Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 205 Can Star Market

Chapter 205 Can Star Market
Meng Hao's medicine cooking method must have been discovered by accident, Su Qing's is definitely not, she must have been passed down from a teacher,
Since Su Qing didn't want to expose it, he acted as if he didn't know. It would be nice to be able to fulfill himself. His future would definitely not be small in the future, but he still needed to be proficient for a while. After all, it was really difficult to master a new refining method.

Yang Wei felt that Su Qing was able to pass on the precious refining method to him, it was simply a mountain of kindness,

He won't look down on and fool her just because she is young, Ji Xiao, he definitely regards Su Qing as a teacher and friend, and respects her very much in his heart.

Su Qing asked him to help, can you not agree?

Not only agreed without hesitation, but also personally took them to the largest material market in Mingyue City to have a look.

"Here we are, Qingqing, get off the car, Meng Rong."

Before school started, Yang Wei brought Su Qing and Meng Yu to the Canxing Market,
This is the largest cultivation resource market in Mingyue City. It has wholesale and retail, stalls and shops. It covers an area of ​​over a hundred acres. There are all kinds of equipment and materials related to cultivation. Lingzhi and others.

Every time Yang Wei buys spiritual plants, he will come here, and he also sells medicines through this channel, but the people who buy them are introduced by school teachers, and they are all safe stores, and they will not cheat them.

Canxing Market is a mixed bag of dragons and snakes, and there are people from various planets, many of whom are unknown and cannot get along on other planets.

In the past, Yang Wei didn't dare to bring his two children here, all he went to were big shopping malls, although they were safe and secure,
Ever since he saw the jerky they brought from home, plus Meng Hao's fuss, he really believed that Meng Hao's martial arts skills were extraordinary.
As long as you're careful, you won't have any problems if you take them to see them. After all, they will need more resources in the future. I don't necessarily have time, so I often accompany them here.

Taking the opportunity to open the eyes of the two of them, see the world, and introduce the channels and contacts he knows to them.

In the Canxing market, there is a lot of traffic. Not only people from this planet will come to purchase, but also from other planets. Most of the spaceships that land at the spaceport every day are cargo spaceships.

"Follow me closely, you two, and be careful of the valuables on your body. There are dragons and snakes in the market, and there are everyone. If you lose something, don't try to get it back."

Su Qing and Meng Hao nodded, and Su Qing set up an aura shield for herself, so that no one could get anything from her.

Meng Yu held Qingqing's hand tightly, there are many people here, don't get separated from Qingqing, as an elder brother, you must take good care of your younger sister.

The first thing they visited was the Lingzhi and Alien Beast stalls.

Su Qing and Meng Hao can be regarded as an eye-opener. Although they have studied spiritual plants and alien beasts for many years, they have known countless elixir and alien beasts, and they have seen thousands of real spiritual plants and alien beasts. shocking,
Many elixir and materials from strange beasts were just novelties to Meng Hao.

Su Qing is different, many of them are useful to her, but unfortunately she has no money to buy them, she only has a few million interstellar coins, but in this market, a few million can't buy any good things, there are too many good things.

Many people buy low-level elixir by truckload. High-end ones are very expensive, and she can't afford them. Su Qing can only buy some elixir seeds and plant them herself when she goes back to save money.

In the alien beast area, there are living and dead alien beasts of all kinds, ranging from the cheapest pheasant and rabbit to the high-end flame tiger, iron-toothed crocodile, and eagle falcon. I've seen the pictures, now I can see the real thing.

Going further inside is the material that can be used for refining weapons, taken from various beasts,
Some alien beasts will have an energy core on their head when they are old, which is also a good material for refining equipment. It is said that the pharmacists in the central galaxy will also use the brain core to refine medicine.

The fur, bones, and special parts of the animal's body are all used for different purposes. Even blood and meat can be made into food.

The two of them, Su Qing, have just started to learn, and they don't know how to refine weapons with exotic animal materials, which can only be done by real weapon refiners.

They first need to learn how to refine some common natural minerals, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, jade, jadeite, etc. Some energy-containing ores will not let them waste. After all, no matter how rich they are, they can’t afford it. In order to be eligible to use energy ore refining.

So Yang Wei just took them to have a look, gained some knowledge, introduced a few acquaintances to the two of them,
Let them go to these stores when they come to Canxing Market to buy things in the future. At least acquaintances will not cheat you, and newcomers who come to the market to shop will have to be cheated several times, so they will learn a lesson.

Su Qing and Meng Hao greeted each other very politely. When the shopkeepers or stall owners heard that they were students of the first intermediate class, they immediately smiled and said politely, if you need anything in the future, just come to them and guarantee the price justice.

Yang Wei took them to the pharmacy area, where all kinds of pharmacies were sold, from blood coagulation potions, rejuvenation potions to beauty potions, essence-enhancing potions, marrow-cleaning potions, all of which were very complete. Of course, the quality was different, the best The potion of medicine will not appear in the market, it has long been monopolized by the major forces, and even if it is available, it is very rare.

Finally came to their destination, the refining area,

Yang Wei helped them choose two sets of cheap refining tools, hammers, molds, carving knives, polishers, etc.
I also bought some low-level refining materials, most of which are metals, and I also chose some jade. All kinds of ores are raw materials for refining equipment, and can refine various items. These just need to be learned, and no one knows how to make them. After becoming a power master, refine those junk items.

The refinement of supernatural masters is all about energy weapons, magic weapons, and spirit treasures.
Meng Yu was carrying a big bag, and the two of them had almost the materials they needed to buy, so they left Canxing Market,
Yang Wei invited the two of them to eat at home, saying that it was his parents, and repeatedly told him that he must take them home for a meal.
Su Qing didn't agree, she didn't have a gift in her hand, so she didn't feel very good when she came to the door rashly, so she said that she would visit another day, the Yang family took good care of them, and she would definitely go to visit the elders, but it would be rude to go empty-handed .

Yang Wei said nonchalantly:

"Okay, it's still polite to eat at my house. You didn't bring us bacon sausage from home. Our whole family ate it yesterday. It was delicious. How did you make that taste? My mother also said that she would tell you Let's study."

Su Qing was right when he thought about it. Yang Wei had taken the gift back long ago. When he heard him ask about the bacon, he said casually:

"You can't get it in the city, and there is no place. You have to smoke the marinated meat of different animals with burning fruit tree branches and then air-dry it."

Yang Wei said oh, then there is no way, Mingyue City does not allow trees to be burned at all, if there is no way to do it, the mother will give up,
On second thought, he could ask his dad to find a remote place and try smoking some. As long as it can be sold for money, his dad would definitely not mind the trouble.

"By the way, Uncle Yang, the bacon and sausage I sent are not purified, you must dispose of them when you eat them."

Su Qing told him that at that time, a little worried, and reminded him again that the people in their village are fine after eating, which does not mean that the Yang family is fine, this is not a joke.

While driving, Yang Wei looked ahead and said:
"There is no food for purification. I am a supernatural master. It's not a big problem if I eat it. It's okay for the family to eat less. For example, Yang Xue can eat a piece of meat and a piece of sausage. If you want to eat it happily, you have to filter it in the machine. down energy.

Qingqing, you two were born in a remote place, you may not understand, in fact, natural food should be eaten by everyone, we can't eat it, it is because of some damage to the genes,
Only by allowing the body to absorb natural food can our hidden genes be activated. I also drank the genetic evolution fluid once before I can eat food that does not need to be purified. This is an open secret in the upper class society, and ordinary people at the bottom do not know Yes, we didn't know until we were admitted to the college, but no one dared to speak out, it would cause social unrest. "

(End of this chapter)

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