Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 232 People from the Imperial Capital Star

Chapter 232 People from the Imperial Capital Star

Xie Yuxin nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't disturb Yang's study, let's add a communication number for easy contact."

Yang Wei nodded, said his communication number, then bid farewell to several people, and went back to the classroom to continue the class.

Yang Wei, who was sitting in the classroom, was a little restless. That Miss Xie traveled all the way from the Central Galaxy to Mengyue Star just to learn alchemy. Medicine, I will definitely think that I have a unique skill and did not teach her, and I will not think that my talent is not good,
The woman looked friendly on the face, but she was full of arrogance, and she looked down on people from their original galaxy at all.

If that's the case, will she take her away forcibly? Yang Wei doesn't want to leave Mengyuexing,
Going to the central galaxy seems to be a good idea, but luck and misfortune are unpredictable. He suspects that once Shaoyang learns how to make elixir, he will be useless, and what good will happen to him then.

Yang Wei's mind kept thinking wildly, Xie Yuxin's arrival made him feel in danger, Xie Yuxin didn't say anything at the moment, maybe he was worrying unfoundedly, I hope so.

After class, the lessons that need to be studied today are over, Yang Wei can't neglect the guests from the Imperial Capital Star,
Seeing Dong Yufeng's respectful attitude towards Xie Yuxin, I must not offend her. She has come all the way and wants to learn your skills, so you should feel honored.

No matter what Yang Wei thought about this matter, he still had to obediently go to the school's medicine refining room to teach Xie Yuxin how to make medicine.

Jiang Fan heard that there was a beautiful woman from Tianlong City, and he insisted on coming to see her, but Yang Wei warned him, don't talk too much, because they have different identities, so you must not offend her.

When the two arrived at the refining room, Dong Yufeng and the others were explaining to Xie Yuxin their experience in refining medicine.
During Yang Wei's absence, Dong Yufeng and Lin Jian'an tried their best to please her. They wanted to win Xie Yuxin's favor. Under their guidance, they refined high-level potions, and if they failed, they would also refine pills. It's worth taking them to the Capital Star. .

Although the benefits of pills are huge, they can only refine low-level medicines. If they can refine high-level medicines, they can go out of Mengyue Star and go to the central galaxy to experience it.
The arrival of Xie Yuxin is undoubtedly a golden opportunity that is hard to find in a thousand years, and she usually fails to show that she wants to curry favor with others.

Li Zhipeng is still a bit thin-skinned, I'm sorry, Dong Yufeng and Lin Jianan are old fried dough sticks, good things don't need money to say,

Xie Yuxin was full of laughter, but she did have the capital to be complimented. She is already a three-star pharmacist at a young age, and Lin Jian'an is only a four-star pharmacist when they are both young.

Of course, Mengyuexing’s environment is incomparable to that of the Central Interstellar. Xie Yuxin’s education since she was a child is more advanced than any of them. It is not surprising that she has achieved her current achievements. The two sides are not on the same level at all.

For Xie Yuxin to be accepted as a disciple by Shaoyang, he must be a person with outstanding talent, who was admired and admired since childhood.

She knew what the two old men were thinking, but unfortunately, no matter how nice they said, she just listened to it. The only thing the teacher wanted was Yang Wei.
Dong Yufeng and Dong Yufeng both refined the elixir and asked her to learn it. Xie Yuxin was shocked. It turned out that the elixir can really be refined. The alchemy technique passed down by the monks in the legend is true.

But she also found that the alchemy techniques shown by the two were very rough, and they were still accustomed to refining medicine, so the pills they refined were far worse than Yang Wei's.

It seems that Yang Wei needs to teach her personally if she wants to learn, but where did Yang Wei get the alchemy inheritance, he said that he researched it by himself, Xie Yuxin must not believe it.

Just when she was about to get impatient and continue to listen to the chatter of the two old men, Yang Wei came in.

Xie Yuxin smiled and said happily: "Student Yang, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I am waiting for you to teach me how to make medicine."

