Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 228 The effect is amazing

Chapter 228 The effect is amazing
Shao Yang directly pushed a doctor away, "Get out of the way,"

With his status, even the prime minister of the empire should be polite, so naturally don't be careful with these people, and many of them are his juniors.

Shao Yang felt the wounded man's pulse, and sure enough, he lost a lot of blood. If he hadn't been sent to the hospital for a blood transfusion, he would have died a long time ago, and now he has fallen into a coma.
"President Shao, take a look. Is there any way to save him? I think even if he is saved, the person is doomed. He is dying, and his body is about to collapse."

People like Shaoyang only care about research, and rarely care about other things, and they don’t talk about discussing with others about what I want to do.
Several doctors just watched President Shao take out a pill out of nowhere and stuff it directly into the patient's mouth.

The nature of the elixir is that it melts in the mouth, and Shao Yang planned to stuff it down his throat. He just swallowed the medicine as soon as he saw it, so he ignored it, and then carefully observed the changes in his wound.

Sure enough, the blood flow stopped after a while, and the doctors were stunned. The medicine President Shao gave to the wounded had an immediate effect. As expected of the top pharmacist in the empire, the pills he took out were extraordinary.
"Why are you in a daze, hurry up and save him, quickly absorb the supernatural power from his wound."

Shaoyang let out a stern voice, and only then did a few people react, and quickly used their supernatural powers to save people.
Shaoyang saw that several wounds on the man's body had begun to stop bleeding, and there was a faint tendency to seal them, and he also confirmed in his heart that the effect of the pills was really extraordinary.

Not long after, the patient who was dying just now moved his eyelids and was about to wake up.

Shaoyang figured out the effect of the pill, turned around and left without saying a word, and then went to find a suitable patient to test the medicine. Shi Zhengnan, Xie Yuxin and Shaoyang's assistant hurriedly followed.

In the Ability Hospital, there is no place that Shaoyang cannot enter, and the doctors and nurses dare not stop them when they see it.

In a ward, he finally found an interstellar soldier who suffered internal injuries. He couldn’t tell from the outside that it was bad, but his face was as pale as paper, and he coughed blood from time to time. The supernatural doctor in the hospital was regulating his qi and blood. With the rejuvenation potion, I haven't taken it yet.

Shao Yang wanted to test the effect of the Rejuvenation Pill, so he directly said to the treating doctor, "I'll give him a Rejuvenation Pill to try."

When the doctor saw President Shao coming in person, there was no way he would not agree. He would never have guessed that Shaoyang just wanted to find an experimental product.

After taking rejuvenation pills for the patient, the patient who was originally in poor spirits seemed to be rejuvenated, and his face immediately flushed. The effect of the medicine was amazing. Shaoyang pulsed again, and most of the injuries were healed. After a little recuperation of the body, it will be fine.

Not only the doctor was very excited, but the patient, regardless of his weak body, thanked Chairman Shao for his kindness. Everyone knows how rare high-level medicines are, and the medicines given to him must be very valuable.
Shaoyang just said lightly: "You don't have to thank me too much, I'm just experimenting with the effect of the medicine, take care of your illness,"

Then he left directly. The excited doctor wanted to ask what medicine he was using, but he didn't have time to ask.
Shao Yang still had the last vitality pill in his hand, he was reluctant to use it, and planned to keep it for his own research.

Shaoyang showed ecstasy on his usually expressionless face, and resisted the desire to inquire about news with Shi Zhengnan on the street.
Several people quickly returned to the pharmacist union. Shaoyang sat behind the desk. Shaoyang asked Xie Yuxin and his assistant to go out. Only he and Shi Zhengnan said:

"Director Shi, you have seen the effect of the medicine. It's not bad. Where is this pharmacist? The patent application can be approved."

Shao Yang tried his best to control his emotions, and let himself speak casually, so that people could not see the excitement in his heart at all.

