Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 204: Rich in Spiritual Qi

Chapter 204: Rich in Spiritual Qi
"You are not satisfied with the successful refining of the first level. The potency of the pill is several times that of the potion, and the selling price must be higher. You will become a master of potion in the future. Count the money until you are soft, so you can just smile." !"

Su Qing gave Yang Wei a white look, using ordinary refining equipment to let people without spiritual energy practice elixir is already amazing, but what else do you want to do, if you are so good, you will go to heaven.

The two were talking quietly on the second floor, and laughter kept coming from the first floor, Meng Xiaoyu kept laughing,

Why! !Single-celled organisms are also pretty good, at least they don't have so many troubles. Only a family like the Meng family can raise a delicate girl who can live a life of carefree and happy life.

Even if Su Qing lives again, he still can't get rid of the haze. It's a feeling that's deep in his bones, and he can't shout and laugh without taboo.

Yang Wei is very cautious about refining pills. Unlike Su Qing and Meng Hao, he doesn't take refining pills seriously. He knows how much sensation he will cause when the pills he made are made public.
This matter needs to be carried out step by step. After Meng Yan's cooking method of refining medicine becomes popular, he will boldly say that he also wants to study a new way of refining medicine in front of his teachers and classmates, and say some Zhuang words that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.
After a while, pretend to have unintentionally refined the pills, and test the pills publicly, then it will probably be a matter of course, let the pills come out,

As the inventor of the pill, he will be famous all over the world, even the entire universe, hahaha, thinking of that scene, Yang Wei showed a smug smile.

The brothers and sisters of the Yang family and Meng Xiaoyu didn't stay long, took the dried bacon and sausage that Su Qing had packed for them, and went back separately. They didn't want any fruit, and no one was short of it, so let Su Qing and the others eat it.

Jiabao cleans the dormitory every day, and there is no need for Su Qing and the two to do anything, just fill the refrigerator and put the dried meat in a ventilated place on the balcony, so as not to get moldy, just ventilate the room.

As soon as it got dark, the two of them prepared to make dinner, and went back to the room early to rest after eating.
Three days later, the school officially started, and they were free to move around during these three days.

Huomiao was arranged in the corner of the living room, and a cushion was laid for him, which would be his future nest.
At night, Su Qing was still in the room, practicing drawing symbols,

She needs to learn all the low-level talismans to pass the ancestor's request.
Sometimes she also has doubts, isn't the ancestor an alchemist?Why do you still need to learn how to draw talismans? She still understands learning formations. It has something to do with the ancestor's skills. Why do alchemists learn how to draw talismans?

Annoyed because a sharp golden talisman failed many times, Su Qing asked the ancestor this question,

Luo Zilan said in a tone that you are too ignorant:

"Qingqing, you have to know that monks cultivate themselves by plundering the energy between the heaven and the earth, but they will encounter various situations during the practice.

You are not a casual cultivator. My ancestor, I have inherited the sect. As the core disciples of the sect, they have all developed in an all-round way since childhood, just like you need to learn hundreds of homework when you go to school. To engage in this profession, you must learn the basics and reach the point of understanding.
You can't regret it until you face adversity. The major occupations of cultivation are not easy, and you can benefit from them. It doesn't matter if you don't have talent. As long as you understand the basic principles, you will not be deceived when you walk in the universe. The way to crack. "

Su Qing understands the truth, but there is too much to learn, and there is always not enough time. She seems to be a little impatient, so she calms down immediately and continues to draw symbols, so that the probability of success will immediately increase a lot.

Luo Zilan nodded, Qingqing was still too young, with too many failures, she became impatient and irritable.

After midnight, when it was time for Su Qing to practice, she released a protective formation disk and activated the gathering spirit formation, and then began to practice sitting cross-legged.
The ancestor said that in the future, her cultivation base will become higher and higher, and there will be a lot of movement during cultivation. Although ordinary people can't feel it, the supernatural master can still detect the flow of energy.

