Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 219 Yang Wei's Helplessness

Chapter 219 Yang Wei's Helplessness

Yang Wei: "I've survived all that. I finally got admitted to Xinghui Academy. I will be a small pharmacist in the future. I will be well-known in Mingyue City. My dad and grandpa will be very pleased that their hard work was not in vain. .

They are satisfied, but what about me?Stepping into another class, I am still at the bottom, and I will still be despised, a little person who is called around, ha ha!
I am not reconciled, so I research like crazy, Jiang Fan, your family is rich, you have no experience with me, you can't understand my feelings,

So I have to seize every opportunity, you think I don't understand the importance of my innovative alchemy technique, how can I do it if I understand it?
I am just a student from a commoner background. Teacher Li asked me to teach them. The head of the department led a dozen seniors from the pharmacist field to stare at me, including Dong Yufeng from the pharmacist union. Do you think I can refuse?Do I have the right to refuse? "

Jiang Fan said angrily: "Even so, you can't teach the alchemy technique by yourself. It's the painstaking effort of your hard research. It's fine to pass it on to a few old guys."

Yang Wei sneered, "The new alchemy technique is a crime for me. If I don't spread it, I might disappear someday. If that's the case, I won't refuse anyone who comes and teach anyone who wants to learn it.
As long as I am the founder, it will be fine. In the future, whoever refines the pills will not call me Mr. Yang. If I don’t do this, the founder will not be me. None of them will covet. I let them all lose their minds. "

Seeing his friend's helplessness, Jiang Fan felt his nose a little sore. He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He has never been wronged. Seeing his friend, he worked so hard to achieve results, but he was forced to be like this.

"Yang Wei, since this is the case, you have to make preparations early, and you can't let those shameless old people steal your achievements, do you still have the pills?

Let's go to the government department to test and apply for a patent first, so those old guys will not believe that they have researched it by themselves. You have to apply before them and make it publicly. "

Yang Wei was surprised and said: "I still have the pills at home, is this okay? We rashly applied for a patent without the school's approval. What if the department head fires you?"

Jiang Fan: "You are so confused, you are famous, who dares to expel you, you are an important figure in our entire planet, Xinghui Academy is not just Lin Jianan,
let's go!Going to the government to go through the procedures is very cumbersome. I will call my dad and ask him to send a secretary to take us to go through the procedures. I am sure everything will go well.
First go to your house to get the pills. From now on, the names of the various pills will be Yang's Yuanqi Pills, Yang's Huichun Pills, and Yang's Congealing Blood Pills. Thinking of this, I feel excited. "

Classes in the college are based on the credit system, so it is easy to ask for leave. After the two asked the teacher for leave, Jiang Fan drove Yang Wei in his speeding car, and hurried back to Yang's house to get medicine.

On the way, Jiang Fan called his father to ask for help. After telling the story, Boss Jiang understood what was going on. The Jiang family is a business family, and businessmen are very keen on making money.

Hearing from his son that Yang had created a new method of refining medicine, he was moved by refining a pill with a higher effect than the current medicine.

Speaking of Yang Wei's non-stop teaching, he proposed to apply for a patent, obviously feeling his son's indignation at his friend's helplessness.

Boss Jiang smiled. His silly son should have been used by Yang to run errands again, but it doesn't matter, this Yang is very smart, and he is very smart, so he didn't point it out and let his son continue to associate with him.

This would give him an unexpected surprise. Student Yang's research results are shocking. He feels that even he can't consume it. The benefits are too great!There are many forces involved.

To say that student Yang is really smart, and to transfer the benefits, he only needs to get a public reputation, which is the most important thing.

In the future, Yang Wei will be the master of a generation, and will be admired by many pharmacists in later generations, and the Yang family will pass it on for thousands of years.

Knowing how to choose, is a person worthy of help, then he just pushes and makes a good relationship. After Yang Weicheng, he will definitely not treat Jiang Fan badly.

Boss Jiang showed a smug smile. The top pharmacist should be replaced. There are so many old guys, the older they get, the more greedy they are. The elixir that their group contributes every year is countless, and only a little bit is allocated every year. Higher potion shares,

Yang Wei didn't remember until he got home, "Jiang Fan, you dragged me out in a hurry, haven't we had lunch yet?"

"Yeah, I said I seem to have forgotten something, just packed my schoolbag and ran out, let's go to the restaurant to eat,"

"Forget it, I'll be at my house in two minutes, eat something at my house, I'll send a message to mom,"

Although Jiang Fan is a noble son, he has a very easy-going personality and is not as arrogant as some rich people. When Yang Wei said this, he nodded in agreement.

Zhao Mei made dumplings for lunch today. She and her in-laws were at home. They made noodles in the morning, washed and chopped leeks, and made a pack of them when they came back at noon.
There are about 60 dumplings enough for three people to eat. Who knew that before the cooking, my son sent a message to bring my classmates back for dinner.

But she was so angry that she didn't say it early when she went home for dinner, and there was no time to cook it now, so she could only cook a pot of noodles.
There are ready-made noodles sold in their supermarket. She can order any vegetables at will and make a bowl of diced meat. Like the last time Qingqing and the others came, the cooking was delicious.

Zhao Mei got ready in a hurry, cut the meat, washed the vegetables, and before she finished, Yang Wei brought Jiang Fan back, greeted his grandparents downstairs, and took Jiang Fan upstairs,
As soon as Yang Wei entered the living room, he shouted, "Mom, what are you eating?"

Zhao Mei was dicing meat, watching her son bring his classmates upstairs, she said kindly:

"You guys are back! We'll have dinner later, come back for dinner, why didn't you tell me in advance, I'm in a hurry."

"Mom, just eat whatever you want. Are we going to be busy with errands later? Let me introduce you, this is my good friend and tablemate, Jiang Fan."

Jiang Fan grinned, "Hello, Auntie."

"Hey, hello, hello, Jiang Fan, Auntie is in a hurry to prepare today, so I don't have time to cook something delicious for you, so you can make do with something, let me know in advance next time, and Auntie will cook you a big meal."

Jiang Fan: "Auntie, I'm not picky about food, as long as I can eat enough."

"Well, I'll cook dumplings for you first, and I'll cook a pot of noodles later."

Of course Jiang Fan agreed, it's up to the host!

Yang Wei asked him to sit casually in the living room, and he went to the kitchen to help Zhao Mei cook,
Zhao Mei was too busy, so when the dumplings were cooked, Yang Wei was asked to watch the pot.

Yang Wei is quite proficient at watching the pot. As a pharmacist, he can best control the heat,
Zhao Mei turned on another stove, sat in the pot and poured oil, fried the diced meat, poured soy sauce and added water, cooked for a while, the diced meat was cooked quickly, seasoned, put onion and ginger out of the pot,

Fill the pot with water, and wait for the water to boil to cook the noodles. The dumplings in the other pot are already cooked. Zhao Mei fishes them out and asks Yang Wei to take them out and eat them with Jiang Fan first.

Jiang Fan also wanted to be polite and wait for everyone to eat together,

Yang Wei said to him: "Let's eat first, my mother is making noodles, and my grandparents still have to watch the shop. After eating, we will go downstairs and replace them."

(End of this chapter)

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