Dong Yufeng and Lin Jian'an next to me heard this, and their faces were very ugly. When the two of them were refining just now, why didn't they see this woman so happy!Can you not be angry when you are compared by a junior?

As soon as Yang Wei came, Ms. Xie beamed with smiles. What do you mean, the two seniors are not as good as a student who has not graduated, and they looked at Yang Wei with faint irritation.

Yang Wei introduced Jiang Fan to Xie Yuxin. She just nodded her head as a greeting. No one in Mengyuexing could be seen by her except Yang Wei. She was polite to them because of her quality.
Yang Wei also saw that Director Lin and the two were unhappy, but he didn't care. Xie Yuxin's attitude was not something he could decide.

He didn't want to waste too much time, so he started refining directly, planning to see what the woman would do next, and then respond randomly.

Yang Wei began to refine a batch of blood congealing pill with a concentrated expression. This kind of pill was the most convenient for him to refine.

Xie Yuxin carefully observed Yang Wei's movements of concocting medicine. It was indeed different from the two old men. He was more proficient in his techniques and could more accurately control the temperature of the fire, especially the method of using supernatural powers to control it. It was different from traditional pharmacists, only slightly changed. A little bit, but it can achieve a miraculous effect.

I can't blame Dong Yufeng for always being unable to refine medicines smoothly. The main reason is that he has formed his own inherent way of refining medicines. Once he changes his technique, it is difficult to completely change the habits formed over the years. , but became a hindrance to refining the elixir,
Well, it’s more rewarding to watch the original person refine it. When Yang Wei succeeds in refining it, Xie Yuxin praises it without hesitation, and she is delighted to start it immediately and try refining it once.

Just now after Lin Jian'an and the two of them refined the medicine, she also pointed out that she failed to refine it twice. After watching Yang Wei's refining process, she suddenly realized that she had to try again.
Before coming to Mengyuexing, Xie Yuxin thought that the method of refining elixir must be very complicated and difficult to learn, but she did not expect that it is really simple. It can be done with a slight change on the basis of refining medicine. As for many people who fail to refine it, it must be talent is too low,

Xie Yuxin is proud, she will never admit that she is not as good as Yang Wei, a native of the primitive planet,

Yang Wei patiently explained some key points to her, and told her to pay attention when refining. Xie Yuxin nodded and couldn't wait to start refining the medicine.
Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move. Looking at Xie Yuxin's technique, the action of purifying the medicine in the first stage is much higher than that of Yang Wei. The purified medicinal liquid is used to refine the elixir, and the probability of success is very high. Big,
When it came to the next step, gathering liquid to condense pills, Xie Yuxin made the same mistake as most people. She was not used to using hand formulas for refining, so she lost sight of others. Although the pills were made in the end, there was a batch of waste pills that could not be taken at all.

After a scent of the elixir, because Xie Yuxin's method of receiving the elixir was not proficient in using it, the elixir was scrapped before it was about to succeed.

Even Yang Wei felt sorry for her. He also saw the superb alchemy level of the people in the central galaxy, and saw that he could basically replicate it after refining it once. The failure in the end was just a matter of proficiency, as long as he practiced more, he could succeed.

"Miss Xie is really talented in refining medicine. Since I started to teach the new medicine refining technique, it is the first time someone has read it once, and has done so much. Miss Xie's refining technique is very clever, which is beyond my comparison. .”

To tell the truth from Yang Wei, his level is indeed much higher than his own. If Qingqing can teach Xie Yuxin, she will definitely master the alchemy technique faster than him.

Xie Yuxin showed a proud look, smiled lightly and said:

"Student Yang, thanks for the award. I took advantage of the good environment of my birth. If I were placed in the same environment as you, I would not be able to research new alchemy techniques."

Yang Wei said with a smile: "It's a pity that I don't have the good fortune that Miss Xie was born in the central galaxy,"

(End of this chapter)

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