Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 212 Fool Meng Gan

Chapter 212 Fool Meng Gan
Meng Yan rolled her eyes and fooled him with these words again. She said this a few years ago to let him study hard, and now she said that it was to make him practice seriously.

Needless to say?How important is cultivation, you don't need to be urged by Qingqing, you will work hard yourself,
Su Qing explained clearly to Meng Jian the points that need to be paid attention to in cultivation, and repeatedly told her to come back to discuss with her if there is any problem, and not to disturb the teacher.

The teacher doesn't know about psychic masters, so it's better for them to study it themselves, and it's more convenient to check it online.

In particular, explain to Meng Hao that the successful activation of the ability must be kept secret, and he will continue to keep a low profile when he becomes a blockbuster in the future.

Meng Yu's eyeballs rolled around, why keep it secret?Then it's not that he can't show off, everyone has activated their abilities, but he can't, that's not very embarrassing.

He immediately said with an aggrieved face: "Qingqing, both of us have aroused supernatural powers, why should I hide it, you have already learned it well, and I have nothing to show for it except martial arts, finally I have an advantage, Why don't you let me make it public, and I don't want to be a waste forever."

Seeing Meng Hao's unpromising appearance, Su Qing really wanted to kick him in the past. If you are ignorant, you are fearless. I really think you have inspired supernatural powers. Are you a monk?

Once it is exposed, Meng Hao will definitely be locked up for research. Once they are forced to hand over their skills, they will be finished, and there will be no chance of escape.
This idiot has no sense of crisis at all. Meng Yan is young, and the matter of cultivation can only be hidden from him so that he will not be exposed, so he can only continue to fool him.
"Meng Hao, do you want to be locked up for the rest of your life and be a guinea pig? Psychic supernatural masters, not to mention Mengyuexing, are extremely rare in the entire empire. Supernatural powers are powerful, and they can beat all other supernatural masters."

Meng Yan heard a haha ​​laugh, and said in disbelief:

"Haha, Qingqing, you must be lying to me. Since spiritual masters are powerful and rare, the empire must regard them as treasures. Who will lock me up."

Su Qing snorted coldly, and said with a gloomy face:
"Is your mind full of grass? It's really simple. What I just said is superficial advantages. Psychic abilities are so good. Can you not mention them in books? Whoever activates this ability is a disaster. Not a good thing.

Psychic abilities are very powerful, but there is no systematic method of cultivation, which is very dangerous. It is different from all abilities. Many capable people and strangers in the empire have studied it for thousands of years, but they have not figured it out and avoided that danger. "

Meng Hao still didn't quite believe it and asked: "Qingqing, what's the danger in practicing spiritual abilities? Is it as scary as you said?"

Su Qing gloated and sneered:

"Don't believe me, mental power is simply an invisible energy in the body, you can understand it as the soul, the more the soul is cultivated, the stronger it becomes.

Once the physical strength of the body that protects the soul cannot keep up, most people will not live to be 20 years old, and they will be blown up by the powerful mental power. At that time, your body will pop like a balloon, and the flesh and blood will splatter. Do you want to feel that way? Do you want to experience it? "

Meng Hao's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief:
"My God, psychic powers are too dangerous, so who would dare to practice?"

Su Qing: "You just know that you are going to be exposed. Not only will you be locked up in a dark research institute for the rest of your life, and you will be forced to practice with blood drawn every day. One day you will explode into a puddle of flesh."

If Su Qing didn't make it serious, he might brag about it someday.

Meng Hao was really a little scared now, "Qingqing, are you serious? You can't make it up to lie to me, right?"

"What I lied to you, you can go to the star network to find out. You can also cultivate supernatural powers if you want, but spiritual supernatural powers must not be exposed. It must be kept secret, and no one can tell it except me."

Meng Yan's eyes lit up, "I can still practice, and I won't explode to death,"

Su Qing: "You forgot the body training technique I taught you. It is a secret technique handed down from my grandfather's family. It just complements the spiritual power.
There are nine rounds of Body Refining Technique, each additional round doubles the strength of the body, and it is estimated that it is stronger than a saint when it reaches the ninth level. The main guns of ordinary battleships can't deal with you. With a strong body, it can also envelop you Strong mental power, no problem.

But you must remember one thing, both spiritual power and body training are top secret, once someone finds out, your life will be ruined, many people want to learn the method of spiritual power cultivation, they are very anxious, neither you nor me can run away, We can't stand torture to extract confessions, those people are very powerful.

The heirs of a big family in the central galaxy have strong mental strength since childhood, but their bodies are extremely weak. Their family is powerful and rich, and they can't solve the problem by trying various methods.
You, a native of a primitive planet, suddenly popped up and said that you can activate spiritual powers, and you can still jump around. There is nothing wrong with you. If you think about your own consequences, you will definitely be watched by many powerful forces. Don’t think that I am here Alarmism. "

Meng Yu opened his mouth wide and patted his heart. He would really be taken away for slice research. Although he was dubious, Qingqing probably wouldn't lie to him. It was just to activate the supernatural power. Why is the supernatural power he stimulated so terrible?

Su Qing: "Do you know that you are afraid? Will you keep it secret? Will you not go out and make a fuss?
Don't worry, I will guarantee you to be admitted to the academy, and we will continue to study in the same school. When we become the most powerful characters in the universe, you can use the superpowers as you want. When we are weak, we must know Cangzhuo, do you understand? "

Meng Yu nodded, feeling depressed all over his body, he had finally inspired his supernatural ability, and it was still a dangerous spiritual system, so he couldn't expose it. If anyone found out, his own life would be over, and he would even kill Qingqing. I have passed down the exercises from my family to myself,
Su Qing said that he might not believe anything else, but about the Jiuzhuan Xuangong, Meng Hao was very guilty. If he revealed that he aroused his supernatural powers, it would be exposed that he had secretly learned the unique skills of the Li family. He really couldn't bear the consequences, so he could only nod sullenly. .

Su Qing said gently: "Okay, don't be depressed, it is the gold that will shine one day, and the hero will be famous in all directions sooner or later.

Let’s cook, after eating, let’s continue to practice, your mental strength should be cultivated first, I will tell you one day, if you stop, it means that your physical strength can’t keep up, and you can’t practice. "

Meng Yan hummed, and went to the kitchen to cook in a very unhappy mood.
Luo Zilan has become very interested in supernatural powers, how could it be related to Yuanshen?
In the world of self-cultivation, the only way to practice primordial spirit skills is to refine the gods, which has long been lost. Didn't monks discover this problem in the long years?

Su Qing and Meng Hao didn't go as far as she thought. After eating, they went back to class after a break.

Meng Hao felt sad, came and went quickly, ate a meal of bacon, and forgot all the unpleasant things,
Isn't it low-key?He will hide his secret well, and when he becomes the overlord one day, we will see who dares to study him.

Su Qing felt that as long as Meng Yan was restrained and told him not to say more, she said that the fact that the empire had spiritual supernatural powers exploded was not made up, it was indeed true.

She saw it on the website of the pharmacists' union. The family was looking for a solution to their son's problem.

Su Qing didn't think about it when she first heard about it from her ancestor, but then she thought about it on the way back to the dormitory.

After confirming each other, they immediately understood and broke out in a cold sweat. If the ancestor hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't have paid attention at all. There will be no restriction on absorbing abilities in the future, and it will definitely not feel good.

From then on, the school life of Su Qing and the others, according to the arrangement of the school, they will study whatever class they should take,
(End of this chapter)

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