Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 241 Choosing the College to Apply for

Chapter 241 Choosing the College to Apply for

When the son grows up, he will start a family, become a husband, and become a father. Will he realize that it is not easy for him to raise him, and he will desperately want to provide the best for him.

Zhao Mei also cried. Her son, from wow to the ground, until now, has been carefully cared for by herself. Finally, he has grown up and started to become the support of his parents, taking over their burden of supporting the family.

Not only them, but all the parents and relatives of the graduates are excited when they see their children successfully graduating. Years of hard work have paid off for their children's academic success. I have paid for you without complaint or regret, because you are our hope, It is the continuation of our life.

Yang Wei returned to his parents, grandparents, and the family happily took photos together to record unforgettable moments.

In the evening, the family, including Su Qing and Meng Hao, sat together to celebrate Yang Wei's graduation.

This year Su Qing and Yang Wei have been promoted to the fifth grade of the intermediate class. Next year, they should take the graduation exam of the intermediate class. They are also very nervous about their studies. They will take this year's final exam soon. They came out today to congratulate Uncle Yang on his successful graduation.

Yang Xue is already in the third grade of the intermediate class, or how time flies,

Meng Yan already looked like a young man, with blue stubble growing on his lips, and Qingqing grew into a slender beauty. Yang Xue was always cute and charming, a beautiful girl, slightly taller than Su Qing .

The elders of the Yang family saw that the children had grown up, and felt relieved in their hearts.

Yang Wei is more mature and stable than before. At the age of 25, he is about to step into the society formally and become a pharmacist under Jiang's company. Jiang's conditions are good.
Anyway, for the newly graduated students of the college, it would be good to have a stable job. Let's do it first, and then talk about it in a few years.

Meng Hao picked up his wine glass and said to Yang Wei: "Come on, Uncle Yang, congratulations on your graduation. I wish you success in your work and a lot of money."

Everyone said a few festive words one after another, congratulating Yang Wei on his successful career,

Yang Wei smiled all over his face, thank you everyone, happy days, don't want to be too sensational, we are all from our own family, no matter how many words of thanks, it is better to make some achievements in actions.

After a meal, Yang Wei hailed a car and took Su Qing and Meng Xiao back to school in person.
Sitting in the car, Yang Wei asked them:
"Qingqing, next year you will be graduating from the intermediate class. Have you decided which college to take? I think you can definitely go to a famous college in the middle galaxy. The score in the central galaxy is definitely higher, so there is no need to take risks."

Su Qing: "I'm still thinking about it. I have a few promising targets. I'm checking the school's information during this time."

"Oh, I can't help you which school you choose to go to. You can discuss it with Teacher Meng and Teacher Zhou."

Su Qing nodded her head slightly. The little girl in her teens was sitting there as calm as water, like a budding white lotus, quietly exuding a delicate fragrance.

After returning to the dormitory, Su Qing and Meng Hao went back to the study to study,

Two years ago, after Meng Yan practiced Nine-Turn Mysterious Kungfu and advanced to Third-Turn, because of insufficient energy intake, he needed to eat a lot of different animal meat. In the end, Su Qing refined a body-building potion to cure his problem. Later, he discovered that As long as there is a period of time to take a potion, there will be no problem with his body.

Not only is there no problem, after taking the body-building potion, the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu has accelerated its advancement,

Now that Meng Hao has cultivated to the fourth rank, ordinary swords and guns can no longer pierce his skin, and he is truly invulnerable.

But recently, the body-building potions can no longer meet his needs. The interval between taking the potions is getting shorter and shorter, and the problem of needing to eat a lot will rebound again.

Su Qing is also in the same place. For three nights in a row, she nestled in the jade pendant space to refine. I don't know how much elixir was wasted. Finally, she refined three pills of body training, which were still low-grade. She is now struggling to refine fourth-level pills. , It's not bad if it succeeds, let Meng Hao take it first!
After leaving Mengyuexing and arriving in other galaxies with sufficient aura, the progress of my cultivation speeds up, reaching the golden elixir stage, and it will be no problem to refine the fourth-order elixir.

