Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 211 Spiritual Powers

Chapter 211 Spiritual Powers

Meng Hao tried his best to fight against the sleepy bugs. He must control himself and be steady. According to the usual teacher's teaching, first let go of his mind, enter an ethereal state, and feel the energy in the void.

In such a dense energy in the training room, as long as they meditate, most people can feel the supernatural energy, that kind of colorful light particles. This is the natural instinct of human beings, which is commonly known as the basic ability of the third eye.

Just because you can see it doesn't mean you can absorb it. Meng Yan tried his best to let those light particles enter the meridians of the body, control the energy to run in the meridians, travel around and gather in the brain to form energy cores.

It was the first time for Meng Hao to meditate formally. After passing the initial stage of wanting to doze off, he really entered an unconscious state. As expected, he really felt those light particles.

Then he continued to work hard, and after feeling the energy, he tried to pull towards him, but unfortunately that one didn't like him, so he walked around him,

This made Meng Hao very angry, a burst of energy came out from nowhere, as if an invisible hand was holding those light particles and dragging them into Meng Hao's body.

Meng Hao saw that there was a door, and immediately continued to work hard. Finally, the energy that was reluctant to flow into Meng Hao's meridians, Meng Hao carefully guided the energy to run, and finally reached the brain, and then disappeared.
Then there was no more, Meng Yan suddenly opened his eyes, what's going on?

I saw that there were already many students surrounding the teacher asking questions outside the practice room, but there was no Qingqing
Meng Hao stood up immediately, and he also wanted to ask the teacher, what happened to him when he was practicing?

"Teacher, I see a lot of light particles but I can't guide them, what should I do?"

The supernatural teacher replied to the students:
"Stimulating supernatural powers is not something that can be done overnight. Be patient. Whoever meditates for the first time can succeed. Such people are very few, and they are all great geniuses."

Relying on his strength, Meng Yu squeezed to the front and rushed to ask:

"Teacher, I grabbed those energies and walked around according to the running route of learning, and finally reached the brain. What's the matter? "

As soon as Meng Hao finished speaking, there was a sudden silence around him, and everyone looked at him with surprised eyes. This bastard can actually attract energy, whether it is true or not, why do they not believe it?
The ability teacher asked in shock:
"Meng Hao, you can really introduce energy, and you have finished performing the exercises?"

Meng Hao nodded naively,
"Yeah, it was a bit difficult at the beginning. I failed in several meditations. In the end, when I got angry, I grabbed those light particles and pulled them towards me. Not to mention they became obedient and operated according to my command.

It's been a lot of effort, but unfortunately the brain disappeared, and I woke up. Teacher, tell me if I was dreaming. I always wanted to doze off at first. "

The teacher's face was a little dark, and he couldn't tell whether what Meng Yan said was true or not, so he could only say:
"I didn't know that it's normal to not be able to store energy when introducing energy for the first time. It's good to be able to practice. Well, it's time for the end of get out of class. If you want to practice, continue to practice. If you don't want to go back to your lunch break, remember to come to class on time in the afternoon,"

When they are in the main class, as long as it is a practical class, they have to spend a whole day,

For those who don’t have time to study minor subjects, the teachers will make courseware and send it to the teaching computer, so that students can find time for self-study. There are too many homeworks, and it is difficult to take care of them. That’s why they only study in majors in the fourth grade.

While staring at the practice room where Su Qing was, the supernatural teacher answered students' questions. Many people had many questions when they first started practicing.

Su Qing closed her eyes and practiced alchemy in her mind, and she couldn't feel the passage of time. It was Luo Zilan who reminded her when she saw that many people had gone out.

Su Qing looked at the communicator. It was noon and school was over, and she and Meng Hao were going back to eat.

As soon as I walked out of the training room, I was stopped by the teacher,

"Su Qing, come here once."

Su Qing walked over and asked doubtfully, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

"How is your cultivation, did you succeed in introducing energy?"

