Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 227 President Shao

Chapter 227 President Shao

Shaoyang's position is so high that most people don't want to offend him. He has a good personality. When he was in charge of the pharmacists' union, he was very popular. Most people would agree to a request from him as long as it wasn't too embarrassing.

Shi Zhengnan took three pills, arrived at the pharmacist's union, and followed the robot's guidance to the president's office area on the third floor.

A young woman walked up to her and asked with a faint smile:
"Excuse me, are you Director Shi?"

"Hi, I'm in Shizhengnan."

"Hello, Director Shi, my name is Xie Yuxin. Chairman Shao is my teacher. I heard that your patent office needs the help of a teacher to test a kind of pill. The teacher asked me to meet you. Director Shi, please come with me."

Shi Zhengnan nodded, followed Xie Yuxin into a large medicine refining room,
The refining room here is not the low-end equipment of Mengyuexing, but the most advanced boutique of the empire, and even a speck of dust can be scanned.

Shaoyang was adjusting the potion in his hand, and he kept talking non-stop, while an assistant beside him quickly recorded it on the optical brain.

Xie Yuxin and Shi Zhengnan walked in, not daring to disturb Chairman Shao's work. They waited for about ten minutes, at least the adjustment of the medicine was completed.
Only then did Xie Yuxin dare to step forward and said, "Teacher, Chief Shi is here."

Shao Yang looked away from the potion and looked at Shi Zhengnan,

"You are Director Shi, contact me to identify the medicine."

Shaoyang's expression was very rude, of course he had the right to be rude, a small director of the Patent Office was not in his eyes, it was right to agree to meet, Shi Zhengnan was very interested in the pills.

Shi Zhengnan said politely: "Hi, Chairman Shao, I am Shi Zhengnan from the Patent Office, here is the pill, please take a look."

His attitude was very respectful, and he handed over the pills in his hand. Shaoyang is a great master of pharmacy, a saint of the tenth rank, even His Majesty the emperor should respect him when he sees it, let alone him.

Shaoyang is a clean-spirited person, and few people can put him in the eyes of others. He devotes all his attention to the research of medicines. Many newly developed medicines in the empire are the result of his research.

President Shao saw that the other party handed over a jade bottle, and took it in his hand to look at it. It is a bit wasteful to use a bottle made of jade to hold medicine.

In the interstellar era, jade is not precious, and the price is acceptable to ordinary people, but it is not as cheap as glass. It can be seen that people who refine medicine are very precious to their medicine.

Opening the bottle cap, the smell of medicine inside was a bit messy, Shao Yang frowned, and said displeasedly:
"Different medicines can't be put together, they are easy to affect each other's properties, don't you know?"

"Ah, I didn't pay attention to this. When the pharmacy department brought it over, they put it in a bottle. I didn't touch it, so I just took it over."

He kept scolding Director Li in his heart, this guy who is greedy for small things, the jade bottle he sent was embezzling two, which is worth a few interstellar coins.

He didn't know that when Yang Wei sent it, he put a bottle in it. He thought it was a test, as long as the properties of the medicine remained unchanged. Qingqing said that only a jade bottle can guarantee that the medicine will not be lost. As for the mutual influence, he didn't think about it at all. A sort of.

Shaoyang's face was a bit ugly, he couldn't see laymen not paying attention to drugs the most, he must know that a small mistake can make a big difference,

He found a container and poured out three pills, picked up a knife and cut off a bit of each, carefully separated them in his mouth, and muttered the name of the elixir.

Then the look became more and more serious, and there were still some puzzles,

"Impossible, I can't do anything, how is this refined? Is it really the legendary medicine?"

Regardless of what others think of him, Shao Yang took three incomplete pills and walked to the testing machine for further checking, even his own proud judgment was uncertain.

Just as the assistant stepped forward to help him, Shao Yang immediately scolded: "Go away."

