Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 236 The Imperial Expedition

Chapter 236 The Imperial Expedition

Dong Yufeng would definitely receive cold reception, rejection and blank stares. In the end, the pharmacist guild couldn't support people who lived without food, so they asked him to clean up.

Dong Yufeng has been in the imperial capital for half a year, and he has not enjoyed the benefits. He has been locked up and taught Chairman Shao to make medicine. When Shaoyang can master it, he will be left alone.

In the trade union, he is like garbage, how can he endure such a huge gap, he came here for a better future,
Now I don’t see a good future, but he became a cleaner in order to eat. He is a top pharmacist in Mengyue Star, and he should be useful even in Imperial Capital Star.

It was too much to be ignored by everyone in the Pharmacists' Guild and ask him to clean the bathroom.

But Dong Yufeng's career as a cleaner ended not long after it started, because someone found out that he was a pharmacist brought back by Xie Yuxin from the original galaxy,
Although it is not clear why Xie Yuxin brought him back from the original galaxy, Shaoyang asked the insider to keep the secret strictly, and Dong Yufeng did not dare to speak casually, but the truth of the matter, how can we hide the truth from those people,
Dong Yufeng was quickly taken away secretly. When Shaoyang knew about it, he lost his temper.
It would have been better if he had known to deal with people, but he was negligent for a while, thinking that the technology was nothing, too simple, and based on those techniques, he derived a more advanced method, so he didn't take it seriously, but Dong Yufeng was quietly It was taken,

After Shaoyang lost his temper, he thought that sooner or later everyone would know that those basic methods are not secrets, so let him go. Since Dong Yufeng is gone, he will have nothing to do with the Pharmacist Guild in the future, and let him die on his own.

Many high-ranking pharmacists are studying new medicine refining methods, and everyone is sharpening their heads and looking around for more information.
Shaoyang really made a splash, because he is the only pharmacist who can refine Tier [-] elixirs in the Imperial City, and even His Majesty the Emperor praised him.

How could such an honor not make other people jealous, so they rushed to catch up.

Not long after, news came that the government investigation team had arrived at Mengyuexing, an unknown asteroid that didn't even have an interstellar spaceship route, and the external communication was all through commercial spaceships.

The person in charge sent back the news that Mengyuexing’s new alchemy technique is not a top-secret technology at all. Anyone who is a pharmacist knows about it. There are also many people who can refine pills. In a college of Mengyuexing Anyone can learn here,

They also met the founder, Yang Wei, a college student who has not yet graduated. He has just passed the one-star pharmacist certification, and he has made his research results public.

The person in charge of the investigation team asked the next step, what is their task?
The Imperial Army is most interested in this new alchemy technique, because if the three basic elixirs can be refined in large quantities, it will be a blessing for all soldiers. How many soldiers' lives can be saved on the battlefield.

So the military insisted that the founder Yang Wei be brought back and handed over to them, but the members of the pharmacist union disagreed. They believed that Chairman Shao had already developed a more powerful alchemy technique than Yang Wei, and that Yang Wei was completely useless. They could cultivate Out of their own hands.

The Ministry of Medicine does not help each other. No matter whether they want to bring the founder back or not, a few of their pharmacists will make breakthroughs immediately after learning new technologies. It does not matter whether there is a founder or not. Thoroughness can be successfully refined.

In the end, the three parties reached an agreement to bring the technology back. Yang Wei should ask for his own opinion on whether to come or not. If he comes, he can join the military.

Because Yang Wei is not as important as Shaoyang now, Shaoyang has successfully refined the second-order elixirs Gathering Qi Pill and Bone Bone Pill, although they are quite different from the legendary elixirs, they are already quite remarkable.

Yang Wei and Su Qing didn't know what happened in the Imperial Capital Star. After a year of their silence, Su Qing and Meng Hao had already entered the third grade, and their studies became even more intense.