You need to protect yourself when you are practicing. If you are disturbed, it will be bad. Once the spiritual energy goes to the wrong meridians, the impact will be serious. In the past, she was low in cultivation and absorbed little spiritual energy.

If it was in her era, there must be a restraining formation when practicing, and if it is retreating, it must be tightly guarded and have a specific place.

Of course, Su Qing listened to the ancestors, but the array needs to be activated by spirit stones, and he activated it with spirit energy. The use time is very short, and the effect is far worse.

It is said that the ancestor space originally had as many spirit stones as several mountains, but they were gradually consumed by the space, and I don't know if it is true or not. Anyway, she didn't see a single spirit stone. I don't know that the empire still has such spirit stones. something?
Su Qing got rid of distracting thoughts and began to practice. The aura surged in and almost broke her meridians. She adjusted her breathing in time and controlled the speed of the aura so that she was not injured. Looking inside, the aura came like a torrent. Oh my god, how could it be It is so thick that it is several times purer than the aura in Shanquan Village.

Mingyue City is worthy of being the capital of Mengyuexing. The place where it is located is full of energy, and for many years, the aura has been discharged and rarely absorbed. It has been accumulated for many years, and it was so thick and scary back then.
Mingyue City has a large population, and many factories process food. They must first be purified, and a large amount of spiritual energy will be released. Therefore, the content of spiritual energy in the air is very high, and ordinary people can't detect it.

At first, Su Qing didn't think so, because she used to have a low cultivation base, but now she entered the foundation building stage. Once the kung fu was activated, the spiritual energy roared in, almost bursting through the meridians. Fortunately, she controlled it. It feels so good to practice like this, and it can't be absorbed The energy is such a joy.

Huo Miao, who had been lying on the cushion in the living room, suddenly opened his eyes. Such pure aura, it would be a waste not to cultivate. He immediately took a posture, breathed out the aura, and practiced at the same time as his master.

In the first intermediate class school, many teachers are supernatural masters, and they also meditate at night to practice supernatural powers, including the entire Mingyue City. There are countless supernatural masters, so the flow of energy will not attract attention at all, unless Su Qing's cultivation is one level higher.

The next day, Su Qing and Meng Hao got used to getting up early, doing exercises, making breakfast,
According to Su Qing's instructions, Jiabao added chopped marinated viscera to the porridge cooked by Huomiao alone, and put some green vegetable leaves. The nutritious and delicious meat porridge was ready.

After dinner, Su Qing and the others had to tidy up the planting fields first. Before leaving, they sold all the vegetables grown last year to Zhang Cheng. The rest were left unattended and probably withered.
The two pulled out the dead vegetable seedlings, plowed the ground again, sprinkled some ready-made fertilizers, buried the seeds, and waited for two days to eat new vegetables.

In the afternoon, they went to the school library to borrow a few books, and then went to the optical brain room for two hours to learn about the latest situation of the empire.

After returning, go to the commercial area to buy some vegetables and daily necessities,

By the way, I said hello to Zhang Cheng and gave him a piece of bacon, but told him to eat less. They didn't purify the meat of exotic animals. Zhang Cheng said he knew and he would deal with it. After chatting for a few words, the two went back to the dormitory.

When Su Qing returned to school, he had already made a plan, combined with the homework to be learned this semester, and prepared some items.

She contacted Yang Wei first, and asked him to take the two of them to the market for a walk.

After the start of school, they will take practical courses on refining tools. They will study theoretical courses for a few years, and they will start refining various tools in the new semester.

What they want to buy in Mingyue City, they can only trouble Yang Wei, Su Qing will not be polite to him anyway, Yang Wei is also her registered disciple, shouldn't it be right to do things for the master?
Yang Wei really respected Su Qing. He knew in his heart that Su Qing kept saying that she discovered the pills by accident, so it's a lie!It is obvious that the way Su Qing taught him to refine medicine is a complete refining system,
(End of this chapter)

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