Chapter 229
Shaoyang is not a research scholar with low emotional intelligence, otherwise how to manage the entire pharmacist union, you must know that where there are people, there will be competition. The pharmacist union is not a purely harmonious place.

He also knew that even if he wanted to threaten Shi Zhengnan, it wouldn't be very effective. What Shi Zhengnan said was also reasonable. He didn't cover up what happened today, and it would spread out soon. He couldn't cover it up.
Shi Zhengnan's conditions are not too difficult. As long as he can cover it for a month, he can make a difference. Thinking of this, he nodded and said:
"I agree to what you said, give me the information, you find a way to hold it down for a while, the longer the better, so that I can get the benefits I want."

Shi Zhengnan said with a smile: "President Shao, don't worry, I still have this ability. Let's add a communication number, and I will send the information directly to you. However, Mengyuexing is really far away, and there is no direct link." For the flight route, you need to transfer to Bichenxing to reach Mengyuexing."

"Well, I see,"

Shao Yang secretly thought that I, the president of the dignified pharmacist union, was not yet able to hire a spaceship to go directly to Mengyuexing.

After he added Shi Zhengnan as a friend, he received a document,
Seeing the achievement of his goal, Shi Zhengnan left with a smile. Before leaving, he did not forget to say:

"President Shao, I'm waiting for your good news."

Shaoyang nodded coldly, it was just to help him break the relationship, it was very simple, but whether he can grasp it depends on Shi Zhengnan's own ability.

After Shi Zhengnan left, Shaoyang began to open the file. A person named Yang Wei applied for a personal patent. The three pills were called Yuanqi Pill, Congealing Blood Pill and Huichun Pill. How could they be named so coincidentally?

Mengyuexing is too far away, it is impossible for me to drop everything and go there for a special trip, and I will not be able to come back for more than half a year, which will not only attract attention, but also delay the research of the multiple medicines in hand.

So we have to find someone to replace him and bring Yang Wei back. Who is the right person to do this?

Only his students are the most suitable, but they all have their own careers, where there is no time to go to such a far place to bring people back, the only one who has not yet graduated is Yu Xin,
It is possible to hire a small spaceship, more than a month is enough to reach Mengyue, and half a year is definitely enough to bring people back.

He can't leave by himself. Once he leaves, it will definitely cause speculation from all parties. The time he bought is meaningless. The pill will be exposed in advance, and this matter has to be done quietly.
Press the communication device on the table, let the assistant inform Xie Yuxin to come over, and I have something to do with her.

Xie Yuxin heard that the teacher was looking for her, so she immediately put down what she was doing and came to see Shaoyang.

"Teacher, look for me."

"Yu Xin, you are my youngest disciple, and you have the best talent. You also know that as a pharmacist, you have reached the end of your development at my level. No matter how much you study, the possibility of breakthrough is very small.

But today Director Shi brought the pills, which gave me a new direction. Refining medicines into pills to further improve the properties of medicines must be a great progress in pharmacy. Can you understand the importance of this matter? "

Xie Yuxin is very smart.As soon as the teacher said it, she understood what it meant, "Teacher, do you want me to bring that alchemist back?"

"Well, you guessed it right. My behavior is too targeted and easy to be discovered. You should leave quietly and bring people back as soon as possible. Which technology should we master as soon as possible? In the future, the circle of pharmacists will be our masters and apprentices. Respect."

"Teacher, I see. Where is the person? I will immediately set off to the spaceport to be the nearest spaceship."

Xie Yuxin knew very well that the teacher had already made a decision, so she decided to be more positive, as hesitation and rejection would cause the teacher's displeasure.

Shaoyang was really satisfied, "Don't be so anxious, you go home and tell your family first, I will hire a spaceship to take you to the space port tomorrow."

Xie Yuxin is not surprised at all, the teacher has this ability and financial resources.

"Here's the address and name. When you get there, contact the local pharmacist's union branch, and then bring the person back directly,"

"Okay, teacher,"

They didn't think about whether Yang Wei would refuse the question, according to their thinking.How could a small person on a primitive planet refuse the invitation of the Imperial Pharmacists Union? That is simply impossible.

Once everyone encounters such a beautiful thing, they must be eager to pick it up.

The next day, a small exploration spaceship left the space port of Tianlong City and headed for the vast interstellar space.

At this time, Yang Wei had no idea that the samples he had sent to the Imperial Patent Office had attracted the attention of Shao Yang, the president of the pharmacists union. Someone was about to come to Mengyuexing and wanted to take him away.
Ever since the matter of the pills was made public, Yang Wei has had a rough time, being interviewed by the media constantly, and even his family members have been affected.
Yang Dayong didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, he didn't expect his son to have such an outstanding talent, he would actually research a new alchemy technique,

It made him feel so unreal, and he didn't believe that Yang Wei had such ability at all, but the fact was that Yang Wei showed the result of his hard work.

Yang Wei was very busy during this time, taking classes, refining medicine, and teaching everyone to learn new medicine refining techniques.

He has just entered the academy for three years, and he is far from the level of graduation. He must go to school every day to complete the courses of Xinghui Academy.

If you have free time, go to the Jiang family to refine medicine, and train some of Jiang's pharmacists. Although Secretary Jin told him not to teach new medicine refining techniques at will, it is not good for him.

Yang Wei just smiled and said that you don't understand.

In the same way, anyone who wants to learn can teach. Since Jiang has benefited, no one is persuading him, and most people understand why he wants to do this.

Yang Wei feels that he is in a good state now, he doesn’t have to worry about the spirit grass, Jiang will provide everything he needs, and he and Jiang will share the profits after deducting the cost of the elixir that he refines. Practice other high-level potions or pills.

He said that he can produce a batch of pills every day, but in fact Yang Wei can't do it at all. It is a bit difficult for him to supply pills to the market continuously. He is busy with so many things every day.

But don't forget, there is also Su Qing. Su Qing's ability is more than ten times higher than that of Yang Wei. He can refine the vitality pill all day long. As long as he meditates at night, he can fully recover and continue to refine.

There are more and more elixir in the world, but the potency is different. The data obtained after testing can clearly know whether the quality is good or bad, and it is not difficult to identify it.

Su Qing also followed the crowd to refine the three kinds of pills, and sold them to Yang Wei. The medicines were sold in large quantities. She felt that the medicines were relatively safe.

He couldn't let people know that he could also refine elixirs, especially since she and Yang Wei still knew each other. There were clues to many things, so it was impossible to investigate further.

It's better for me to be quiet, to finish my six-year intermediate class in peace,

She collected information on the various colleges and universities in the empire when she was free, and found a college that suited her. She would definitely not choose Xinghui College.

The structure of Xinghui Academy is too small, and they seem to be very remarkable in their current eyes, but they can't even rank in the empire, and the knowledge she can learn is limited. Su Qing doesn't want to just study pharmacy, and wants to systematically study many things understand.

Only by walking out of Mengyuexing can there be a wider world for her to explore.

Yang Wei is very busy, so he won't come to Su Qing unless it is absolutely necessary. Su Qing wanted to teach him more medicine refining techniques, but he didn't have a chance, so he had to come to Japan for a long time.
She and Meng Xing lived a peaceful life together with their delicate flames, but they didn't know that a spaceship from the central galaxy was slowly approaching Mengyue, bringing a turning point of fate.

What kind of decision will Yang Wei make then?Whether Su Qing will be exposed, an invisible storm is coming, and no one knows at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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