Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 231 Xie Yuxin Arrives

Chapter 231 Xie Yuxin Arrives

He is now eager to see more and more people who can refine elixir, so as to relieve the pressure on himself. The elixir market will be in short supply at any time, not to mention the empire is so big.

This is exactly where Yang Wei is smart. He has no ability to own such a good technology, so he should spread it all in exchange for the fact that he can come safely.

This doesn’t mean that he can live in peace now, and his life will not be greatly affected. On the contrary, there are more ways to earn money. He is very contented and has exceeded his father’s expectations for him. A character like him will definitely be recorded.

Yang Wei's imagination was pretty good, the technology of refining medicine was spread, nothing happened to him, but he didn't know how big a sensation the pill could cause in this world,
The people of Mengyuexing have little knowledge, do not understand the importance of pills, and do not know the legend of monks.
I thought that the pills were made by Yang Wei unintentionally. People in the central galaxy are so easy to fool. When you meet an expert, you can see the origin of the pills at once.

For example, Shao Yang from the pharmacist union told him that Yang Wei independently researched the alchemy technique. He would definitely not believe it, and would definitely lock him up and get all the secrets.

Yang Wei's temporary safety is entirely due to the fact that Mengyuexing's environment is too far away from the central galaxy.

It won't be long before his days are over,

A rare small exploration spaceship landed at Mengyuexing's space port. Xie Yuxin walked out of the hatch carrying simple luggage.

She called a speeding car and checked into a high-end hotel. She checked Mengyuexing's information first, and then went to the Mengyuexing branch of the pharmacists union.
After she packed up, she turned on the light screen of the communicator, connected to Mengyuexing's LAN, and tried to search for Yang Wei, but tens of thousands of messages popped up, which surprised her. What's going on?

She began to browse one by one, and soon her face changed continuously, and her expression became more and more surprised, which was incredible.
She thought that Yang Wei's medicine refining technology was a top secret, but she didn't expect that in Mengyuexing, it was known to everyone, and there was no need to be careful. As long as she wanted to learn, there were videos on the Internet, and she could find Yang Wei to ask him in person. .

Xie Yuxin's heart skipped a beat when she thought that she could also learn this medicine refining technique. If she could also refine medicine pills, wouldn't it be more beneficial than taking Yang Wei back.

Thinking of this, Xie Yuxin couldn't sit still any longer. She changed her clothes and rushed to the pharmacist's union. Through them, she contacted Yang Wei, eager to see someone right away.

Yang Wei was in class, and on the communicator, he received a message from his teacher Li Zhipeng, asking him to come to his office after class.

Yang Wei didn't take it to heart either, thinking that Teacher Li was going to ask about refining medicine again,
After class, he knocked on the door and walked into Li Zhipeng's office. He found that not only Teacher Li was there, but also the head of the department, Lin Jian'an. Opposite them were Dong Yufeng from the Pharmacists' Union and a young woman.

Several people spoke with the young woman in a very respectful manner, and the smiles on their faces showed a hint of flattery.

Yang Wei wondered who that woman was?Or go over to say hello first:

"Teacher Li, Director Lin, Chairman Dong."

Seeing Yang Wei coming, Li Zhipeng quickly stood up and said:

"Yang Wei, you're here. Let me introduce you. This is Xie Yuxin from the imperial capital Star Dragon City, Miss Xie. She came to see you from the Central Galaxy."

Following Li Zhipeng's introduction, Xie Yuxin got up with a happy face, and finally saw this genius who could make pills,
Lin Jian'an and Dong Yufeng also stood up beside them, as if this woman had a very high status. You must know that Lin and Dong are very prestigious in Mengyuexing, and they are extremely respectful to this young woman.

"Hello, Miss Xie."

Xie Yuxin nodded slightly, and looked at Yang Wei, a very ordinary young man,

"You are Yang Wei. I finally found it. I have not come this far. I have crossed more than half of the entire empire."

Yang Wei asked inexplicably: "I don't know Miss Xie, why are you looking for me? I'm just an ordinary college student in the original galaxy, and I have nothing to do with the Imperial Capital Star."

Lin Jianan smiled and said, "Of course it's a good thing. Come on, let's sit down and talk, don't stand up."

After all the people sat down, Li Zhipeng said to Yang Weiwei enviously:

"Yang Wei, you have great luck. Do you know that Miss Xie is President Shao's disciple and came here to learn medicine from you."

Yang Wei is still a little confused, this woman asked him to learn how to make medicine, and who is President Shao, what does it have to do with him?
Dong Yufeng knew that Yang Wei must not know who the famous Shaoyang was, so he immediately explained:
"President Shao is Shao Yang, the president of the Imperial Star Pharmacist Union, the top pharmacist master in the empire, and Ms. Xie is his disciple. She came here from the central galaxy to find you."

Yang Wei has also heard of Shaoyang, but because the distance is too far away, who always remembers him!

"Oh, Miss Xie turned out to be President Shao's student. I was disrespectful. Miss Xie came all the way to find me just to learn how to make medicine?"

Xie Yuxin smiled and said:
"As soon as I arrived at Mengyuexing, I faced overwhelming news about student Yang. I didn't expect that student Yang's approach was really different. The technology he developed could be shared selflessly. He is really an amazing person. I came to you, of course, to learn new alchemy techniques."

Yang Wei understood that this person came here for the alchemy technique, and it seemed that Shao Yang from the pharmacist union noticed it because of the pills he sent to the Tianlong City Patent Office.

The Imperial Patent Office, which pays the most attention to personal privacy, actually leaked the applicant's information, and asked Secretary Jin to complain later.

Yang Wei: "Miss Xie's praise, my behavior is due to the constant teachings of the teacher and Director Lin. Teacher Li often said that the technology developed by our pharmacists must not be cherished. It must be spread so that more people can create it. Come up with more effective medicine."

Xie Yuxin praised Yang Wei's selflessness and noble character on the face, but in her heart she wondered, could it be that classmate Yang is studying medicine, his brain has become stupid, and he will actually do what the teacher said.

Yang Wei was polite, and immediately asked: "However, how did Miss Xie know that I created a new medicine refining technique?"

Xie Yuxin turned her eyes and said with a calm smile:
"This is still related to the three pills you sent to the Imperial Patent Office. The director of the Patent Office, Shi Zhengnan, couldn't judge the accuracy of the pills, so he asked my teacher for identification. We will naturally know your information."

Yang Wei nodded, feeling more certain that the Patent Office had leaked his information, otherwise he would not need to know the applicant's information just to identify the pills, Shaoyang didn't know, and Xie Yuxin wouldn't look for him specifically.

Of course, he is well aware of this point, so there is no need to bring it up, because there are privileged classes everywhere, which cannot be restricted by law.

Immediately Yang Wei showed an excited smile on his face and said:

"Really? It turned out that President Shao personally identified my pills, and let Ms. Xie work so hard to study across the vast interstellar space. I am so honored. Ms. Xie wants to learn, and I will definitely give it to you. I will never give it up." decline."

Xie Yuxin smiled, "I would like to thank Student Yang."

She was smart enough to propose without even meeting her, she wanted to take Yang Wei away, she had to see the situation.

After all, Yang Wei's alchemy skills in Mengyuexing is no longer a secret, as long as he has learned how to refine it, it doesn't matter whether he takes Yang Wei with him or not, because what the teacher wants is technology, not people.

"Miss Xie, I still have to go to class. Wait for me in the school's medicine refining room after school. Teacher Li and Director Lin can also make medicine pills. You can learn from them first. Making medicine pills is very simple. You can understand it at a glance, it is nothing more than some refining techniques."

(End of this chapter)

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