Meng Hao took a Body Exercise Pill, and it really worked. There was no problem of lack of energy for a month.
Meng Yan only vaguely knew that it was the reason for his practice, but why did this happen? What kind of medicine did Qingqing give him?He never asked, and Su Qing would never tell him.

Because of this guy, it is easy to be stereotyped by others. If he said something that shouldn't be said that day, what should he do if something happens, just let him be confused at the beginning, and he can't understand anything to ensure that the secret is not revealed.

The two sat quietly at the desk, still in the usual mode,

Meng Xing memorized, studied, and did the questions. If he didn't understand anything, he asked Su Qing to explain it to him. It stands to reason that they had already chosen vocational courses when they were in the fourth grade, and they took classes in different classes, so they didn't have to study so hard.

Su Qing chose to major in pharmacy and minor in spiritual planting, while Meng Rong majored in martial arts and minor in weaponry.

Su Qing chose this way because both of them are good at major subjects, and their scores are sure to be sure, and they even applied for a minor, just to get more scores and be admitted to a better school.

In the beginning, many students laughed at them for their lack of greed, but from the beginning to now, their grades have been stable, without big ups and downs, so many people are not convinced.

Su Qing's aptitude is inferior to the evildoers. Meng Yan, that brainless idiot, has good grades in both majors and minors. This is unscientific!How did he do it?
If Meng Yan heard this, he would definitely tell him with a bitter face, how did he do it, of course it is a tragic history of blood and tears, and it is full of bitter tears, which is not something ordinary people can do.

The next day, on the morning of the rest day, Su Qing and Meng Hao were scheduled to go to the school library to read books and surf the Internet. This was the happiest moment for Meng Hao. Su Qing allowed him to relax.

Su Qing stared intently at the light screen in front of her eyes, and carefully browsed the information of each college. After more than half a year of searching various information on the star network, after comparative research, she selected a few colleges,

Among them, Tsinglan College, which is the most optimistic about Venus, is a planet located at the border between the central galaxy and the medium galaxy, and its various conditions are no worse than that of the central galaxy. Tsinglan College ranks within the top 100 of all colleges in the empire. It is a university Comprehensive College,

Su Qing thinks it is suitable for her to apply for the exam. There are also the Chasing Wind Academy on the Yaoyang Star and the Fez Academy on the August Star. The strength is not inferior to Qinglan, but the region is a little worse. They are also Su Qing’s backup tires. If not, you have to consider Shuiyuexing's Qingtian Academy and Bai Jixing's Feiyu Academy are also optimistic about Su Qing, but their reputation is not as good.

Su Qing was carefully researching which school she was going to apply for, Meng Yan didn't care about it, he concentrated on staring at the video played on the light screen, and he had to relax, otherwise he was afraid that his head would be dizzy.

It's better to watch the entertainment news that makes people feel happy, and the funny jokes to cultivate their mood.

Anyway, Qingqing said that if two people are admitted to the same school, if he fails the exam, he will be chopped up and fed to the flames.

Meng Hao's troubles came and went quickly, and he forgot all the unhappy things in a short time. By the way, he emptied his mind, watched the videos on Xingwang, and giggled.

Su Qing didn't even want to talk to him, how to deal with him when he went back,

These years, Su Qing has also convinced Meng Hao's mind. If he is not aptitude good, he practiced the Nine Turns Xuan Gong very fast. She can't keep up with Meng Hao's progress, but when it comes to writing homework, he is in a mess. I will meet today Got it, I'm still confused tomorrow,

If you don’t do each question hundreds or eighty times, if you don’t form a conditioned reflex, you can guarantee that you won’t do it. However, Meng Hao has a kind of natural good luck. He is guaranteed to guess correctly when he encounters multiple-choice questions. If he chooses the key points by himself, he can also choose most of them correctly.

(End of this chapter)

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