Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 230 Efforts to spread

Chapter 230 Efforts to spread
The turmoil in the circle of Mengyuexing pharmacists is not a secret. Yang Wei didn't want to keep it a secret. The whole world knew about it, and the outer planets must have heard of it. Some of the pills flowed out of Mengyuexing.
After some people took it, the effect was indeed much stronger than that of the medicine, and more people bought it, but the sales volume in the market was not much.

There is a space port in Mingyue City, and the news about the pill gradually spread, and there are also various messages on the star network.

Someone even posted a post about the elixir on the forum of the pharmacists' union. Although the person who posted the post swears that the effect of the elixir is absolutely true, most people don't believe it at all. Most people in developed areas completely refute the news.

What people say makes sense. If the famous master of pharmacy in the empire researches some pills, it may be more reliable. A planet that everyone has never heard of, and a college student inventing a new method of refining medicine are fabricated without even thinking about it. .

Su Qing also saw this post, did not express any comments, just skimmed it, and browsed other articles,

She has already started to use the alchemy furnace to refine pills, but unfortunately most of the pills refined can only be taken by herself, such as Qi Gathering Pills, which are pills that increase aura, and pills that have healing effects are no problem. division can also be used.

Each kind of elixir, Su Qing, just refines some spare parts and stores them in the jade pendant space.
She usually still mainly refines medicines, and medicines can be sold for money, which is the guarantee for her and Meng Xiao to go to school.

Meng Hao also understands that they are earning their living expenses now. It was only in the second grade that he realized that going to school really costs money, and how much money they earn is not enough to spend.

Pharmacy and crafting are the most costly. Even supernatural science, in order to stimulate supernatural powers, buying a gene evolution fluid is not affordable for ordinary families.
After the ability is activated, the daily practice also requires the cooperation of vitality potions, otherwise the entry will be very slow, and sooner or later the students will be left behind by a large part. Without sufficient resources, it is impossible to graduate from the intermediate class smoothly.

If it weren't for Qingqing's amazing ability, they could refine medicines and sell them for money at a young age. They wouldn't be able to complete six years of school no matter which subject they choose as their main subject. Just one to three years of study can drag down an ordinary family.
It is impossible for a child from a poor family without talent to graduate. Of course, if they were in Anyang City, they would not have such a big expense, but the education students get is limited, and it cannot be compared with the students who graduated from the intermediate class in Mingyue City.

In fact, the school is a place to compete for strength. The competition is about personal ability and family financial resources. If you can't do it, you will definitely be eliminated.
And Su Qing, relying on her strong talent, not only studies well, but also uses what she has learned to earn money to support her studies.

But how many talented children like Su Qing can there be? Most students can only refine basic potions when they enter the second grade, but Su Qing has no problem with potions below the fifth level.

The intermediate class only learns the fifth-level pharmacy, and it is useless to learn too much. The students have no ability to master more pharmacy refining. During the six-year study period, there are only a small number of people who can refine the third-level pharmacy.

After Yang Wei was admitted to the academy, being able to refine Tier [-] pharmacy was considered a little talent, so among the supernatural masters, pharmacists and craftsmen were more difficult to break through than combat supernatural masters.

Don't look at Yang Wei spreading his alchemy skills without any scruples. Even if he made it public, most people would not have the talent to successfully refine it. Of course, there are still many small skills. Becoming a pharmacist is not an easy task.

The elixir incident has been boiling in Mengyuexing for more than two months. On this day, Yang Wei's application at the Imperial Patent Office was finally approved, but Secretary Jin, Yang Wei, and Jiang Fan were overjoyed.
Now, no one can take away Yang Wei's identity as the founder of the elixir, and Yang Wei is destined to become a great figure in the history books of the empire.

And Lin Jian'an, the director of the Department of Pharmacy of Xinghui College, didn't care about the rumors from the outside world, and was only focused on researching and refining pills.

On the contrary, his disciple Li Zhipeng was a little embarrassed to face his students, but Yang Wei was very calm, how to treat the teacher, he still had the same attitude, and he was not complacent because he innovated the alchemy technique and was called a great pharmacist. He was supercilious, he was still the Yang Wei who studied hard.

Any classmate asked him for medicine refining techniques, and Yang Wei would tirelessly guide him. In the end, Li Zhipeng also put down his face to ask the students the skills of refining medicine,
Even if Yang Wei pours his money into teaching it, few people who learn it can successfully refine it. The reason is that they lack supernatural powers and cannot achieve precise control over the elixir.

After Yang Wei explained the reason, many people started to give up. Being able to refine elixir is very exciting. Since I can't do it for the time being, why waste time and money?

Many students gave up practicing Yang Wei's alchemy and turned back to the study of pharmacy. It is better to learn the homework in front of you first!
After all, there are not many pills that Yang Wei personally refines, and they are all handed over to Mrs. Jiang for sale. Fortunately, Ms. Jiang is quite capable, so she didn't dare to backlog them, and sold them all through auctions, but the supply in the market is still in short supply.

But this move also prevented some big forces from taking action against Yang Wei. After all, he couldn't mass-produce it, and the income was limited. He made all the technology public, and it was more cost-effective to train his own pharmacists.

Of course, the main reason is that Yang Wei is still a student of Xinghui Academy, otherwise he would have been besieged by major commercial groups long ago. Who would want Yang Wei to come to his own group to refine medicines?

Everyone regrets why their son and daughter are not classmates with Yang Wei. Since Yang Wei cannot cooperate with them for the time being, many people think of marriage,

So Yang Wei had occasional encounters with all kinds of beauties, dazzled by all kinds of tricks, beauties big and small frequently resorted to tricks,
But no one has figured out Yang Wei, he is now focusing on alchemy techniques, he doesn't care about all the beauties, his mind is full of all kinds of medicinal liquids, formulas, alchemy techniques, and he will pay attention to the beauties' flirting.

Every time he sees Su Qing, he will ask Qingqing for medicine refining skills, there are always new techniques that he can't finish learning,
He obviously found that Qingqing was constantly improving the technique of refining pills. If it was a bit jerky at the beginning, the way of refining pills has become more and more harmonious now, and many small things have been improved.

In addition, he still needs to study the courses of Xinghui Academy, which is not so easy. How can Yang Wei have time to pay attention to beautiful women.

On the contrary, Jiang Fan was a feast for the eyes by his side, almost drooling seeing so many beauties.

Although the listing of the elixir caused a sensation, Yang Wei's behavior was beyond everyone's expectations. He was able to disclose the precious technology without reservation.

There is nowhere to use the means that many people are brewing, and the technology is there. Whoever wants to learn is free, and there is no need to use scheming.

In this way, Yang Wei was prevented from being forced to hand over his technology. Everyone was happy and satisfied, but they couldn't figure out Yang Wei's routine. Why did they do this?
How does the world know that Yang Wei's purpose is to spread medicine refining skills, more and more people can refine medicine pills, so as to cover Su Qing, a drop of water can only be inconspicuous if it is placed in the sea, no one can do it. I don't know how she is different from others.

As a person with vested interests, Yang Wei must work hard for this matter, and he will never refuse to teach new alchemy techniques.

He even uploaded a video of himself making medicine on the star network, but of course it was regarded as nonsense, and no one believed it at all.

Yang Wei doesn't care either, pills can't be spread throughout the empire in a day or two, and there are not many people in Guangmengyuexing who can refine qualified pills, take your time,

Anyway, he just did one thing. Anyone who wants to learn the method of refining medicine, he will teach it for free. There is no problem with his own safety. The only accident is that he is afraid that someone will ask the bottom line.
(End of this chapter)

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