Jiaojiao has grown to the size of a flame, she will not transform into Qiongqi, but she can transform into a shadow in the dark.

Jiaojiao is good at using fire spells, and as her cultivation level increases, her ability to use fire becomes more powerful.

It's just that it's still too early to help Su Qing refine medicine, and it will take until Jiaojiao is in her teens to support the refining of a batch of medicine pills, and now Jiaojiao is still a kitten.

Su Qing is already training her to get used to heating the pill furnace, trying to prolong it for a while each time.

Su Qing's alchemy and training of Jiaojiao are carried out in the jade pendant space after returning to the room every night.
Meng Fan didn't know that Jiaojiao had the ability to control fire, he thought Jiaojiao was just a normal kitten.

After a year of living in Mingyue City, the two cats have adapted to the human city. The name tags on their necks are chip-type products. They will be treated as stray cats at will, but it is very difficult for humans to catch two cats.

After all, it is a monster. It is born with innate racial abilities. It is stronger than other beasts. It can also absorb spiritual energy for cultivation and use spells. It is not so easy to be caught.

However, as a precaution, Su Qing only let them play in the campus, and when he took them out to play, he held one with Meng Xiao and tied it with a leash.

Su Qing and Meng Hao's studies are also at the final sprint stage, and they are about to face the choice of professional courses in the fourth grade.

Su Qing is far ahead of all her classmates in pharmacy and Lingzhi. Other courses can only be regarded as excellent. Every time she takes the exam, she is no longer No. 1 in her grade, and she gradually keeps a low profile.

This semester, she finally aroused her supernatural ability, which put Zhou Peilan's heart at ease. The student's aroused the wood-type supernatural ability, which made her happy for several days. She couldn't stop showing off to her colleagues that she had a successor.

When it comes to supernatural powers, Meng Hao is so aggrieved that he has activated his spiritual supernatural powers, but he can't tell them. Every time he takes supernatural power classes, he has to pretend that he hasn't activated them, but he can't delay his cultivation. Jinyi Yexing can't show off everywhere. It's really painful!
When Su Qing let him read the introduction about spiritual abilities on, he couldn't help sighing that it was really scary.
Anyone who activates this ability will explode and die without exception. Death is more terrifying than not being able to show off. I firmly suppressed Meng Xiao's eager heart and asked him to practice martial arts diligently to promote the continuous strengthening of his body. Can accommodate the gradual increase in mental strength.

In order not to explode and die, Meng Yu worked hard to practice martial arts, went back to the dormitory to practice Nine Turns Xuan Gong, and was more active than before.

As the Nine Turns Mysterious Art enters the third turn, Meng Hao needs more nutrients, especially foods rich in aura and supernatural energy.

Most of the meat prepared for Huo Miao was eaten by Meng Hao. There is no way to practice body training, which requires a lot of nutrition to support the body. Otherwise, Meng Hao would always feel hungry, which made Su Qing restless. How could Meng Hao be so good at eating, and woke up in the middle of the night There is also an extra meal.

If it wasn't for them returning to their hometown during the Chinese New Year, they went to the mountains to sweep up a lot of strange beasts, and Su Qing had a jade pendant that could hold a lot of things.

Otherwise, she really couldn't afford to support Meng Hao. The key was ordinary livestock meat. It was useless for Meng Hao to eat it. He had to eat wild animal meat. The higher the energy content, the more full he would be.

When returning home during the Chinese New Year, Su Qing didn't know that Meng Hao needed to eat high-level alien beasts to replenish energy, and now she had all herbivorous beasts in her hands. Seeing that Meng Hao almost ate a wild boar in one day, Su Qing wanted to cry up.

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao are also protesting, because if this continues, they will also run out of food. At least they can still eat pork and chicken, and the master can afford it. Meng Xiao, that idiot, knows how to eat without giving much credit, and is picky eater , always let the master worry.

(End of this chapter)

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