Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 226 Imperial Patent Office

Chapter 226 Imperial Patent Office
It seems that this kid is playing tricks on them, he should have learned the alchemy technique a long time ago, just looking for an opportunity to push it out.

Those elixirs were all accumulated by him, so he was surprised that a mature method of refining medicine was researched in just over two months. Hehe, it was still caused by greed. Fortunately, Lin Jianan maintained his identity and did not compete for fame. He is not among those who are ashamed, what a difference!

Tianlong City, a large interstellar spacecraft that is very far away from Mengyue Star in the central galaxy, has just entered the spaceport and parked at the designated location.

This is an interstellar express spaceship, the hatch is opened, and the express staff releases intelligent robots, flying cars,
The flying car will arrive at the address specified in the system. These robots will drive the smart flying car and deliver the goods to the customer one by one in the order of the receiving addresses in the system.

The Imperial Patent Office has a lot of goods, all of which are samples from various places in the empire that have applied for patents. Today's goods are loaded with two express cars.

After arriving at the address, the robot unloaded the goods at the reception desk of the Patent Office. Every day, the Patent Office received countless samples of patent applications from various regions of the empire, involving various industries.

There are dozens of departments in the Patent Office responsible for the review, a total of three review mechanisms to prevent missing one or making mistakes.

The courier robot finished delivering the goods, checked that each item had been successfully signed for, connected with the intelligent robot of the Patent Office, and left after completing the task.

The intelligent robot of the patent office will assign each product to different departments for inspection according to the variety.
Yang Wei's three pills were distributed to the pharmacy department,

Today, there are not many applications for test patents in the pharmacy department. They are all medicines, and there are only three.

There are two potions that stimulate supernatural powers, and Yang Wei's pills are the rest.
After testing the two medicines, the staff needs to make a judgment, veto or agree,
The grey-haired senior inspector first checked the information filled out by the star network, checked whether the received goods were consistent, and finally took samples and put them into the machine for testing.
The detection equipment here is many times more advanced than other regions, and it can even show how many water molecules there are.
The most popular medicines in the empire are potions that can increase abilities. Pharmacists refine them in a variety of ways. After the test of time, the two prescriptions of energy-gathering potions and vitality potions are still the mainstream. They are enduring and no one has ever broken them. ,

Many pharmacists like to innovate the most, and it is also the potion that improves the ability, but creating a new potion is not so simple, he tests all kinds of potion samples every day.

When he got the third copy, he looked at the information in his brain. It was a new kind of pill, which claimed to be ten times more effective than ordinary medicines. It must be nonsense.
The old testing room pouted and murmured: "A sample sent from a place that doesn't shit, what good can it be, and it's only first-order."

The old man disdainfully opened the package and took three pills. A fresh fragrance wafted through him, which made him startled. It’s a good thing. It smells unusual.
"This taste is very pure, is it really a good thing?"

The testing room couldn't wait to send it to the machine for testing. As the data climbed, his expression became more and more surprised. When he checked the detailed data on the optical computer, he couldn't help taking a breath, baby, it's amazing, the empire hasn't produced anything good for a long time .

Then continue to test the remaining two pills, they are all extraordinary data, it is too unbelievable, if this pill can be marketed,
After taking it, the power of the supernatural master has not increased. Although it is only a low price, it is a very important resource for the empire as a whole.

The old tester quickly typed out the test report, sealed the medicine, and submitted it to the intelligent robot outside, so there is no cross-check.

So today's Imperial Patent Office was alarmed by three pills. This patent must be approved, but in the end, it was left by the department's top executive, and the people below had no right to intervene.
But it will be detained for three days at most. Whether it is rejected or passed, it must be announced on the Xingwang. After all, the applicant can check the progress at any time, and everything is displayed on the Xingwang.

The director of the pharmacy department took the three pills, but he didn't dare to call the shots, so he went directly to Shi Zhengnan, the top leader of the Patent Office, and told the situation,
Shi Zhengnan asked, "Xiao Li, what do you mean by this? It's just a patent for a drug. If it meets the requirements, just pass it. I'm so busy every day, and such trivial things bother me."

The supervisor smiled flatteringly: "Director, it's not a special matter. How dare I bother you. You should read this report first. The things submitted for review this time are unusual. I think it's better to be cautious."

After speaking, he handed over a memory card, and Shi Zhengnan took it. The optical brain had scanned it, and all the information was displayed. He didn't care about his gaze at first, but gradually began to look at it squarely, and finally his face was full of shock.

"Xiao Li, these information are true, there really is such a magic pill."

"It's the real director. I've checked it several times. If it wasn't just one pill, I'd like to try it."

Shi Zhengnan pondered for a while before saying:
"If it is true, this is a big deal. It is related to the future development of the empire. It is definitely an important resource. Although the level is low, these three medicines are indispensable for the cultivation of low-level supernatural masters. The folks are okay, and the army's If the ability master can provide it with such a pill, it will be even more powerful."

Director Li nodded. This is why he withheld the application and came to see the director. The empire is not always stable now. The Democratic Federation, which is opposed to their country, has always had the ambition to annex the empire, and strange creatures appear from nowhere from time to time.

The Empire of Light has millions of soldiers in the Xingchenhai to deal with all kinds of alien beasts, and resources are in short supply everywhere.

Shi Zhengnan said to him,

"You leave the pill first, and I will find someone to verify the authenticity of this pill. Optical machine testing can only explain the data, but it is not synthesized. It needs to be identified by a high-level pharmacist. I will give you a message in three days, you This application is being processed."

"Yes, Director, then I'll go back to work first."

"Yes." Shi Zhengnan nodded calmly,

As soon as Director Li left, Shi Zhengnan immediately held the three pills in his hand like a baby, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

The Imperial Patent Office is a department with little oil and water. It is busy with many things every day, and disputes often arise, and it also involves the entire empire.

Sometimes the staff have to go on a business trip to check the authenticity of the reported items,
Although Shi Zhengnan is the director general and has not developed well in politics, the emergence of these three pills has become a ladder for him to be promoted to the core of the empire.

Shi Zhengnan urgently contacted Shao Yang, the president of the Tianlong City Pharmacist Union, the tenth-level pharmacy master, and one of the top pharmacy masters in the empire.

Take the pills and ask President Shao to appraise them, and there must be no problem.

The pharmacist's union received Shi Zhengnan's request to ask the president to identify a kind of pill, and after many reports to Shaoyang,
Shaoyang heard that the people from the Patent Office needed his help to identify a newly submitted pill, and their appraiser was not sure, so he agreed directly.

With the status of Shaoyang, it can be said that in the entire empire, there are only a few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. It is not because of wealth and power, but because of ability.

The top strata of the empire are all supernatural masters, people with strong comprehensive strength,
And the cultivation of a supernatural master is inseparable from various potions. No one can say that you can’t use a high-level pharmacist. You don’t need it, and neither do relatives, friends, and family members. Therefore, the status of a pharmacist is the most popular among supernatural masters. Respect.

(End of this chapter)

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