Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 242 The Last Sprint

Chapter 242 The Last Sprint
So don't look at Meng Xiao's brain not so bright, but he was lucky, guessed the questions accurately, and passed every subject in the exam.

Even if his grades hovered around the passing mark, he couldn't help but learn a lot of homework!
For the graduation exam of the Imperial Intermediate Class, the total score is recorded. As long as you have the ability to study, you can take as many homework as you want, but you must finish all the subjects you applied for within a week.

Candidates in the intermediate class are no longer doing paper-based answer sheets. They must complete the exam uniformly on the star network. Within the specified time, you can take as many subjects as you can.
But basically no one can do it. They just finish one subject and take a break before continuing the exam. In the six-year intermediate class, they have studied hundreds of subjects. , Others have time to get as many points as possible, and don’t have time to give up all of them.

During the exam, all intermediate schools around the world will come to Mingyue City to take the graduation exam, because only Mingyue City can connect to the star network smoothly and provide all students with equipment.
Candidates from all over the world have to take the graduation exam in the largest optical brain room in the public library in Mingyue City. There are tens of thousands of optical brains, which are enough to accommodate all students for the exam, and there is also enough space for on-site practical assessment.

After all, Mengyuexing is not so well-developed, and there are not many people who can afford to go to school, and there are less than [-] candidates who graduated from the intermediate class all over the world.
The number of new students recruited by Xinghui Academy is only a few thousand every year, and only a very small number of people can be admitted to academies on other planets.

Although Meng Hao only had excellent grades in martial arts and weapon refining courses, he couldn't stand it. Su Qing has been very effective in cultivating him for several years. He can raise his total score by taking a few more tests, and his koi physique is very good. Those who hope to be admitted to the same school as Su Qing,
In a blink of an eye, it was the final exam. After the results came out, the scores of Su Qing and Meng Hao were not impressive among the crowd. In fact, it was surprising to find out.

Su Qing has always been recognized as a gifted student, no one can compare with her in pharmacy and spiritual planting.
But Meng Hao, a student with mediocre grades in other subjects except for martial arts, how could he have the same score as Su Qing? Isn't this comparison very scary, how much strength Su Qing has hidden.

However, neither the teacher nor the classmates noticed this.
Meng Hao and Su Qing packed their bags and went home to celebrate the new year. Next year will be the sixth grade. For Su Qing, it is enough to deal with it with one-third of his mind in the last year of the sprint, but Meng Hao has to work ten times harder.

Su Qing felt heartbroken for the many subjects he was about to face,
Meng Yu Leng was so big-hearted that he didn't care at all, but many top students among his classmates who claimed to be as talented as Su Qing were all worried, fearing that they would fail the exam.

The top 50 students in the first intermediate class of Mingyue City are all going to some prestigious schools in the medium galaxy. Mengyuexing's Xinghui Academy is no longer their first choice.

Compared with the students of the medium galaxy and the central galaxy, the students of Mengyuexing are not very competitive at all. At most dozens of students can pass the exam every year.

Each college in the medium galaxy recruits tens of thousands of new students every year, but Mengyuexing's students don't have much strength to compete for places.

The main reason is that some students at the bottom of the central galaxy will also apply for some prestigious schools in the medium galaxy to join the competition for places.

There are so many people in the empire applying for the middle galaxy school every year, and the admission is based on merit. If you miss the mark by one point and fail the exam, don't you want to cry and faint?
Who is still in a good mood to go home and celebrate the new year happily, except Su Qing and Meng Hao.

Su Qing and Meng Hao, with Huomiao and Jiaojiao, returned to Shanquan Village and started their happy and busy rural life again.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao, who had returned to the village, were extremely excited, and as soon as they jumped out of the hatch of the aircraft, they ran away without a trace.
They must have gone into the mountains. They like the feeling of running freely in the mountains. Unfortunately, they can only warm up in the city at will, and have no chance to run wildly and unrestricted. When they go home, they must go to the mountains to have a good time.

Su Qing and Meng Yu followed their relatives back home, of course it was a lot of fun.

In the new year, the two packed their bags, left their hometown again, and went back to Mingyue City to go to school. It was not the first time they left.
But this year is different. A few months later, after they take the graduation exam, they will go to a higher level of study. They will probably leave this planet and go to a more distant place. I can't even see each other, and it's useless to cry at that time.

Because even if there is a route between the stars, unless the distance between the two planets is very close, you can consider coming back, otherwise the two months of vacation are not enough time for the road,

What's more, the ticket price of the spaceship is very high. Many children who go to school on alien planets do not have the opportunity to come back to visit their parents and friends until they graduate.

Su Qing and Meng Hao knew very well what would happen in the future, but Zhu Xiuyun and the Meng family didn't know. Even if they knew, they didn't have the concept.

Everyone in the entire Anyang area, none of the children in the family have the experience of going to school in an alien planet.

They thought so far, but it was much more normal than the two children. Not only did they send them back to school with a smile, but they were also very happy because their children were graduating this year.

When Su Qing and Meng Hao returned to school, they obviously felt that the atmosphere in the classroom was different after school started.

The teacher and the students started to work hard, make the final sprint, and repeat the knowledge they have learned in the past few years. After one teacher finished the class, the other teacher came again, and often they would fight over each other.
The students have endless exercises. Everyone's task is to brush the questions. The questions on the learning machine and the paper papers are constantly being used on each professional floor. There is no free day. If the first class is not used, it will be occupied by the second class immediately. Everyone is learning spelling names every day.

There are 150 students in five classes. When the fourth grade was divided into vocational classes, they were changed into four classes, and some were combined classes.

After all, the courses of some occupations are the same. For example, spiritual planting and pharmacy are divided into one class, equipment refining and mechanical engineering are in one class, and many small occupations are mixed into one class. When the teacher is in class, you can You can choose to listen, or you can choose to go to other classes to listen to the courses that suit you.
Anyway, after the fourth grade, students can learn more freely, but it is not easy. If you are not sure, you can specialize in a vocational study to the end, and you will be admitted to the college. After all, each department has to use vocational scores as the admission standard. All students do this, and there are only a very small number of elites who choose multiple courses and plan to challenge the prestigious schools within the 500th imperial ranking.

Soon Meng Hao and Su Qing also joined in the intense study, and everywhere they went, they could see students holding books and reciting questions,
Su Qing and Meng Hao were also busy. Originally, Meng Hao was supposed to be busy alone. Su Qing hadn't shown his true strength in the exams in the past few years.
But Meng Hao's self-consciousness is too low. Once he doesn't strictly check, Meng Hao will start to fool him. He is a man in his twenties, and he is still joking and not stable at all.

Su Qing is often pinched by Su Qing, so Su Qing is also busy with him. On the basis of the teacher's homework assignments, he sets out more topics for Meng Xiao, and has to tutor him all the time. It is not until 12 o'clock every day. Let him sleep, even if you drag him to death, let Meng Hao get a good grade in the exam,
Originally, it was absolutely no problem to take the Martial Arts Department of Xinghui Academy or the Military Academy of Mengyuexing with Meng Hao's grades.
But Su Qing wants Meng Hao to go with her to see what the developed areas of the empire look like, go out and see the world, don't raise yourself into a frog at the bottom of the well, only see the sky above your head, Su Qing's goal is a bit high, Meng Hao It must be difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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