Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 225 The Founder's Dispute

Chapter 225 The Founder's Dispute

Then Huomiao began to teach Jiaojiao how to practice,
"Jiaojiao, hurry up and get into a good posture, while the master is meditating, the aura is strong, hurry up and practice,"

The kitten nodded, and the cute little milk voice said: "Brother, let's come together."

The two cats posed and lay down, and began to practice ethnic exercises, and a part of the spiritual energy in the room began to rush towards them.

When Su Qing opened her eyes, her ears moved, no, there was a sound of breathing in the room, who could enter her room when she arranged the formation, and the ancestor did not warn.

Sweeping left and right, she saw the fiery red Jiaojiao curled up in the cat's nest, and she couldn't help but whispered:
"Jiaojiao, you're out of your shell, why didn't you wake me up, I didn't see that miraculous scene."

Her petite ears moved, her round eyes opened, she looked at the master, and said delicately, "Master, master, I saw you with my own eyes."

Girls can't resist their love for petite, furry and cute animals,
Su Qing immediately ran over, picked up the mini Jiaojiao, and stroked her head, small ears, and pink and tender paws, so cute.

Jiaojiao happily licked her master's hand,

"Jiaojiao, what do you like to eat, I'll make you some meat paste later, you can't eat too hard food."

Su Qing liked Jiaojiao so much that she couldn't put it down.
"Master, I can eat anything, I'm not picky." Jiaojiao listened too much and Su Qing reprimanded Meng Hao, saying that he doesn't like green vegetables and always likes to eat meat.
Su Qing didn't brush her teeth or wash her face, just cast a cleansing technique, went to the bath, changed her clothes, and then went downstairs. Well, it's not good to keep pets, so you have to avoid it when you change your clothes.

When Su Qing went downstairs, Jiabao had already cooked a large pot of meat porridge with chopped bacon and some vegetable leaves, which could be eaten by both humans and cats. Meng Hao was cutting eggs and sausages, and frying two steamed buns. , enough breakfast for two people and a cat.

"Qingqing morning, what are you holding in your arms?"

"Look at Meng Yan, Jiaojiao is out of the shell, looks good, so cute."

"Well, it's okay." Meng Hao is a big boy. He doesn't like small animals like girls. He still likes majestic big tigers. Unfortunately, Huo Miao dare not transform himself in the city, and has to go back to his hometown in the mountains. hope.

Su Qing dug out a piece of fresh chicken in the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces, asked Jiabao to mash the chicken, and cooked it into meat soup for Jiaojiao to eat.
He also told Jiabao that there was another member in the family, and told Jiabao not to forget to bring Jiaojiao, go to school to register for an account, so as not to be caught by others, take her away from school, and bring a cat card, most people will know that she has an owner pet,
He also told Jiabao kittens to eat meat paste and cook it well, not the same as Huo Miao's, and to cook it separately each time.

The voice of Jiabao machine replied: "Understood."

Many students keep pets on campus. It is not uncommon for Su Qing to have two cats, but Jiaojiao's fiery red fur caused everyone to wonder for a while.

Many classmates asked her where to buy the cat, but Su Qing only said that it was caught in the mountains of her hometown.

It made many people sigh, and even wanted to buy Jiaojiao from Su Qing for a big price, but Su Qing refused directly.

Some people took advantage of their prominent family background and tried to force Su Qing to sell her to her. Zhou Peilan knew about it, and after a lot of criticism, they didn't study hard at school and learned to bully. They thought she was a good student of Zhou Peilan in order to snatch a worthless cat. bullying?

Immediately find the parents of the student, saying that her child is too playful and not suitable for learning, so she should drop out of school and play for a few years before sending it to school.
The parents would lose face like this, and Zhou Peilan couldn't provoke her, so she immediately scolded her own child severely. Now, no one in the school dared to stretch their paws at Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao was also fed by Su Qing for the next day. Su Qing even bought milk powder for her to drink. She didn't know if a monster needs to drink milk after it hatches?

