Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 220 Secretary Kim's Advice

Chapter 220 Secretary Kim's Advice
Jiang Fan was right when he thought about it. He picked up the chopsticks and ate it. It was his first time eating dumplings, and he asked strangely what it was.
Yang Wei told him about the origin of the dumplings, poured some vinegar into his bowl, and let him do whatever he wanted. Yang Wei was already hungry, so he started eating by himself.

Jiang Fan ate slowly and politely at first, but when the first dumpling was finished, he stopped being polite and started eating quickly, otherwise he would not be able to catch Yang Wei.
A pot of dumplings is enough for three people, but not enough for two young men. Seeing that the pot bottomed out,
Zhao Mei served two large bowls of noodles in time. The snow-white noodles were paired with green vegetables and topped with a large spoonful of diced meat.

"Come to Jiang Fan, and try the noodles made by Auntie again. My skills are average, so don't dislike me."

"Where, the dumplings made by Auntie are really delicious, and this bowl of noodles smells very fragrant."

Yang Wei didn't say a word, picked up a bowl and started eating, Zhao Mei brought two more bowls of noodles, put them on the table, and went downstairs to replace her in-laws.

Yang Wei and Jiang Fan also ate quickly, Zhao Mei went down to say a few words, and when the old couple of the Yang family came up, they had already finished eating and all the soup in the bowl, and now they were full.
Jiang Fan also urged Yang Wei to go downstairs and help look at the store. In fact, he was curious and wanted to experience selling things.

Yang Wei knew what he was planning with a glance.
The two went downstairs to help look after the shop, so Zhao Mei could have lunch.
Jiang Fan walked around the supermarket. The supermarket is not big, covering more than 100 square meters. It mainly sells fresh food.
Sitting on the edge of the cash register, he sighed in his heart that the life of Yang Wei's family was really poor. They had to make do with lunch, and the family had to work shifts. The family was so small, but there were six people living in it.

Yang Wei's father can't rest for a few days all year round, and is often away from home. It's really hard work.

Not long after, Jiang Fan's communicator lit up. It turned out that it was Boss Jiang's secretary calling, asking where he was?

Jiang Fan sent the location of Yang's Supermarket, and the secretary said he would be there soon.

Boss Jiang's business is very big, and he has more than one secretary. This time, the one he sent to help his son is Secretary Jin, a gentle and polite middle-aged man who is good at dealing with the government.

As soon as he walked into Yang's supermarket, he saw Jiang Fan, the boss's son, checking out customers at the cash register. It turned out that the young master was here to experience life.

"Master Jiang, I'm Secretary Jin. Boss Jiang asked me to come and help. Can you tell me exactly what it is?"

"Secretary Jin, you are here. Let me introduce you. This is my good friend Yang Wei. We are going to help him this time."

Jiang Fan grabbed Secretary Jin, walked to a deserted place, and told the story,
Secretary Jin nodded and said, "Oh, I know how to do it. You can ask classmate Yang how many refined pills he still has in his hand, and how many pills he can refine every day."

Secretary Jin, as Boss Jiang's general, doesn't know much about the circle of pharmacists, but he is very familiar with the intrigue and business competition.
He regards Yang Wei's pill as a product that will be launched soon, and he wants to launch it before all competitors, and he must also ensure that he is legally owned.

But Secretary Jin was a little uncertain. Everyone knew that supernatural masters were highly respected in the empire, and their social status was higher than that of ordinary people.
Once a pill that is more powerful than medicine is released, will it make all parties tremble, and even the people in the central galaxy will work tirelessly to come across the interstellar.
The boy named Yang Wei could bear the pressure. When Secretary Jin told the story, Jiang Fan waved his hand indifferently.
"Secretary Jin, you don't need to care about that. Yang Wei made it very clear that he only wants to gain fame. With his level of alchemy refining, he will be able to earn money in the future. If someone wants to learn his alchemy skills, he will teach them. He will never cherish his own. It’s okay to make it public, as long as the only purpose is to refine the pills and the founder is Yang Wei, we will act according to this goal.”

Secretary Jin understands that, taking a look at the young man behind the cash register, he is a smart man, knowing that he can't keep his technology, so he just gives it away for free, and he doesn't want others to take over his achievements.

It would be a race against time, and before all parties got the news and reacted, the commotion would be known to everyone, and the technology made a video and put it on the Internet for free download, preventing Yang Wei from being controlled by certain forces.

"Well, I can let go of my hands and feet. We have made a big deal. Some patents are universal, and some are common throughout the empire. Let's simply apply for the empire's common, and make things bigger.
How about letting everyone in the empire know about Yang Wei, and what's more, let him provide as many pills as possible, directly market them, and hand them over to our company for sale? "

"Ah, I have to ask Yang Wei about this, and it depends on his own wishes."

It happened that Zhao Mei went downstairs to look at the store after dinner, saw Jiang Fan chatting with a man, and wondered why he didn't move a chair to sit on.

Jiang Fan smiled and said that he was just chatting casually, beckoning to Yang Wei, the three of them got together, and Secretary Jin talked about the proposal just now.

Yang Wei was very happy, and agreed, "Yes, Jiang Fan and I are good friends, and the pills will be sold by your company, no problem, your company will definitely help me sell them at a good price."

Yang Wei also had a small calculation in his heart, it would be no problem to sell it to the Jiang family, it also depends on their conditions, he can't make unlimited medicine for the Jiang family for a lifetime.

The three of them made a preliminary plan and started to act. Yang Wei went upstairs and carried his medicine box, which contained several bottles of pills.

The three greeted Zhao Mei, left in a hurry, boarded Secretary Jin's flying car, and rushed to the government department together.

First go to the public test of the pills. The testing machines in the school are not high enough, so you must come to the most advanced testing institution.

The highest testing institution in the world is a multi-storey office building, led by Secretary Jin, who is familiar with the way, directly fills in the application, physical testing, one of each kind of pills is sent for identification, there are very few staff here, most of them are is an intelligent robot,
Otherwise, if Yang Wei takes out the pills to test, it will definitely attract the attention of others, but the robot will not think about these things, and follow the procedures, which is safe and fast, and can also guarantee privacy.

After the test report was typed out, Secretary Jin gasped in shock when he saw the above data. If this was promoted, the entire empire would be blown up.

This increased his sense of urgency. All the procedures must be implemented as soon as possible, otherwise Yang Wei is really in danger.
After getting the test results, several people left here in a hurry and went to another government department to apply for a personal patent,

The empire's protection of various brands and inventions is very complete. Over the years, pharmacists have applied for patents for various new medicines. No one has ever subverted medicines into pills.

So when Secretary Jin took Yang Wei to apply, the staff double-checked that Mengyuexing's application passed the test results quickly, and it was announced on the whole network three days later.

I encountered a problem with the patent application of Imperial General, Mengyuexing has no authority, and must be connected to the star network, and the application can only be approved at the patent office of the central galaxy.

The samples need to be sent to the headquarters of Tianlong City Patent Office in Imperial City for testing, so that there will be no results in a year or a half, and it is very likely that some people will take advantage of the loopholes.
Secretary Jin also knew about these problems, but there was a lot to go through. They handed in three sample pills. Secretary Jin called his acquaintances and chatted enthusiastically. Finally, the other party seemed to agree to something.

(End of this chapter)

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