Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 235 is finally gone

Chapter 235 is finally gone
She has been able to successfully refine the pills, but no one knows except Yang Wei. Xie Yuxin asked Yang Wei to help keep it secret.

She just needs to hide this matter well, wait for the teacher to learn it, then she will learn to refine, keep asking the teacher for advice, and reveal it little by little, otherwise, with the teacher's mentality, she will have no good fruit to eat.

Her teacher is dignified in front of outsiders, with a selfless image, as long as she asks him, she will generally not refuse,

Internally, he is definitely a person who puts interests first, and is very strict with the students. As long as you are useless and cannot complete his explanation, you will be rejected soon. Don't even think about mixing in the circle of pharmacists.

Therefore, Xie Yuxin must be cautious in everything, and not let the teacher think that she is not good at doing things and has selfish intentions.

Finally, when the day of departure came, Dong Yufeng was very happy, full of pride. He was originally a member of the Pharmacists Guild, and this time he was also transferred to the Imperial Capital Star Federation of Trade Unions, which must be enviable.

When Xie Yuxin was about to leave, Yang Wei, Jiang Fan, Li Zhipeng, and Lin Jianan all came to see him off, and the rest were all members of the Pharmacists Guild.
When Xie Yuxin arrived at Mengyuexing, she was very low-key and did not make a scene known to everyone. Only members of the pharmacist union and some teachers from Xinghui Academy knew about it, so only these people came to see him off.

Yang Wei watched, the small exploration spaceship began to take off, left the spaceport, flew through the atmosphere, disappeared, and the heart that has been hanging is considered at ease.

But he didn't know, Xie Yuxin's arrival was just the beginning, Tianlong City officials were already preparing to send people to Mengyuexing to check the matter, whether Yang Wei could escape smoothly next time was still unknown!

No matter what, it has been quiet for more than half a year for the time being, and everyone returns to their respective positions and continues their old life.

Yang Wei can also continue to communicate with Su Qing and Meng Xiao normally, and he can learn how to refine medicine from Su Qing when he has nothing to do. However, he is limited by his aptitude and abilities, so he can only refine first-order elixir for the time being.
Su Qing advised him to focus on high-level potions. After all, potions are still the mainstream, and it is better to leave the research on pills to others.

After all, Yang Wei is also a smart person. Su Qing's words woke him up every minute. Qingqing was right. Although the pills are very effective, he can only make low-level pills after all, and he has put the cart before the horse.
Pharmacy is the mainstream in the entire empire, and he has to put all his attention on learning to refine pharmaceuticals. In this regard, Teacher Li and Director Lin are better than him. I can't be complacent and think that I am great just because I have a little achievement just now.

From then on, Yang Wei changed his mentality and began to study earnestly and practically. It is really nothing special to be able to refine low-level pills. He cannot lose his mentality because of other people's praise. As a student, he still has a lot to learn.

Now with the support of Mrs. Jiang, there is no shortage of refining medicines, so he just works hard.

Gradually, there are more and more people in Mengyuexing who can make pills, and Yang Wei is even more inconspicuous among them. If he is not the founder, many people will almost forget him.

Mengyuexing launched the pills on the market, and because the quantity was larger, it gradually left the original galaxy and flowed to all parts of the empire.
Those politicians in the imperial capital now really believe that a new alchemy technology has appeared in the remote and remote primitive galaxy, similar to the alchemy of the legendary monks,
The news spread wildly in the circle of pharmacists in the imperial capital, who has never heard of the legend of the monk,
The kind of person who can fly into the sky and hide from the earth, cover the sky and embrace the moon, and move mountains and seas like a fairy,
Their method of refining elixir has long been lost, and it is the dream of all pharmacists to be able to derive alchemy from the elixir. As the top pharmacists in the empire, how could they be destroyed by a primitive planet for what they could not do? who researched it?