Anyway, I bought it, so I gave it to Jiaojiao. Later, everyone drank it together. They are not adults, and drinking milk every day is good for their health.

During the day, Jiaojiao played around with her brother and learned the special skills of the race. At night, she lay down in the master's room and practiced with Su Qing. She was full of spiritual energy, which made her grow up quickly. In less than two months, she was already half the size of a flame. The talent is the fire element, the whole body can emit hot flames,

This is new, according to the ancestors, Moon Shadow Cat belongs to the water system, Jiaojiao actually inherited the talent of the father, but looks like the mother, hehe, inheritance is really interesting.

But Huo Miao is even more strange. He didn't inherit the abilities of his parents, but instead showed a trace of Qiong Qi devouring ability. Is this an atavistic phenomenon?

Su Qing and Meng Hao were studying quietly on campus, and the circle of pharmacists outside had exploded. Because of Yang Wei's alliance with Jiang's, a series of heavy punches stirred up the wind and rain,

The pills were released on the market, and there were three bottles in total at the auction, each containing 10 pills. After a fierce competition, they were photographed by three different forces, and they were taken back for research.

A few days later, the pills were listed for auction one after another, which was extremely popular.
For a while, Yang Wei had a great reputation and was frequently reported by various media. Later, Yang Wei felt that the heat was enough, so he stopped appearing in public. In the pretense of studying and refining medicine, he tried to refine other medicines.

The media did not dare to bother Yang Wei, so they went to interview his teacher and department head Lin Jianan, and even Dong Yufeng from the pharmacists union,
This is like a hundred schools of thought contending, with some saying good things about it, and some slandering it, and some even say that Yang Wei, a young man, has no right to say that the research results are his own creations, and it is obvious that the things researched by many old seniors were stolen by him. He was lucky enough to refine it successfully.

So the media reported one after another who was the founder of alchemy. The teachers in the school lost their voices and did not respond to anything. The students all agreed that Yang Wei was the real founder.

The pharmacists outside kept arguing, asking Yang Wei to come forward to clarify whether he was plagiarizing the alchemy technique of his predecessors.

As soon as these things happened, Yang Wei knew that some old fellows had been able to refine medicine pills,
Yang Wei didn't explain much, just said one sentence,

"Two months after my elixir was launched, I dared to come out and make a noise. Do you need to think about who is the founder? Everyone will know the quality of the elixir."

Jiang's public relations department was not given for nothing. After a few operations like a tiger, he held down all the old guys. Some old guys who wanted to make a fortune, but they were old and ruined their reputations. Why did they come here? ?
You come and go between the two sides, and the wanton dialectics in the media made the people who eat melons yell and enjoy themselves,

Even so, a few pharmacists who can refine elixirs were invited by many groups to refine elixirs. After the elixirs were released, they were not only not up to standard, but also toxic. Those who hired them with such a lot of money were very annoyed.

But those few people said that pills are not so easy to successfully refine, and when they are proficient, they will get better and better. The boss who hired them had to endure it for the time being. Hate teeth itching.

Needless to say, they also know who is lying, from the turmoil of scrambling for the founder to the effect after the finished product is released, but there is no way, those old guys have thick skins, and they are all high-level pharmacists. Still providing a lot of elixir for them to practice, knocking out teeth and swallowing blood, only you know how sad you are.

Li Zhipeng and Lin Jianan were also able to make pills, but when they failed the test, they knew that there was still a problem with their technique and they needed to continue practicing.
They also want to be like Yang Wei, but many deep-rooted medicine refining habits are not so easy to break through, and the techniques are always difficult to adapt, so they need to keep practicing.

But how did Yang Wei do it? Even if he could refine a batch of pills a day, how could he have so many pills on the market in a short period of time, and the effects are so good. What's more, some people say that some pills are more effective than potions Dozens of times, what is that concept.

(End of this chapter)

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