Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 239 Knowing the truth

Chapter 239 Knowing the truth
He is looking for one right now, he must get high marks in the homework he is good at, and just pass a few subjects that are a headache at first glance. He doesn't like studying pharmacy, and Meng Hao will definitely not care what they say.

Meng Hao skillfully kneaded noodles, rolled noodles, cut noodles, fried diced meat in a pan, and added water for a while. The meat he used was bacon brought from home.

During this period of time, he ate too much meat, Qingqing's stored fresh meat was almost gone, only bacon was left to eat.

Uncle Yang came, they ate noodles with diced meat, went to the planting field to pull a cabbage, copied a big bowl of meat and cloves, how many bowls could he eat.

Usually, Meng Hao cooks a lot, but Su Qing seldom does anything. He promised to take good care of Qingqing, so he must be the one who cooks for Qingqing.

Jiabao was helping to wash and chop vegetables in the kitchen. In less than half an hour, a large pot of noodles was cooked.

The three sat at the dining table, and one of them took a bowl of noodles and ate them all. They were all young people with good teeth and a good appetite.

Especially Meng Hao, although he was not so hungry, but his appetite could not be changed for a while, so he killed more than half of the noodles by himself,

Yang Wei stared at his stomach carefully for a while, wondering where he had eaten all the noodles.

"Okay, Uncle Yang, don't stare at Meng Hao. He is a master of martial arts. He has advanced recently. He urgently needs to replenish energy. He needs to eat a lot to support his physical activities."

"Oh!" Yang Wei nodded, forgetting that Meng Hao was gifted in martial arts and advanced again. It's amazing.
In just a few years, Meng Yu has already reached the seventh or eighth level of martial arts. If it is really necessary to reach the tenth level of martial arts, it will be a big deal. Although martial arts masters of the same level cannot beat supernatural masters, people who specialize in martial arts can reach the tenth level. many.

Meng Hao is only 18 years old, right?If the 20 years old reached the tenth level, he would be considered a genius.

Jia Bao came over to collect all the pots and bowls, and went to the sink to wash them, while Meng Yu wiped the dining table with a rag.

Yang Wei asked a few words, how is Meng Xiao's homework, and by the way, let him work hard, the fourth grade will be much easier, and many minor subjects can be given up.

The three of them were holding tea, sitting on the sofa and chatting, and they talked about Yang Xue,
Yang Xue also took the intermediate class this year, and was admitted to a fairly good school in Mingyue City, but she failed in the first intermediate class, with a score difference of more than [-] points.

Yang Xue was very disappointed, she really wanted to become alumni with Qingqing and Meng Yu, but unfortunately they were so far behind, and their family was not very rich, so they could move around and arrange her into the first intermediate class. The school is considered a key school in Mingyue City.

She is talented in the fire department, and she is inspired to be a jewelry designer. In the future, she will choose weapon refining as her major. The Yang family thinks it is quite good, and it is a career suitable for girls.

Yang Xue has just entered the first grade, and her grades are not bad. With Yang Wei's help with homework, she will definitely not be bad.

After chatting for a while, Yang Wei couldn't sit still, he had to go back and busy refining medicine, and now his expenses were getting bigger and bigger. Neither can Qingqing.

After Yang Wei left, Su Qing and Meng Yu went upstairs to read and study, which was something they had to do every day.

Most of the time it is Meng Yu who endorses and studies, and Su Qing gives him lectures,

Learning the knowledge in textbooks is not a strenuous task for Su Qing. Courses that require practical operations, such as pharmacy, weapon refining, and martial arts, can guarantee excellent grades.

When she goes back to the dormitory every day, she either makes medicine or reads books with Meng Yan, but what she reads are extra-curricular books borrowed from the library. As for homework, she finishes it during class, so it’s so simple that she can save it until after school Come back and write!

Meng Hao didn't know that every day when he came back to his room, Su Qing would also study comprehension courses with Luo Zilan.
After 12 o'clock, I started to meditate and practice. Sometimes I entered the jade pendant space, refining alchemy, refining weapons, drawing symbols, and arranging formations. I was much busier than him. Even so, Su Qing's homework was not delayed at all.

Compared with all kinds of knowledge of cultivation, the homework in school is nothing at all, it is the simplest.

Su Qing didn't want to be so evil in school, she only showed extraordinary talent in pharmacy, and she wouldn't be particularly hated by others.
Her goal is to pass the graduation exam three years later. When she can show her full strength, she must get a good grade in the exam and choose the most ideal school.

As for the martial arts department of which school Meng Yan took the exam, it shouldn't be a big problem, not to mention his homework is watched by him, his score will not be low by then, and he can definitely apply for the same school as himself.

They just study hard now, the money for school, Su Qing can refine a little potion every day, and she can cultivate the elixir by herself, which saves a lot of money, and even the meat of different animals can go to the mountains every year when she goes home mopping up a lot,

If we say that the alien beasts in the mountains reproduce very quickly, if we don't see each other for a year, no matter how many herbivorous alien beasts they took away last year, and come back again, there will be groups of them, one by one, and an endless supply.

The arrival of the official investigation team of the Imperial Capital Star has no effect on Su Qing, she still lives leisurely without any hurry,
She analyzed it, Yang Wei has no major problems, as long as he doesn't want to leave, no one will force him.

After Su Qing's analysis, Yang Wei felt less flustered, but still worried, what if the inspection team asked him to go with him?
The person he is most worried about is someone who suspects that he has obtained the inheritance of refining elixir. When he arrives in the imperial capital, he will be interrogated secretly and tortured.

In the past, he may not have known about cultivation, monks, elixirs, etc., but since Starnet, the pharmacists of Mengyue star began to refine a large number of pills, and they directly used the name elixir, and after it was spread to the outer galaxy,

Many people on Xingwang began to chat about the source of real pills, and Yang Wei could figure it out. It turned out that what Qingqing said about monks and alchemy were all true.
Don't look at him publicly talking about the origin of the elixir, but he always thought it was a story made up by Qingqing, just to attract everyone's attention, explaining that the elixir is a very magical medicine.

I didn't know it before, it was the ignorant and fearless, but now that he understood the legend of the cultivator, he realized that this girl Qingqing is too bad, and he didn't feel any guilt at all for blocking such a difficult danger for her, hum! !

But Qingqing taught him alchemy, and the two have already paid off, otherwise, who would teach such a precious inheritance to others?
But what if he really wants to be caught?What does he mean?Or what?
So Yang Wei didn't dare to go to Emperor Capital Star, he should hang out in Mengyue Star, at least his life is not in danger, and there is no chance of betraying Qingqing.

How can he not be anxious in his heart, the only way is to pretend to be incompetent, there are so many people who can refine second-order pills, he, the founder who only stays on first-order pills and has not advanced, will soon be Ignored.

And try my best to teach those pharmacists from Tianlong City how to refine medicine,
After a year of groping, he has researched a lot of tricks by himself, and spread them all, let them steal his reputation, as long as he is safe,
Sure enough, Yang Wei received a notice from the teacher early the next morning, and went with everyone to accompany the delegation to discuss the new alchemy technique.

When it was time, I found that all the people who were called were all pharmacists who could make elixirs from Mengyuexing.
The leader of the investigation group told everyone politely that they came to learn new alchemy techniques, and hoped that everyone would teach their pharmacists well.

Director Lin immediately represented the people of Mengyuexing, expressed some modest and polite words, and asked everyone to enter the big medicine refining room of the school to prepare a demonstration on the spot.

Only here is well-equipped and the space is large enough. Today is a holiday again, and no students are in class.

(End of this chapter)

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