Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 210 Hidden danger

Chapter 210 Hidden danger
Others may not be able to feel the energy fluctuations, but he can. In order to create an environment suitable for students to activate their abilities, the training room is very rich in energy. In the teacher's sense, every breath of air contains energy particles.

But what is the situation now?As soon as the students entered the independent practice room and began to meditate, the energy in the space oscillated violently, almost forming a storm, roaring towards one direction,
The teacher has been working for decades, and he has never seen such a scene in the 20 years of teaching supernatural courses.
How can a student absorb supernatural powers, such as the Yangtze River, he can feel the flowing energy blowing up a breeze, who is this?who is it?It is definitely not a simple activation of abilities,
He ran over to look at the student number. Su Qing, Class [-], Grade [-], and the supernatural power teacher smiled. It seemed that Su Qing had activated the supernatural power, and it was very powerful. He was able to introduce so much energy at the beginning.

At this time, Su Qing seemed to be interested in playing, and there was no major problem anyway, so he made his own decision and tried hard to absorb the supernatural power. With more and more energy, Su Qing's primordial spirit was actually growing slowly.

If Luo Zilan sees this, her jaw will definitely drop in shock. This is too unrealistic and unscientific. How come, can the primordial spirit also absorb energy?
According to the theory of self-cultivation, people and all kinds of creatures in the universe absorb aura to strengthen themselves. The aura circulates in the body and is finally stored in the dantian, while the demon clan is condensed into a demon pill.

As the cultivation base continues to advance, until it becomes the highest level of existence in the universe, and is rejected by the heavens, it will shatter the void and go to a higher-level universe, that is, the fairyland to continue practicing.

The primordial spirit will follow, and the monk's advanced level will gradually increase. At the stage of transformation, he will be able to form another self, but it is all composed of energy, such as Luo Zilan's current appearance,
Therefore, Su Qing's supernatural ability can make the primordial spirit grow stronger, which is simply breaking the eternal tradition. Can Luo Zilan not be shocked?It's a pity that she still doesn't know that Su Qing is messing around.

At this moment, Luo Zilan saw that the pure wood-type power was absorbed by Qingqing, but not discharged, and thought that she had successfully condensed the brain nucleus.

Su Qing felt boring after playing for a while, and couldn't gather the nuclei. What to do with wasting time practicing, she just stopped practicing, no longer practicing, and sat with her eyes open in a daze.

"Qingqing, what's the matter, is it not working? Forget it, you can just use the aura to simulate the supernatural power."

Su Qing said with a strange face:
"No, ancestor, something strange happened, I don't understand, it's like this, I introduced energy to gather in the brain, and it didn't form an energy core like the teacher taught, but all the energy disappeared. The primordial spirit has absorbed it."

Luo Zilan was surprised: "What? How could this happen?"

"Don't resist, I will enter your soul to have a look,"

Luo Zilan turned into light and entered Yuanshen from Suqing Shenting. She almost jumped when she entered. What did this child do? Let's see what Yuanshen has become.
Su Qingyuan's spirit is already stronger than ordinary people, and as her cultivation level improves, she will become stronger and stronger, and eventually her soul will come out of her body, as strong as her physical body.
But look now, how long ago, her primordial spirit has already caught up with Nascent Soul cultivator, what's going on, is supernatural power cultivation a method of cultivating primordial spirit, and cultivation and supernormal abilities complement each other, which is impossible.

Cultivation has a history of hundreds of millions of years, and there has long been a mature cultivation system. I don't know how many people have cultivated into immortals and ascended to the upper realm. Su Qing must have hit it by mistake.

Luo Zilan carefully checked Su Qing's soul. As a monk, the soul is very important. Once there is a problem, the path of practice will be ruined.

Fortunately, there is no major problem, but the Yuanshen is extremely powerful, which is also a problem, and I have to tell Qingqing quickly, Luo Zilan turned into a streamer and flew out of Su Qing's Yuanshen,

Su Qing was a little guilty, and asked anxiously: "Old Ancestor, is there any problem with my primordial spirit?"

