Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 213 Yang Wei's Ambition

Chapter 213 Yang Wei's Ambition

Su Qing just needs to pass the refining class, she doesn't plan to be so high-profile this semester, let others give the opportunity to show off!
Meng Hao's refining equipment is indeed getting better and better. Although Teacher Tian didn't like the things Meng Hao refined at first, he later found out that this kid has a lot of strength and is a good embryo for refining equipment. thing.

In terms of supernatural powers, Su Qing and Meng Hao often paddled in the water, so they just took a break. Su Qing asked Meng Hao to introduce energy for one cycle each time, and it was too late.

According to the regulations given to him by Su Qing, Meng Hao took out his textbooks and memorized his homework after each introduction of energy.

Su Qing was busier than him, and Luo Zilan took the opportunity to give her lectures, working harder than anyone else.

Pharmacy course is Su Qing's home field, no one can compare with her,
Zhou Peilan smiled when she saw her lover, and looked disgusted when she saw other students.

Under Zhou Peilan's training, Su Qing has begun to exceed the progress of her classmates by more than half, leaving others behind.

Meng Hao got mixed grades in pharmacy, but every time his grades were not bad,

Others didn't know that it was Meng Hao who wasted a lot of elixir under Su Qing's strict supervision, and it took thousands of times to refine it successfully. It was blood and tears, so I can't mention it. He wants to cry when he thinks about it.

Didn't see Meng Hao's heavy dark circles, either refining weapons or refining medicine, is it easy for him?
On the contrary, he has never seen Qingqing how to refine weapons, but she can pass every time, which is so annoying, a high talent is amazing!

He didn't know that Su Qing often practiced secretly in the jade pendant space, and it was hundreds of times more difficult than his study.

Time slipped away unconsciously like this. Anyway, the campus life of the two of them is very exciting, but also very boring. Every day when you open your eyes, you are studying.

A few months have passed, and Yang Wei has been able to successfully refine three kinds of pills. According to the plan in his heart, he will have a chance soon.

Meng Xiao's cooking-style medicine refining started to be promoted globally, and it caused a sensation in the Pharmacist Department of Xinghui College. All the students couldn't wait to do it by themselves, trying to see if they could really make it successfully.
Quite a few of Xinghui's students have passed the pharmacist qualifications. Of course, such a simple refining method is no problem. Everyone thinks it is amazing.

It turns out that refining medicine can be simplified like this, saving half of the supernatural power, and it is much easier. Originally, only low-level medicine can be refined, but in the hands of this group of geniuses, many tricks have been played.

Yang Wei took the opportunity to speak boldly in front of his classmates and teachers,

"Cut, what's so strange about adding some water to cook the medicine? Who can cook? I can also add water to steam rice into rice!
Isn't that just the solid medicine refining method, I plan to develop a solid medicine to create a precedent, it must be better than the cooking method. "

"Okay, stop bragging, you didn't even pass the pharmacist exam, and you can invent a new way of refining medicine, who would believe it?"

"Yeah, Yang Wei, are you out of your mind?"

"That's right, don't you know how many catties you weigh?"

"Hehe, Yang Wei, I support you. As long as you successfully refine the solid potion, we will all be your apprentices in the future, and you will be the founder of the school."

The students all made a fuss, thinking that Yang Wei was joking, no one took it seriously,
Everyone was surprised to find that from this day on, Yang Wei really began to explore new refining methods, in order to make the potion into a solid.

But that's impossible, once all the water in the medicinal liquid evaporates, the temperature of the refining furnace will be enough to burn the elixir into coke, so Yang Wei ends up failing every time.

The classmates and teachers all thought that Yang Wei was just hot-headed. Seeing someone else inventing a new method of refining medicine, he uttered nonsense with jealousy, and wanted to research a new method. After a few days, he would give up on his own initiative if he didn't succeed.

Unexpectedly, Yang Wei would be more aggressive. He found an opportunity in school, so he got into the medicine refining room to study. I don't know how much ordinary elixir was wasted in school.
Although the school will provide students with a certain amount of elixir free of charge, but most people can refine the elixir, and the school is not losing money. The interstellar coins sold by the elixir alone are enough to pay for the spirit grass. It doesn’t matter if students consume some After all, refining medicine cannot be 100% successful,
Fortunately for Yang Wei, he took all his share for research in two months, but failed even once, and borrowed shares from his classmates everywhere for him to study.
This caused everyone to complain, and the Academic Affairs Office informed his teacher to take care of his students and stop wasting school resources.

Li Zhipeng is Yang Wei's pharmacy teacher, Lin Jianan's student and Zhou Peilan's brother,

He went directly to Yang Wei and told him sincerely:

"Yang Wei, I know you are young and energetic, and you want to make some achievements. You have been studying for two months. The teacher didn't stop you, and you didn't produce any results. You should give up. The new method of refining medicine is not that simple. The Academic Affairs Office is not willing, don't waste the school's elixir, if you can't afford to spend the money yourself, why bother."

Yang Wei laughed ecstatically in his heart, the teacher finally came to him,

In the past two months, he has worked very hard and failed to refine the elixir, and finally he was able to take the opportunity to release the pill.

On the surface, Yang Wei pretended to be excited and said:

"Mr. Li, I didn't waste the elixir. I think success is not far away. Teacher, you must believe me.
Once I succeed, the entire pharmacist industry will undergo earth-shaking changes. The liquid medicine will become solid, less water, and the shelf life will be extended. "

Li Zhipeng said with a bad face:

"You think you are smart. This question has been raised many years ago. You are not the first to study it for thousands of years, and you will not be the last. The result is failure. Don't be obsessed with it. That is impossible."

Yang Wei didn't listen at all, his face turned red with emotion, and he kept begging:
"Ms. Li, please let me try again. If I don't succeed this time, I will give up. I just don't want to be reconciled. People can invent new ways of refining medicine. Why can't I do it? If I succeed, the school will Who dares to underestimate me."

Li Zhipeng looked at the excited flushed students and understood his feelings very well. In Xinghui College, [-]% of the students come from good backgrounds. There is no need to worry about their future prospects. They will definitely be successful in their careers.

And a student like Yang Wei who came from a commoner background, although he can become a pharmacist after graduation, in the eyes of ordinary people, his status is considered noble, much better than ordinary people, his job is stable, he can earn a lot of money, he has no worries about food and clothing, and is respected everywhere.
It also depends on who you compare with. Human beings are a pyramid structure. There are always people above you who are more powerful than you. When facing the upper class, you still have to bow your head and be a grandson.
A pharmacist does not have the strong support of his family, and he will be like that all his life. He is still at the bottom of the circle of pharmacists. Who wants to climb higher and become the existence at the top of the pyramid.

His mentor, Lin Jian'an, is known as the strongest pharmacist in the world, but he is only teaching in school, and he is far behind those high-level pharmacists in the middle galaxy.

So Yang Wei wants to make a name for himself and gain more fame, paving the way for himself in the future, he understands very well,

But what young people think is simple. Researching medicine is not an easy task. It needs countless money to back it up. If you have nothing, the school will not let you mess around with whatever you use for research.

Li Zhipeng's heart softened, and he gave the child another chance. Some low-level elixir is not worth much, so he should use his own share later.

"Then let's go, go to the refining room, and I will personally watch your refining. If you don't succeed, you should give up."

"Yeah," Yang Wei nodded, thinking to himself just waiting for you to say this!
Otherwise, who will come to refine a pill for him to testify!Only your own teacher is the most suitable.

(End of this chapter)

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