Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 234 Persuasion Again

Chapter 234 Persuasion Again
Jiang Fan also has dignity, so I won't get involved. Ms. Xie is very beautiful, but she is too arrogant and arrogant. People who look down on their original planet can only smile a little when they face Yang Wei. Not fast.

Xie Yuxin also didn't like Dong Yufeng and Lin Jian'an, two old men. By hinting, the two also knew that they were not bothering Yang Wei to teach her refining.

Therefore, the two often have the opportunity to be alone together. Yang Wei listened to Su Qing's suggestion and took the opportunity to ask Xie Yuxin about the refining method of high-level potions.

Xie Yuxin didn't keep it secret, she taught Yang Wei all the techniques and medicine prescriptions that are well-known in the imperial capital, but rare in Mengyue star, and Yang Wei gained more from the communication between the two.

Through several contacts, Xie Yuxin had a certain understanding of Yang Wei. He did have some talents, but he was not very talented. He couldn't even refine the simplest vitality potion. How could he have developed alchemy?
When Xie Yuxin instructed Yang Wei to refine and he failed again, Xie Yuxin asked suspiciously:

"Student Yang, I found that your talent in refining medicine is mediocre. You may be considered good in a small place like Mengyue Star. If you are in Imperial Capital Star, you are not qualified to enter the circle of pharmacists. How did you create medicine refining? way, I find it incredible.”

Yang Wei's heart skipped a beat, and he said shyly:
"Sorry, I made you laugh. What you taught me is really difficult to learn. I was able to create alchemy, and I was also inspired by the cooking method of alchemy. I wondered why I couldn't refine the potion into pills? Seriously. It took several months of research to achieve the results, but it was thanks to the help of teachers and classmates during that period."

Xie Yuxin asked suspiciously: "What is the cooking method of refining medicine? Why have I never heard of it?"

Yang Wei said with a smile: "Miss Xie is very talented, I must have never heard of it. The cooking method of refining medicine is invented by an intermediate class student without the slightest talent in refining medicine. He is a kind of opportunistic refining in order to pass the pharmacy exam. Way."

Xie Yuxin suddenly became interested, "Oh, tell me carefully."

Yang Wei has always treated this distinguished guest with care, and it is no secret that the cooking method is used to refine medicine. Now all intermediate class students around the world are learning it.

He briefly explained the matter, Xie Yuxin listened and expressed his feelings,

"This can be regarded as poor and changeable. A child who has no talent at all can actually research the method of adding water to refine it for the exam, and he is considered a genius."

Xie Yuxin was moved, and told him that adding water to make medicine was eager to try,

"Yang Wei, let me try the cooking method to refine medicine, is it really simple?"

Of course Yang Wei would not object, Miss Xie wanted to learn that childishly.

Just do it, Xie Yuxin began to purify a kind of elixir according to what Yang Wei said, and added a little water to the equipment. Maybe she is not used to refining like this, but she failed the first time, which surprised Xie Yuxin. How could she do it in such a simple way? Failed.

Yang Wei comforted her and said: "Miss Xie, don't worry. For an expert like you, using cooking to refine medicine is like shooting pheasants with a photon ray gun. You are overqualified and useless. You must not be used to it."

Only then did Xie Yuxin's expression soften, and she thought it was the same. Let's do it again, lower the refining method, and it really succeeded.
Xie Yuxin smiled. She found that this method of refining medicine was prepared for people without supernatural powers. No wonder her refining method failed, because it was too simple.

Seeing that she had succeeded in refining, Yang Wei immediately said flatteringly: "I just said it? Such a simple method, Miss Xie can't do it well, it must be too simple."

A smile appeared on Xie Yuxin's face, and she couldn't help but feel a little fond of Yang Wei. These days, Yang Wei relentlessly guided her to refine it. It is estimated that he will be able to successfully refine the elixir in a few days.