He held the pill like a baby, put it into the testing device, and pressed the button. The results were so high that people could be suspicious, but Shaoyang was not surprised, and started to test again for the second lesson without believing in evil.

After testing the three pills, Shaoyang was stunned for a long time, and it was best to say, "There is really such a magic pill in the world."

He stared at the vitality pills, blood coagulation pills, and rejuvenation pills in his hands, which corresponded to supernatural power training, traumatic bleeding, and internal injury treatment.

"Director Shi, these three pills, can I take them to see the effect, they will be gone after I use them up."

Shi Zhengnan nodded. The appraised item is not a precious thing. If it is gone, the applicant can make it up at any time.

"Okay, it's just to test the authenticity. One test can't be directly confirmed. If the item is gone, just notify the other party and mail it over."

"Then I'll find two people to test the efficacy of the medicine. Come with me."

After Shao Yang finished speaking, he took three pills and walked out of the refining room.

Shi Zhengnan didn't know where he was going, so he hurriedly followed, and his assistant and Xie Yuxin also followed.

Shao Yang walked out of the pharmacists' union and went directly to a building next door,

Shi Zhengnan took a look, isn't this the Imperial Central Hospital?

This is the largest public hospital in Tianlong City. It is divided into two buildings. It is an ordinary hospital facing the common people. The building inside is a special hospital for the treatment of supernatural masters and space fighters.
The doctors working in the supernatural hospital are all pharmacists who specialize in treating the diseases of supernatural masters. In fact, supernatural masters seldom get sick. They need to be treated for external and internal injuries. They are injured when fighting against strange beasts and enemies.

Injured by a strange beast, minor injuries can be healed, and those with serious injuries have to be sent to the hospital. After all, the doctors here are all pharmacists, and most of them have wood-type and water-type abilities. These two abilities already have Healing effect.

Shaoyang is very familiar with this place, everyone knows him, people keep saying hello to him, Shaoyang always nods seriously, and walks away quickly
Shi Zhengnan didn't know what Chairman Shao was doing at the Ability Hospital, and he still wanted to give those three pills to the patient.

Shaoyang found the emergency department by familiar ways. At this time, a patient had just been sent in, dripping blood all over his body.

Even though the doctor is doing his best to stop the bleeding, he has already drank three hemostatic potions, some small wounds have stopped bleeding, but several large and hideous knife wounds can't stop the bleeding no matter what.

This can be cured if an ordinary injury enters the medical recovery cabin, but it is cut by a weapon of a supernatural master, and the wound contains a lot of supernatural powers, so it can only be sent to a supernatural hospital or taken immediately with good medicine in hand.

For such a serious injury, the wounded must have taken a good medicine long ago, and had to be sent to the hospital. Fortunately, he took a bottle of blood coagulation medicine first to keep his breath alive.
Tianlong City is the capital of the empire, the law is sound, there is no danger, but there are too many rich people, I hope to find some excitement,

The princes and ladies of those big aristocratic families like to let their supernatural masters bet and fight with each other. There is also a gambling arena set up in Tianlong City's underground black market, so it is normal for supernatural masters to be injured.

When Shao Yang saw the man sent in, he knew that he must have just come down from a ring, and he kept shouting to a man behind him:
"Doctor, I beg you, we must save him, it's only one game away, one game away!!"

The nurse stepped forward to stop him, "Sir, please go away, don't hinder our treatment of patients."

Shao Yang walked over and asked in a deep voice, "What's the situation?"

Several doctors looked up, just about to reprimand, who dares to disturb them to save lives at this critical moment

Seeing that it was Shao Yang, he immediately said respectfully:

"President Shao, the wounded has multiple stab wounds, and there is still a supernatural knife energy in the wound. Although we can guide the knife energy out, the wound is not easy to heal. He has already taken three blood coagulation potions. If it weren't for the patient It was delivered in time, and a blood transfusion was arranged immediately, and the injured were already dead, and they are not out of danger now."

(End of this chapter)

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