Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 233 Want to go to the Imperial City?

Chapter 233 Want to go to the Imperial City?

Xie Yuxin's eyes lit up and she blurted out, "Do you want to go to Imperial Capital?"

Yang Wei was stunned, and immediately said with a little self-mockery:
"Hehe, I can go wherever I want in the central galaxy. I'm a poor boy with no money, no power, and no college degree. I'm sure I'm going to starve to death."

Xie Yuxin smiled and said:

"Hehe, it's not as miserable as you said. Student Yang must be able to research a new alchemy technique. He must be an amazing talent. With a good environment, he must be like a tiger and sky wing. He will eventually achieve a great career.

My teacher likes to support young people the most. When the time comes, my teacher will help. What are you afraid of?Don't say that you can't die from starvation, it's not empty talk in the future. "

Xie Yuxin wanted to complete the teacher's task as much as possible, but if it was impossible,
She dared to kidnap Yang Wei directly, anyway, Mengyue Star doesn't even have a serious fleet, all the spaceships belong to other planets, even if she wants to chase, she doesn't have the ability, it's just unnecessary.

Yang Wei's heart sank, he really came for him, he probably won't be able to come back after going to Emperor Capital Star for the rest of his life, and when President Shao learns what's in his mind, he's useless.
It's hard to predict what will happen at that time, the worst thing is to ask him where he learned the alchemy technique, and whether Shaoyang will torture himself severely in order to find out who is behind the scenes.

Yang Weiguang felt terrible when he thought about it, and said bluntly:

"Ms. Xie is disappointed. The central galaxy is too far away. I am the only child in my family. I don't want to travel far away to leave my parents. Also, I haven't graduated from Xinghui Academy yet, so I still have a lot to learn."

Xie Yuxin: "Student Yang, a good man has ambitions everywhere. Who doesn't want to achieve fame and become the top class of the empire?

If you think about it carefully, I will stay in Mengyuexing for a while and learn the art of refining medicine with you. I hope that classmate Yang can give me more advice when he has time. "

Yang Wei: "That's no problem. No matter who wants to learn my alchemy technique, I will seriously guide it. As long as Miss Xie doesn't dislike my long-winded words, that's fine."

The two complimented each other, Xie Yuxin invited Yang Wei to go to the central galaxy, Yang Wei also refused, let the four people around, how embarrassing,
Feeling very upset, if you don't go, we want to go, but it's a pity that people still don't like it.

Xie Yuxin had a good impression of Yang Wei and offered to treat Yang Wei to a meal.
It was getting late at this time, and if it wasn't for Jiang Fan's flying car to take him home, Yang Wei would have offered to leave long ago, which would have delayed him from learning to refine new elixirs.

Yang Wei refused to have dinner with Xie Yuxin, politely offered to leave, and pulled Jiang Fan to leave.
Dong Yufeng would not let go of the opportunity to please Miss Xie, stepped forward and said:

"Miss Xie just came to Mengyuexing. I want to treat you to a light meal as my host and try our local specialties."

Xie Yuxin's wonderful eyes are flowing, and Dong Yufeng can also refine medicine, so he can be used as a backup. In case Yang Wei refuses to go to the Imperial Star with her, bringing back someone who can also refine medicine can be regarded as an explanation to the teacher.

Ordinarily, she arrived at Mengyuexing successfully, so she should contact the teacher immediately to explain the situation here, but for her own selfishness, Xie Yuxin did not contact Shaoyang in time,
If Yang Wei's alchemy technique is top secret and no one has taught it, it would be easy to take people away directly. He never expected that Yang Wei would disclose his brainchild, which is not a secret at all, so he is not the only one who takes people away of choice.

She can also learn how to refine elixir, and it will be more convenient for her to learn it by herself than to be taught by the teacher.

Besides, the teacher learned alchemy, so I don't know how to deal with Yang Wei, and I don't know if she can learn it in the future. In Mengyuexing's great environment, why should she let it go.

