Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 238 Yang Wei's Worries

Chapter 238 Yang Wei's Worries

Su Qing's ability to activate the wood system has been disclosed to the public, and everyone is not surprised that she is good at planting.

If she is promoted to the fourth grade, she will choose spiritual planting as her major, and her future career will be a cultivator, and if she chooses pharmacy, her career will be a pharmacist.
Su Qing thought about it from the beginning, and she will focus on pharmacy for the next three years, and she doesn't want to give up on Lingzhi as a backup.

But Zhou Peilan asked her to put her main focus on pharmacy.
There is already a lot of knowledge derived from pharmacy. A successful pharmacist not only needs to be able to make medicine, but also has the qualifications to practice medicine.

After choosing a major in pharmacy, you have to start learning more courses about medicine, and taking into account the distraction of Lingzhi will affect your grades.
Spiritual plant science is not easy, not only to be proficient in all plants, organisms and microorganisms in the universe.

It also involves agronomy courses and biology courses, and the content is also very diverse. According to past experience, no one can take care of two majors at the same time.

Zhou Peilan claimed to have obtained a double degree in pharmacy and spiritual planting, which is a bit watery, so she urged Su Qing to focus on pharmacy,
Su Qing agreed on the surface, but she has her own ideas about what she thinks in her heart and what she will do when the time comes.

The next morning, while eating, Meng Hao finally recovered his original appetite.

Su Qing gave him another four bottles of medicine last night, telling him to drink one bottle when he was hungry. It is not yet known how long a bottle of medicine can last.

She has already sent a message to Yang Wei. The school will be on holiday tomorrow, and Yang Wei will have time to send the elixir that Su Qing needs, and take Su Qing's refining pills and medicines to help sell them.

With the elixir and sales channels provided by Jiang, it is much safer and easier to help Su Qing sell medicines than before. Even if more medicines are refined, no one will doubt Jiang's side. After all, Yang Wei is also considered a genius medicine. Teacher, Mengyuexing is famous, geniuses are different from ordinary people! !

The matter of Meng Rong was settled, but for Yang Wei, a new problem came again.

When he saw Su Qing, he put down the medicine box, sat down on the sofa with a heavy face,
"Qingqing, Xie Yuxin has been gone for a year. I thought the matter was over and I could live a peaceful life in the future. I didn't expect that there was another person from the Imperial Star today. The principal and Director Lin specially took me to the government office. office building,
This is the official investigation team of Didu Star, who came to Mengyue Star to investigate the new alchemy technique. As the founder, I was asked many questions in detail.

At noon, we accompanied the delegation to eat and came back. I was very worried. They would still want to take me away. What should I do then? "

Yang Wei is very worried. He just wants to finish his studies well, and after graduation, he will have a stable income, solve his family's worries, and then go out to make a living.
Unfortunately, things backfired, and the matter of refining pills just went away, and then came again.

Since last year, his father Yang Dayong no longer led the team out of the car, and the team was handed over to an old employee to take charge of the management.
He bought a large piece of wasteland in a mountainous area far away from Mingyue City and built a small factory to produce bacon and sausages. Not to mention the business was pretty good.

His father wanted to give Su Qing a fee to buy the formula, but Su Qing directly refused,
Tell his father that the method of bacon and sausage is just a kind of food she figured out, it's nothing, they are all their own people, and it's too extravagant to give money,

Su Qing's sensibility made Yang Dayong feel bad, and when it came to giving money, his parents became more enthusiastic about Su Qing and Meng Hao from then on.

Yang Wei knew, however, that Su Qing would not be interested in the little money her father made. The pills and potions she made could earn more than ten million yuan a month, making more money than him.

Although this sounds a little strange, like Su Qing doesn't need to go to school, but Yang Wei is determined not to compare with the little evildoer,

He couldn't do it without delaying his studies, and he still had time to refine a large amount of potions. If that happened, he wouldn't even have time to sleep.