During the practice, Su Qing didn't feel any discomfort, and it's okay to look inside her soul.

"Qingqing, your primordial spirit is fine, on the contrary, it is much stronger, but this is the biggest problem."

Su Qing exclaimed: "Ah, why, isn't it good to be strong?"

"Do you think everything is strong? Your current cultivation base has just established a foundation, but the Yuanshen has reached the level of the Nascent Soul stage. You can think about it yourself, can you do it?

In layman's terms, your mental strength does not match your body. Your physical strength cannot keep up with the level of your soul. If you continue like this, your body will not be able to withstand the explosion of mental strength, and it will be crushed into meat. Do you think it is serious or not? "

Su Qing's face showed panic, and he asked in disbelief:
"God, ancestor, aren't you scaring me? How come I don't feel anything at all?"

"Of course you don't feel it now. You have only absorbed a little power, and there is still time. In the future, you must stop absorbing powers. You must work hard to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, so that your body and mental power can reach a balance as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it is also a hidden danger, and there is Nine-Turn Mysterious Kung Fu, you have to step up your practice, every time you increase the number of turns, your body strength will double, so you feel that there is no problem, fortunately you are a double practitioner of physical fitness, otherwise you would have already felt uncomfortable. "

Su Qing was a little sluggish, this is not a good time, a time bomb appeared in her mind, once her physical strength could not keep up, it was about to explode, fortunately, the ancestor helped her to see it, and found it in advance, otherwise she would be a fool Trying to absorb the power, I will lose my bones, it's terrible,
But she has just built her foundation, and it is still too early to reach the Nascent Soul stage. The ancestor said that it is a peerless genius who can advance to the Nascent Soul within a hundred years old. Why does she have to be a hundred years old before she can hope to get rid of hidden dangers? Hey, it’s still early !
It's okay for Su Qing to sit cross-legged. She can only cheat when she learns supernatural powers. If she continues to practice, she will be at the end of her life. If she has nothing to do, close her eyes and get familiar with the alchemy formula. When she can draw a more advanced fire talisman, she can start alchemy , to speed up the cultivation speed.

Alchemy can only be used for personal use, equipped with some Juling Pills, Detoxification Pills, Bigu Pills, etc., and sold to be refined into potions. Now the general environment only recognizes potions, which sell well and can make money, so she just follows the crowd.

The snake slough flower has been refined into an antidote and given to Yang Wei. It is estimated that a large amount of interstellar coins will be sent to her soon.
This money is enough for her and Meng Xiao to study for two years, and it is enough for them to graduate when they usually refine some potions.

Luo Zilan left a lot of things in the jade pendant space, so that it can be seen that the Li family and her natal family were giants back then, so many treasures were only leaked through fingers, and things that didn't care at all were taken by better people fairyland gone,

Among those big boxes, there was a box full of books and jade slips, with various contents,
They were all prepared by Luo Zilan, for the successors to understand the world of cultivation. Most of the jade slips contain exercises and various cultivation experiences, as well as a complete collection of alchemy recipes, a complete collection of formations, and so on.

The Jade Slips in the Realm of Cultivation is equivalent to the current storage disk. Hundreds of millions of pieces of data can be engraved on a small piece, and it is easy to use. Just scan it with Yuanshen, and all the content will be stored in the brain, which is simple, convenient and fast.

Su Qing can't practice, but she has only been in class for a long time, and it is impossible to go out, so she can only pretend to practice.

She spent the whole day studying supernatural powers in the training room. She couldn't go out, so she simply closed her eyes, studied the alchemy formula, and simulated alchemy in her heart.

When Su Qing stopped practicing, the energy flow of the entire floor disappeared.

This surprised the supernatural learning teacher, what the hell is going on?The situation just now must be the phenomenon of someone activating the ability, why it disappeared now.

He couldn't call the students out to ask about the situation. People who meditate are most afraid of being disturbed. If they don't make it right, they will go crazy. In fact, they can't control the energy, and the wrong operation will hurt the body.
The teacher couldn't see what the problem was, so he could only suppress his doubts and wait for Su Qing to come out before asking her.

(End of this chapter)

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