She must learn the art of refining medicine before leaving. It would be best if she could take Yang Wei away, or if she couldn't take it away, it would be good to bring a substitute. As for how people will be treated in Tianlong City, she will not care too much.

Right now Dong Yufeng wants to invite her to dinner, she nodded and smiled:
"Then let Chairman Dong spend the money. Director Lin and Teacher Li will also come together. We can also discuss the experience of refining medicine with each other."

Lin Jian'an nodded happily, and they chatted and laughed, and went out to have dinner together.

Yang Wei went home with a lot of worries, went back to his room after dinner, contacted Su Qing, and told him about meeting Xie Yuxin today.

He was also afraid that the people behind Qingqing would be unhappy, so he thought of contacting Qingqing as soon as possible to ask for an idea of ​​what he should do.

After listening to Yang Wei's words, Su Qing didn't expect that the patented sample would attract the attention of the Royal Star Pharmacist Union.
It seems that someone still knows about the elixir, otherwise a low-priced commonly used medicine would not need to travel across several galaxies to learn from Yang Wei.

"Uncle Yang, if that woman wants to learn, you can teach her everything. You don't need to keep it secret until she can refine those kinds of elixirs. In the future, don't reveal that you will refine other elixirs. Just limit the pills to one." order,
After a few years, maybe others will be able to refine higher-level pills according to the refining method. You are following the trend, otherwise I am afraid that you will be captured by someone, and no one will save you when the time comes. Let everyone study it together. "

Yang Wei understood what Su Qing meant, he thought he was older than Qingqing, and Qingqing also called him uncle, he must protect Qingqing,

Unless it is absolutely necessary, you will never expose Qingqing. As for the refining technology, if you bite it to death, you have researched it yourself, and the technique is the same as the refining medicine. Can others not believe it?
"Qingqing, I know, anyway, I will never go to the imperial capital, and I will have to wait a few years before I graduate, and I have a certain reputation, otherwise I am a rookie, and everyone in the imperial capital will be better than me , I don’t know how I died, and no one can save me,
When you need to have some strength, go and communicate with the proud sons of the central galaxy. Don't say that Xie Yuxin's refining technique is very amazing, which is much higher than the overall strength of our Mengyuexing. "

"Hehe, I'll see it if I have the chance." Su Qing really wanted to see the refining level of the pharmacists in the Central Galaxy.

"Forget it! Qingqing, it's troublesome enough for Xie Yuxin to stare at me. If you find your talent, you might want to take you away too. You'd better calm down,"

Yang Wei is not alarmist. Many top powerhouses like to search around for talented children and cultivate them for their own use.

Su Qing's aptitude, Yang Wei didn't read her information, but all signs showed that she must have a lot of talent,

Su Qing in the light screen smiled faintly, Uncle Yang seemed really worried,
Su Qing himself is not as worried as Yang Wei. After all, he can only refine low-level pills, and all of them have been made public. Now there are many people who can refine Mengyuexing. Yang Wei is nothing more than taking advantage of the founder. To be honest, his The alchemy talent is not very good, if it is not for the simplified version of the alchemy method improved by the ancestor, he will not be able to become an alchemist, and there must be someone who catches up from behind in the future, and Yang Wei will be covered in that way.

That Xie Yuxin from Imperial Capital Star, if she had really good eyesight, she would definitely find out.
As long as she learns alchemy, she will surpass Yang Wei sooner or later with her own talent, and she will be able to make innovations. Su Qing knows it in her heart, but she can't tell Yang Weiming, sometimes the truth is too hurtful.

"Okay, then Uncle Yang, you should be careful with her, we don't need to contact her anymore, we are getting together after we get rid of her."

Yang Wei nodded with a heavy expression, hung up the communication, and sighed, a child is a child, don't worry at all.

From now on, whenever Yang Wei is free, he will accompany Xie Yuxin to refine medicine, and patiently point out her shortcomings.

Sometimes Jiang Fan would come together, but every time Xie Yuxin ignored him,

(End of this chapter)

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