Shi Zhengnan sneered in his heart, but is it not bad?It's pretty good, okay?But he knew that Chairman Shao would definitely be interested in this drug,

It is worth it to be able to get in touch with him, such a good pill will not come back in Shaoyang's hands, even if he wants to use it to build a relationship, there is no real thing, I knew I would keep two and send one Okay, miscalculated.

Although I thought so in my heart, I said with a smile on the surface:

"President Shao, it's just an inconspicuous little planet. It still belongs to the primitive galaxy in the edge of the empire, a place called Mengyuexing."

"Oh, can you give me a copy of the application materials, I want to see, what kind of genius can improve the refining method and turn the medicine into a pill, but the effect is increased several times."

Shi Zhengnan looked embarrassed, "Well, Chairman Shao, the information declared by the Patent Office involves personal privacy and needs to be kept confidential. If I want to disclose it, I will have to pay legal responsibility."

Shaoyang looked coldly at Shi Zhengnan, the director of the Patent Office who was in a group of amiable and chubby, unexpectedly, people are quite speculative, just use three pills, just want to get some benefits,
For Shaoyang, the person who can refine pills is really important, and his information must be obtained.

As the highest-ranking pharmacist, he is basically researching how to improve the effect of existing medicines,
In the ancient materials left by the empire, it is mentioned that a long time ago, there were many ways to practice in the universe, and one of them was called a monk. There were four major occupations among the monks, the pill formation method refining the talisman,
And now many unique skills in the interstellar world have borrowed the methods of monks. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, monks are gradually declining. They have not appeared in the world for a long time, but it does not mean they are dead. The vast universe is boundless. I don’t know where monks practice in that secret realm?

Nowadays, with the rise of supernatural masters, it is only after improving various disciplines that modern pharmacists, crafting masters, array masters and so on appear.

By virtue of his identity, Shaoyang entered the Royal Collection Museum many times to study those ancient alchemy secrets, and he got something every time.
Many modern medicine formulas are mostly simplified from pills. No matter how hard a pharmacist works, they can’t make pills. That magical elixir is said to have amazing effects. There are various effects, and there are different pills for different cultivation levels. medicine.

And the pills sent by Shi Zhengnan already had some prototypes of pills. Could it be that a peerless genius researched it by himself?
After all, Wanliu returned to the sect, and the potion was born out of the elixir. It is very possible that someone can restore the elixir from the potion. Shaoyang sighed, why isn't this person him?

Being able to refine elixir can be said to be a major breakthrough in the field of pharmacy, can he not care about it?
This kind of refining technique, before others know it, he must get it, no matter what price he pays,
The fat man in front of him must know this too, so he wanted to blackmail him and get some benefits,
Shao Yang said coldly:

"What do you want, just say it."

Shi Zhengnan smiled, his eyes seemed to be narrowed,
"Hey, Chairman Shao, I don't think the Patent Office has any future. If I want to change to a department with real power, it's best not to lower the level,"

Shaoyang snorted coldly, "Hmph, my appetite is not small. You think that I am a powerless person, the president of the pharmacist union, and I can do it. I am not His Majesty the Emperor."

Shi Zhengnan hurriedly said: "I know, I know, I just want to ask President Shao to help me introduce some important people, and then I will report the application for drugs this time, which is also a great achievement, and maybe I will be lucky enough to get that Your favor."

Shao Yang accidentally looked at the fat man in front of him, a smart man, but unfortunately it is not good for him,
"Do you want to take the medicine to claim credit? I agree? You know what will happen if you offend me. Even if you find someone to report the information, they won't offend me for an unappreciated medicine."

Shi Zhengnan is still smiling. Chairman Shao is only respected by others, but he is not afraid of not being powerful. If there is anything he can discuss,
"President Shao, how could I offend you? Listen to what I want to do. I can't hold back that information for long, and it will eventually be exposed. You can get it as soon as possible, and then do me a little favor." , I will be left to operate by myself, and at that time, the information will not be of much use to you, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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