Even if people in Jiang's family wondered why Yang Wei had so much energy to refine medicine, they would not ask. They were happy that Yang Wei could refine more and sell it to everyone to make a fortune together.

Now the Yang family's career map has just started because of Yang Wei's rise, so he doesn't want to be taken away from Mengyuexing,
He is gone, what to do at home?Jiang will definitely not take care of their family's business anymore.

Younger sister Yang Xue has just entered the intermediate class this year, and it is time to spend money. The money earned by her parents alone is not enough. Their brothers and sisters are all middle-level talents. If they want to be admitted to a good school, they have to spend money. A talent like Su Qing is extremely talented.

Su Qing was surprised and said: "There are people from the Imperial Star again. The people in Tianlong City are really troublesome. Can't they come all at once? Did they tell you to go to the Imperial Star?"

Yang Wei shook his head, and said a little dejectedly: "No one mentioned it, but I have a feeling. They all looked at me with determination. Among them, there was a person from the military department who was the strongest. Facing them, I have no ability to refuse at all." No."

Su Qing frowned, and comforted him after thinking about it:

"Don't be so pessimistic. Even if you want to choose someone to take away, you won't be chosen. My teacher, Zhou Peilan, has already been able to refine Tier [-] pills. Isn't it more suitable than you? Director Lin, a few members of the pharmacist union Senior, you are not the most brilliant pharmacist, and you will definitely not be their first choice."

When Yang Wei thought about it, it was the same thing, and he couldn't help but feel glad that he listened to Su Qing's words, concentrated on the research of refining medicine, and gave others the opportunity to develop the medicine.

What Qingqing said is very reasonable, so why would the people of the Imperial City have a better choice?
He has self-knowledge, his talent is only moderate in Mengyue star, and he is definitely at the bottom when he goes to Emperor Capital star.

It's better to have a famous head in Mengyuexing, rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and don't look at people's faces. Can you live in a humble life?

What's more, he hasn't been a teacher yet. Su Qing told him that the current common equipment can refine elixir up to the third level, and it can't be refined at high level. It has something to do with the equipment and the person who refines it. The division cannot break through.

Su Qing asked him to refine the first-level elixir first, and then think about refining the second-level and third-level elixir. The extent to which it can reach depends on his ability.

If Yang Wei needed a high-level elixir that day, Su Qing would refine it for him. If it was not a last resort, just use a high-level elixir. Compared with elixir, elixir is easier to refine.

Yang Wei made up his mind to study with Su Qing for three years,

Don't look at the young Ji Xiao, who is much smarter than him in refining medicine. Of course, sometimes the two will communicate and discuss with each other, but Su Qing guides him more. He absolutely does not admit that he is inferior to a child.

Just after a peaceful year, Emperor Capital Star came again, and this time it was an official representative, which made him feel very uneasy, as if he had been crushed by a big rock.

Yang Wei sighed depressingly, "Hey! According to what you said, that's the only way to go, I hope they don't like me,"

Su Qing: "There must be pharmacists in the inspection team. They come to learn your alchemy skills. If you teach them actively and enthusiastically as before, and teach a few people, you will be useless, and no one will want to teach them. If you take it back, won’t you take credit from them?”

Yang Wei looked happy, "Hey! That's right, hey, I have to be flattering, so that they don't like me, but I can't be like Xie Yuxin, who thinks I'm simple, kind, and selfless."

Yang Wei pretended to be silly and sweet in front of Xie Yuxin, but she liked it very much, so he kept saying good things to Yang Wei when he went back, proving that Yang Wei's medicine refining technique was researched by himself,

While Yang Wei and Su Qing were chatting in the living room, Meng Hao was cooking noodles in the kitchen.

Meng Hao would glance at it occasionally, wondering what Uncle Yang and Qingqing were muttering about?Anyway, they had a secret, and it wasn't intentional to hide it from him. He knew it was related to refining medicine as soon as he guessed it, so he didn't dare to be interested.

(End of this chapter)

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