Many people can't sit still, want to go to a small planet to see what's going on, it's better to get that kind of technology, and at the same time, the pill incident is also rumored on the star network,
The video of Yang Wei teaching medicine refining was also found out. After watching it, many pharmacists would start to follow and learn from it.

The government finally decided to send a team of inspection teams to Mengyuexing,
Not long after this, Shao Yang from the pharmacist union suddenly announced that according to Yang Wei's video on Starnet, combined with his years of experience in researching elixirs, he has successfully refined first-order and second-order elixirs.

As soon as the news came out, it became even more sensational, and many experienced pharmacists didn't believe it.
Shaoyang can really refine elixir, how could it be so coincidental, just after it was reported that someone in the original galaxy could refine a pill similar to elixir, he Shaoyang announced that he could refine elixir, if there is nothing tricky here, no one would believe it The old You Tiao was the top of his class, and everyone investigated the matter secretly.

Soon someone discovered that the founder of the pill had applied for an imperial patent. At that time, Shi Zhengnan, the director of the Patent Office, took the pill to Shaoyang for identification.

Shao Yang showed up at the supernatural branch of the Imperial Central Hospital that day and gave two patients a kind of pill. It turned out that he knew about it so early, bah, he actually shared the content of the news without telling everyone.

Someone also found out that Xie Yuxin, a student of Shaoyang, went on a long trip last year. I don’t know exactly where he went, but he came back half a year later and brought back an old man. Since then, Shaoyang has announced that he will study a new alchemy technique .

Now everyone understands, Shaoyang must have known the news one step in advance, found the founder, got the method of refining the elixir,
Don't be ashamed of this old man, he is obviously occupying other people's technology, and he still licks his face and says that he developed it by himself, so he is shameless.

Although everyone was a step behind, they would not be reconciled. They wanted to obtain the refining method of this new technology through the channels they had mastered.

Since there are not many people on Mengyuexing who can access the star network, there is not much information about Yang Wei's refining medicine, but as the highest-ranking pharmacist, he is naturally talented and experienced.
With Yang Wei's teaching video on Xingwang, you can also start researching, not to mention Yang Wei's explanation is very detailed, so if you don't understand, they have lived so many years in vain.
Many people began to study at home, and Dong Yufeng, who had been hiding in the pharmacist union, finally had his day.

After Dong Yufeng arrived in the imperial capital, he had no contact with outsiders at all, and had been concentrating on instructing Shaoyang in refining medicine.

Shaoyang was very angry that Xie Yuxin didn't bring Yang Wei back, but Dong Yufeng was able to make up for it.
It's a pity that he can't ask, where Yang Wei learned alchemy has become his greatest regret. If that inheritance falls into the hands of other people, he will definitely regret it.

Xie Yuxin swears that the alchemy technique was indeed developed by Yang Wei himself, and she also said the reason for the cooking method of alchemy.

This made Shao Yang dubious. Could it be that alchemy was discovered by Yang Wei by accident, and it is not the same kind of alchemy as monks.

Both Dong Yufeng and Xie Yuxin agreed that Yang Wei didn't care about the importance of this technology at all, and made it public to everyone from the very beginning. He somewhat believed that the refining method was researched by Yang Wei himself.

If there is an alchemy technique inherited from the master, it will definitely not be passed on to everyone easily.

To be honest, this refining method is really simple. Most pharmacists can succeed if they just change their thinking, but this small change is not so easy.
The brain issued instructions, but the hands and feet did not listen. According to the usual inertia, you always need to pause and make adjustments. It takes more practice to adapt.

On the other hand, the young pharmacist was easy to master. This result dispelled some of Shaoyang's doubts. Maybe it was really the young man's own method.

As for Dong Yufeng, he is useless after being used. He is left idle in the pharmacist union.
He is considered number one in Mengyue Star, but in Imperial Capital Star, no one cares about him at all, even a little apprentice may be better than him.

(End of this chapter)

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