Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 223 Full disclosure

Chapter 223 Full disclosure
During Yang Wei's refining process, many students whispered and covered their mouths again for fear of disturbing Yang Wei, but they couldn't help the surprise in their eyes.

When the medicine finally turned into a solid, and a few round pills flew out of the refining furnace, everyone applauded loudly, it was so powerful, they felt that they had witnessed the birth of a great master of pharmacy.

After watching Yang Wei's refining medicine, everyone inevitably wants to try it. Fortunately, the big refining room is the place where the teacher guides the students to refine medicine during class. It is well-equipped.

Before everyone operates it personally, they all feel that Yang Wei's refining is easy and should not be difficult, and it is easy to operate and it will be successful.

Moreover, Yang Wei explained the refining process and the details that need to be paid attention to very clearly. They didn't believe that they couldn't do it.
Everyone was arrogant, exchanged the elixir, and immediately started refining it,
Once you get started, you will realize that it looks simple, but it is actually very difficult. It is not something you can master after reading it once. If it was so easy, someone would have innovated it many years ago, and you can wait until now to make Yang Wei successful.

Yang Wei sat there with a smile and watched the students refining medicine. Usually everyone was arrogant and arrogant, but now everyone was in a hurry. This scene is really good.

Yang Wei told everyone some precautions, then gave Jiang Fan a wink, and the two left the big medicine refining room, there is no need to waste time here, it is better to learn something useful if you have that skill.

Today their teacher asked for leave, but the other classes did not. In the morning, the two of them went to other classes to take lessons,

It is very common to skip classes in the college. Sometimes students from other majors come to attend the class together, and they stand when there is no place.

The learning environment of the college is relatively free and relaxed, providing students with the best teaching environment and cultivating the best talents.

Yang Wei passed on his alchemy skills to his classmates and walked away, no matter what,
There are a few students with high talents who have some experience, but they can't refine it due to lack of special ability, but they feel that they will succeed if they take it slowly.
Most of the low-talented people think that Yang Wei didn't teach himself well, so he yelled out when he was dissatisfied. This is a good move. The students of several grades in the entire pharmacist department know this.
It quickly spread among the students. The teachers didn't know that it was because they were still immersed in the new way of refining medicine, and they all stayed in the refining room without going out.

The students in other classes knew that they also wanted to learn Yang Wei's alchemy.

This is amazing, all the students of the Pharmacy Department of Xinghui Academy have studied the new alchemy technique,
When Li Zhipeng and Lin Jianan finally found out about this, the school was already on vacation, so they contacted Yang Wei through the communicator and asked him why he did this?
Yang Wei responded to him with Li Zhipeng's original words, making it difficult for him to speak. What he said at the beginning was righteous and selfless, but now he said that his alchemy skills should not be taught to others.

I just sighed and let it go, anyway, I can't refine it myself, so let's teach the students well next week!Correct the current chaotic atmosphere in the classroom.

It's a pity that he still misjudged the development of the situation. What kind of news in this world is the most interesting news, of course it is something with huge interests.
Pharmacists are a very profitable industry, and each pharmacist has the support of major groups for the huge benefit of refining pharmaceuticals.

The news about the pills spread within a small area within a few days, and gradually spread more and more widely.
Secretary Jin's project officially started. During Yang Wei's two days off, he took him to a well-known media outlet and officially announced the news.

It was a live broadcast at that time, the host and Yang Wei, after a question and answer, launched Yang's pills,
Facing the camera, Yang Wei talked eloquently, redefining the name of the pill he made,
"The pill I made is at least ten times more effective than the same kind of medicine on the market today. At the same time, I consulted a lot of ancient books. In the distant past, the ancients would make a kind of pill, which they called pills. medicine,
For example, Rejuvenation Potion, they call it Huichun Pill, and I also named the medicine pill with the same ancient meaning. Although I can only refine three kinds now, my Yuanqi Pill, Huichun Pill, and Congealing Blood Pill will be on the market soon. , How effective it is, you can experience it yourself. "

Then the media broadcast it live again. Yang Wei's refining process in the refining room was made public without any reservation.

The world is in an uproar, not only in the circle of pharmacists, but also in all economic systems related to pharmacy, no one can suppress it.
When Li Zhipeng notified Lin Jian'an, apart from people from other planets, Mengyuexing knew of everyone who was related to the pharmacist industry.

Lin Jianan saw the calm Yang Weizheng in the Star TV and said:
"Master, you just asked me why I made the results of my hard research public. It is because of my teacher and the head of the department. Without their guidance, I would not have the achievements I have today.
When I successfully refined medicine in front of Mr. Li for the first time, I was so excited that I could not control myself. Later, Mr. Li brought more than a dozen senior pharmacists to see me refining medicine. At that time, Mr. Li said something that made everyone I remember it in my heart now, and I will never forget it. "

The host asked very curiously: "Oh, what did your teacher tell you?"

Yang Wei showed a very sacred expression, and said righteously:
"Ms. Li said that pharmacists are a very sacred profession. We should not cherish any new discoveries we have made. We need to let more people learn and discuss together to create more and better refining techniques. In order to last for a long time, there will be new development continuously.

That's why I want to make my alchemy public and teach everyone. I hope that more people will become high-level pharmacists, so that Mengyuexing can get rid of poverty as soon as possible and become rich and powerful. I hope that one day our Mengyuexing will become an imperial pharmacy The sacred place that the teacher most yearns for. "

The hostess was so touched that she was about to cry and clapped her hands.

When Lin Jianan saw it, he threw his glass in anger, and couldn't figure out why he was angry?
On the day Yang Wei made it public on Star TV, an auction house under the Jiang Group followed up and made a publicity that it would auction off one bottle of each of the three kinds of pills that Yang Wei had refined, with ten pills in each bottle.

Many people are dubious about this matter, whether it is true or not, although it is seen in the video that Yang Wei personally concocted the pill, but whether it will work or not, who can be sure,
Even if there is a public report from a testing agency, many people do not believe it 100%.
No one got the pills in person. Since there is a chance to buy them, it is easy to handle. There are many rich people. If they don’t have a lot of money, they are afraid that there will be no place to buy them.

Many big groups are well prepared, thinking of buying a bottle at all costs and taking it back for research.

Not only Xinghui Academy, but also a large number of pharmacists in the society, many people are concerned about the truth of this matter.

When Yang Wei was on the show, Su Qing and Meng Hao were also sitting in the dormitory, watching Star TV,

Meng Yan gnawed at the apple in his hand, still not forgetting to tease,
"Qingqing, look, Uncle Yang, he's quite handsome on the show. But when did he learn to make pills, didn't you teach him pills?"

Su Qing looked away from the star vision, looked at him, and said coldly:

"These words will be rotten in the stomach from now on, no one can say that refining the elixir is the result of Uncle Yang's own hard research, and I also learned from him, understand?"

Seeing the cold light in Qingqing's eyes, Meng Yu immediately nodded knowingly,

"I understand, I understand, I understand very well, I understand, it's a secret again, we need to keep a low profile,"

"Yeah!" Su Qing nodded in satisfaction,

Cut, always scaring people, Meng Yu snorted in dissatisfaction, anyway, Qingqing's principle is to hide everything he has, and he will only show it when they have the ability. He can only be obedient and continue to be a useless supernatural power. Feeling very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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