Su Qing had already thought about what to say, and said immediately:

"It's just a feeling that being able to observe those energies is not very obedient and has not been successful."

The ability teacher frowned and asked:
"How is it possible that such a powerful energy fluctuation did not succeed?"

He thought that the school was about to produce a super genius, so was it just an accident?

Seeing that the teacher was silent, Su Qing had to ask cautiously:

"Teacher, can I go now?"

The ability teacher couldn't figure it out, and thought that it was impossible to activate the ability at once after the half-day training course, and it is estimated that it will take a while to practice, so I can only keep it in my heart and focus on her.
Hearing Su Qing's words, he waved his hand and said:
"get out of class is over, go back and come back to class on time in the afternoon."

"Understood, goodbye, teacher."

Su Qing called Meng Hao to go back to the dormitory for dinner,

As soon as he walked out of the practice room, Meng Yan said excitedly:
"Qingqing, do you know? I also have a talent for cultivation. I can introduce energy to run in the meridians, but unfortunately it disappears as soon as it reaches the brain. It's so strange. I asked the teacher, and he didn't know what happened."

Su Qing glanced at him in surprise, Meng Hao didn't have a spiritual root, and the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu he practiced was a body training technique in the cultivation world. The meridians of his whole body must have been widened. She really didn't know that this guy could also introduce energy. Could he really become a supernatural master?
Meng Yu wanted to continue, but Su Qing stopped him with a look.
"Go back and talk."

Both she and Meng Hao are monks. Although Meng Hao has no spiritual roots, his Nine Turns Mysterious Art has already achieved a small degree of success. If he really can become a supernatural master, it will just make up for his shortcoming of not being able to use spells.

Back in the dormitory, Su Qingcai said to Meng Hao, "Tell me carefully about your cultivation situation."

Meng Yu walked into the living room, poured a large glass of water first, and then told Su Qing about his cultivation process in detail.

Su Qing and Luo Zilan listened carefully together, and when Meng Hao finished speaking, the same heart was shocked,

Su Qingma uploaded a voice message:
"Old Ancestor, is it possible that Meng Hao's Yuanshen can also absorb supernatural powers. In that case, his spiritual power will become stronger and stronger, will there be any problems?"

Luo Zilan said: "It's very possible, after all, the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu is a cultivation method, and Meng Yan is also a monk, so it's normal to form a primordial spirit.

However, Meng Hao is much stronger than you, his meridians are less broadened, and the energy he can introduce is limited. Moreover, Meng Hao is a body-refining cultivator, and his physical strength is stronger than yours. It is beneficial for him to absorb supernatural powers. Insufficient spirit root. "

Su Qing looked at Meng Hao, this kid is really lucky, he can do anything like this, the primordial spirit is very fragile before it is strong, and must be hidden in the human body, once it is successful in cultivation, it is equivalent to one more life, the realm of self-cultivation The Ghost Cultivator is the same type of existence.

But this guy likes to brag, loves to show off, and wants to fool him and keep this secret. If someone finds out, it will definitely end badly.

"Meng Hao, what happened to you when you were practicing is probably an extremely rare spiritual power among the power masters.
The ability to be devoured is very similar to the practice of a spiritual-type ability master, congratulations, the winner of the lottery, "

Meng Hao touched his head, grinned silly and said:
"Qingqing, is what you said true? Why doesn't the teacher know that I am stimulating spiritual powers? Also, we have studied supernatural powers for many years, and there is no spiritual power teacher?"

Su Qing: "I also saw it on Xingwang. The textbooks don't talk about psychic powers, because they are extremely rare. Only after entering the academy and entering the power department, I have the opportunity to learn.

The teacher thought for a while that you can stimulate the spiritual power. It just so happens that the body training technique I taught you can strengthen the body.Young man, dominating the interstellar world is not a dream. "

(End of this chapter)

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