rich and powerful, and they will also equip students with robot butlers. A robot is very expensive.
Don't look at the Yang family's life is good, with whom to compare the points, they can't afford robots, they have money to buy robots and energy stones, they might as well use it to raise children, Zhao Mei did it at home, there are all kinds of things. It is not very tiring to use a high-tech tool, but it is not as primitive as Shanquan Village.

When Yang Wei came, he didn't forget to bring the snake slough flower that Su Qingnian asked him to keep,

The two walked to the second floor, Yang Wei pressed the password, opened the medicine box,

Su Qing took out the snake slough flowers and put them in the fresh-keeping cabinet, then whispered to Yang Wei:

"I will refine these snake slough flowers into detoxification potions. You will have to help sell them at a high price. I will go home. I will spend about the same amount of money. I need to learn how to refine weapons when I start school, and I need to buy a lot of things."

"You can leave it to me at ease, and the pill you asked me to refine, I have already successfully refined one, the first-level medicine, the second-level medicine will not work, no matter what you can't succeed."

 No, I woke up very early, didn't sleep well, had a headache, ran in the hospital for a day during the day, and went through the hospitalization procedures for my dad, and now my head is foggy, only one chapter has been updated, and the day is continuing.

(End of this chapter)

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