Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 222 Unspoken

Chapter 222 Unspoken
Yang Wei thought about it, felt acceptable, nodded and said:

"Yes, but I require a contract of no more than five years,"

What Yang Wei thought about was that he would graduate and officially enter the society after five years. At the beginning, he had no connections. He relied on Jiang to lay the foundation first. After five years, depending on the situation, he might be able to leave Mengyuexing and go to a more developed planet. Work.

Secretary Jin agreed directly. After all, no one knows what will happen in the future. Five years is a fair time. If Yang Wei develops better and encounters a bigger force, even a contract may not be able to restrain him. to him.

The two parties signed a virtual contract on the optical computer on the spot, and then printed the paper contract. Secretary Jin went to Boss Jiang to sign it, and then all the formalities were completed.

Yang Wei left a few bottles of pills in the medicine box for Secretary Jin to prepare for the auction, and he left to go back.

Secretary Jin sent Yang Wei and the two of them downstairs, because they came in his flying car, and Jiang Fan's car was still downstairs at Yang's house, Secretary Jin wanted to send them back,
Jiang Fan raised his hand, "Okay, I know you are busy with work, so hurry up and finish my good buddy's affairs. It's very convenient for us to take a taxi. You can go back to work."

Secretary Jin is indeed very busy, and he spared two hours today to help them go through the formalities, which means that he has to work overtime tonight and cannot get off work on time. Hearing Jiang Fan's words, he did not refuse,
"Well, you can take a taxi there, the young master will go home early."

"Okay, I see, goodbye."

Secretary Jin went upstairs to continue working. Jiang Fan casually found a taxi on the road, took a ride with Yang Wei, and entered the address of Yang’s house.

Yang Wei's goal has been achieved, and he is very grateful to Jiang Fan.

"Jiang Fan, thank you for today's matter, without your help, it would be very troublesome for me to handle many things by myself.
And I don't have that much ability to auction pills. At most, I know a few stall owners in Canxing Market, and my pills are worthless when sent there. "

Jiang Fan: "You don't have to be polite between us. Since I have the ability to help you, don't you think you are so useless? You know that I am the youngest in the family, and neither of my two older brothers are supernatural masters. They learned how to do it from my father." Every family needs business, management company, and some rare potions.

My father wanted me to become a pharmacist, so that I would be less constrained by Dong Yufeng and others. I was admitted to Xinghui’s pharmacist department, but I am not very talented. You just said that I help you, it is better to say that we help each other.

Brother, I hope, for the sake of my sincere help today, don't forget to give our company a hand in the future. "

Yang Wei nodded and promised: "Don't worry, I will really become a great pharmacist in the future, and I will never forget you. If you need me to do something, just tell me, and I promise not to refuse."

"Haha, well, you really deserve to be my good brother."

The two looked at each other and smiled, who was more stupid than the other, and about each other's affairs, it couldn't be said who took advantage of the other, as long as they knew it well.

The next morning, when Yang Wei arrived at the school, he was surrounded by people.
"Yang Wei, you are here, when will you teach us how to make medicine?"

"That's right, that's right, just use our share of all the elixir,"

Yang Wei smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, even if I teach you how to make medicine, we still have to finish today's class, and we can't delay everyone's class after lunch break or after school in the afternoon."

Jiang Fan asked in surprise: "Hey, Yang Wei, you don't know yet. In the morning pharmacy class, Mr. Li asked for leave. Let us have a self-study class."

Yang Wei really didn't know about Li Zhipeng asking for leave in the morning.

After returning home yesterday, he drove to Su Qing's school without having dinner.
The two of them had a secret conversation in the medicine refining room on the second floor while Meng Hao was cooking, and when Yang Wei left, the medicine box he was carrying was full of pills.

It was getting late after I got home. After a day of tossing, my mental strength was always tense, and I was so tired that I went to bed early. I didn't have time to read the information on the communicator, so I came to school.

Yang Wei smiled embarrassedly, "I was busy refining medicine when I got back, and I haven't read the notice yet."

But I thought to myself, Li Zhipeng is not going to class, hum! !I must be busy refining in private, I think the pill will be produced in a short time, it is difficult!

You practice slowly, and I will take the opportunity to spread the alchemy technique widely, making it known to everyone, it is not a secret thing, let's see how you can beat it back.

"Wow, Yang Wei, I can't blame you for being able to research successfully. You really worked hard and never forgot to refine it when you got home. By the way, do you still have your pills? Give them to me at the selling point."

Yang Wei shook his head, "It's gone today, and it may be difficult in the future. I signed a contract with a company, and they will be responsible for selling the pills I make in the future."

"Ah, no way," exclaimed the students who didn't buy it yesterday, regretting their momentary hesitation yesterday.
"It doesn't matter. Let's go to the refining room now. I will refine it once for you to see. Whoever uses it will own the refined pill. How about it?"

"Really? Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and go."

There are only 50 students in Yang Wei's class, and everyone is urging him to refine. Jiang Fan has already occupied the best position next to him and swore sovereignty.

The whole gang rushed towards the medicine refining building together, which attracted the attention of students from other classes. What are they going to do as a class?

But no one paid too much attention to it. If it is a class of refining medicine, it is common for the whole class to go out together.

Sure enough, everyone went to the medicine refining building, it seems that they went to the medicine refining class

The medicine refining building has an endless stream of students every day. They come to reserve the medicine refining room. Classes for students will be in the big medicine refining room, which can accommodate up to a hundred people. It is suitable for teachers to give lectures and guide students in refining.

Yang Wei's classmates surrounded him, someone came forward and scanned the student card, opened the door of a refining room,
Someone rushed in and warmed up the refining equipment attentively, someone asked him what elixir he needed, and they rushed to grab their share,

Even Jiang Fan yelled wildly, "Stop it all. With my friendship with Yang Wei, it's nothing to you. Yang Wei should use mine."

The other students immediately retorted, "Come on, you took a pill for free yesterday, which is already a big advantage, and we still paid for it."

"That is, except for Jiang Fan, except for the person who bought the pills yesterday, let Yang Wei choose one of the remaining people."

Yang Wei is also in a dilemma, they are all classmates, so it is not suitable for him to choose anyone,
In the end, we had to draw lots, and whoever catches it will use it. This is good, it seems fair, everyone agrees, and the squad leader organizes the lottery.
Because Jiang Fan was not allowed to participate, it caused him to make a fuss, and Yang Wei stopped him with a wink, so he shut up, yes, the drama was a bit overdone, ha ha!

In the end, a lucky one was selected, and Yang Wei asked him to exchange two copies of the elixir of Blood Congealing Pill,

He stood calmly in front of the refining equipment, and began to explain why two elixirs were used and what each action meant.

Everyone stared at it carefully, and some people specially recorded it, just to grab a good position, and there was still a lot of scrambling.

But when Yang Wei started refining, everyone didn't dare to make noise. They are all future pharmacists and know the rules.

Yang Wei made countless times of refining pills. In order to learn the alchemy technique taught by Su Qing, he wasted an unknown amount of elixir.

Now you can't make a mistake if you close your eyes, and you can handle it with ease. Everyone is an expert, and it is clear at a glance that Yang Wei must have worked hard during this period.

Sure enough, there is nothing that can be successful casually. It is all due to hard work and unremitting efforts, hard work and sweat, and no pains no gain.

(End of this chapter)

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