Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 221 Boss Jiang's Choice

Chapter 221 Boss Jiang's Choice

Secretary Jin hung up the communication, and said to Yang Wei with a determined face:
"Don't worry, the test pills will be delivered today by special personnel to interstellar express outlets on other planets.

Send it to the Patent Office of the Capital Star as quickly as possible. After passing it, it will be publicized in the entire empire. After the publicity, it will attract the attention of all parties. The planet has no outlets, otherwise it would be better to spend more money. "

"Student Yang, let's go. What you need to do has been completed, and the rest is to wait for the results. Go see our boss and discuss the sale of pills."

Yang Wei was surprised: "Ah, now?"

Secretary Jin: "Of course, what we're fighting for now is time. As you said, it takes one or two months of practice to master that kind of alchemy. Even if a few seniors are experienced, it will take more than a month.

During the period when they can't make pills, we have to sit down, you are the founder, otherwise, once someone can make pills, you will be finished. Do you think the public will believe their words or yours? ? "

Jiang Fan also said: "That's right, Yang Wei, sell a batch of your pills first, let people experience the effect, and then let my dad arrange a team for you, and before others react When it is publicized, people in the world have a preconceived notion.”

Yang Wei also thought about it for a while, and nodded in agreement. He couldn't help but disagree with the current situation. He had already taken the first step. Regardless of the consequences, he must continue.

Secretary Jin took the two of them back to the Jiang Group. Regardless of the fact that there are many high-rise buildings in Mingyue City, the richer people are, the less they like high-rise buildings. The high-rise buildings are for the poor.

The Jiang Group's building only has ten floors, but it occupies a very large area.
The three of them walked to the sixth floor, the chairman's office area. The entire floor here is staffed by Boss Jiang's assistants and secretaries, each of whom controls different fields. The Jiang family's business is very large, involving all aspects of the world. And trade with foreign planets,
Secretary Jin also has his own exclusive office area. He asked Jiang Fan and Yang Wei to sit down and wait.
They didn't just meet Boss Jiang at random. He had a full schedule every day, and if someone jumped in line, he would cancel the appointments of other people, even if his own son wanted to see him.

Secretary Jin ran to see the boss and needed to report what happened to him.

After Boss Jiang received an important client, Secretary Jin took the opportunity to jump in and report the situation to him.

Boss Jiang's eyes shone shrewdly, and he said slowly:

"The pills made by the boy surnamed Yang, are they really so evil?"

Secretary Jin quickly replied:

"Chairman, the highest detection machine in the world can still be wrong, and the young master even took one. According to him, the effect is several times that of ordinary medicines. It should not be wrong.
Now Lin Jianan, Dong Yufeng and his group are practicing hard, maybe they will succeed one day, we must be ahead of them,

I think Mr. Yang is worthy of the company's investment. Even if there is no benefit, it is worthwhile to help a future great pharmacist. It is the key for our company to break through the blockade of pharmacists. "

Boss Jiang was silent, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, thinking quickly, should he risk offending some of the highest pharmacists in the world to help Yang Wei,

"When will the imperial patent that you applied for him get results?"

Secretary Jin: "It will take more than two months at the earliest, and we are too far away from the imperial capital, and the samples sent and queued up for testing are beyond our control.

Chairman, I don’t think we should focus on the whole world, we should focus on the entire empire, and I don’t believe that kid Yang Wei will pass on all the technologies without reservation. Lin Jian’an and the others won’t be able to refine them easily. Even the quality of success is not necessarily the same. "

As a business boss, Boss Jiang is a decisive person. Once he makes a decision, he will spare no effort to get the maximum benefit. He finally nodded and said:

"Well, I will leave the matter to you. Yang Wei will agree to whatever conditions he has. We are not doing it for money, but to befriend a future great pharmacist. That is worth more than making money. Good medicine costs thousands of dollars. Wan, we can have our own senior pharmacist, it's worth the effort.

Otherwise, I won’t let Jiang Fan study pharmacist. Unfortunately, he is not talented. You can handle it and tell the young master that I’m busy and don’t have time to see them.”

Secretary Jin: "Understood the chairman, you can rest assured and leave it to me. I will take care of everything."

Secretary Jin went back and told the two that the chairman was busy with work and had no time to see them, so he took care of everything.

Jiang Fan took it for granted and said:
"I guessed right, my old man won't see us at all, he doesn't recognize his relatives when he's working."

Secretary Jin smiled and said: "Young master can't say that. The chairman's schedule is full every day. I really don't have time. As secretaries, each of us has only 10 minutes to report, and I even jumped in line."

Jiang Fan: "Alright! Tell me, what are you going to do with Yang Wei's pill?"

Secretary Jin sat across from the two of them and said:

"Currently, Student Yang's patent on Mengyuexing will be publicized online within three days, and it will take at least two months for the Empire. I plan to send Student Yang's pills to our company's auction house for direct auction. Try the water first."

Yang Wei nodded and said: "I have no objection, it's all up to you to operate, as long as the selling price is not at a loss. After all, I bought the elixir with my own money, and my family is not rich."

Jiang Fan: "Brother, don't worry, my dad's subordinates are all very powerful. They will never do business at a loss. I guarantee you will make money."

Secretary Jin's eyes flashed brightly, and he said to him:

"Student Yang, our company has special purchasing stations all over the world. We have a complete range of elixirs. The elixirs for refining vitality potions, rejuvenation potions, and blood coagulation potions are not considered high-end. We can supply you with a large amount of refining. You You don’t have to worry about buying elixir.”

Yang Wei frowned and asked:

"In that case, how about selling the pills? You also know that not every batch of refining medicine can be successful, and there is a probability of failure. Will you ask me to compensate you?"

Secretary Jin: "It doesn't matter, you can refine it boldly, every time you refine a batch of pills, we will get a [-]-[-] share, and the failure will be our company's fault.

Our company can also provide you with elixirs for practicing other elixirs, and strive for you to refine high-level marrow-washing elixirs, soul-fixing elixirs Yulu elixirs, and face-fixing elixirs. The value is inestimable. What elixir do you need? , our company takes care of everything, as long as you refine the pills, hand them over to us for sale. "

Secretary Jin was overjoyed. Student Yang was really innocent. He still thought about compensation when the refining failed.
You must know that according to the rules, those high-level pharmacists are invited to refine, and when one is refined, at least three elixirs must be prepared, just to prepare for the possibility of failure. If all fail, you are unlucky. I will only give you one potion. It seems that Yang doesn't know this rule yet.

(End of this chapter)

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