Now that she can refine it, there is no need to take Yang Wei back, but the teacher's order is hard to break, she still has to work hard, otherwise she will not be able to explain it when the teacher finds out.

"Yang Wei, since I came into contact with you, I think you are a very simple person, and your talent in refining medicine is not bad. If you can go back with me, you will definitely have better development in the future, much better than you on this small planet. Yes, until the day you succeed, you will sigh that you did not make a wrong choice today."

Xie Yuxin has completely believed in refining medicine, which was developed by Yang Wei himself, because it is really not difficult, and Yang Wei has a very strong personality.
Sometimes the results of research have nothing to do with personal talent. Many medicines are created by accident.

So seeing that she had almost mastered the new alchemy technique, Xie Yuxin wanted to go back. No matter how polite people are to her here, it is not a place to stay for a long time.

"Thank you, Ms. Xie's love. I know myself. There is absolutely no place for me to stand in the genius-like Imperial Capital. Just by seeing Ms. Xie's level of refining medicine, I know how far I am from you. This person doesn't have any grand plans, just wishing for a safe life is enough."

Yang Weixin said, this woman's mind is quite simple and easy to fool, and she finally believed that he had researched the alchemy technique by himself, and when he really went to the imperial capital, where the people were all cunning and cunning, he couldn't handle it, so he wouldn't go!

When I have a chance in the future, and my refining level has improved, I can go to the Imperial Capital Star to communicate with my own ability. That's the only way to be safe.

"Hey, you are so modest and prudent. Forget it, I can't force others to be difficult."

Xie Yuxin felt that she really tried her best and invited Yang Wei several times, but he didn't agree. Instead, Dong Yufeng tried to flatter her that she wanted to go to the Imperial Star, so why not give Dong Yufeng a chance.

Xie Yuxin is no longer forcing herself to leave Mengyuexing, so that Yang Wei can breathe a sigh of relief, because she is afraid that this woman will report to the planetary government and force him to pack and take him away.

After that, Yang Wei instructed Xie Yuxin a few times, she was already able to refine the three low-level pills in a decent manner, and even started to practice second-level bone-growing potions, but Yang Wei wanted to learn from her, so Xie Yuxin felt special Satisfied, she has face, which satisfies her proud state of mind.

Then came the day when Xie Yuxin was about to leave. She had been on Mengyuexing for more than half a month, and the spaceship they hired had visited all the nearby galaxies.

The teacher has urged her to complete the task as soon as possible on the star network many times and return to the imperial capital star.
Xie Yuxin didn't dare to say that Yang Wei's alchemy skills were well known in Mengyue Star, but only said that Yang Wei refused to leave, and she was trying to convince him that she would bring the technology back if it didn't work.

Shaoyang didn't know the local situation. The news about Yang Wei on Xingwang was drowned out without even a chance to bubble up. Of course Shaoyang didn't know, and most of the people who saw it thought it was fake.

However, Shi Zhengnan of the Patent Office gave that document to a high-ranking government official. Regardless of whether it was true or not, the official had intentionally sent people to Mengyuexing to investigate.

Xie Yuxin hasn't come back yet, can Shaoyang be in a hurry?In that case, he would lose the advantage of getting the news first. The deals he made with Shi Zhengnan often introduced him to high-ranking government officials.

With Shaoyang's constant urging, Xie Yuxin couldn't stay longer, so she immediately decided to leave Shi Mengyuexing. When she parted, she still wanted to take Yang Wei with her again.

She is also afraid of the teacher's reprimand, so it's fine if she really can't do anything, she doesn't want to use any means to hurt this simple young man, after all, Yang Wei taught her how to refine medicine seriously, and it's also thanks to Yang Wei that she can successfully refine medicine in a short period of time .

In the end, Xie Yuxin decided to take Dong Yufeng and leave Mengyuexing. Anyway, just bring back someone who can refine. It doesn't have to be Yang Wei.
(End of this chapter)

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