Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 243 The 3 Favorite Colleges

Chapter 243 Three Favored Colleges
All the teachers in charge of the class have accelerated to finish teaching the courses of the new semester, and lead the students to review the courses from the first grade, but the speed is very fast, and they go through it comprehensively.
Let the students familiarize themselves with the previous knowledge points, and then explain the exam questions over the years, and sometimes draw the key points, so that everyone can keep in mind that there may be this question in the exam.

Su Qing sat in the classroom and listened carefully to the teacher's lecture. No matter whether she understood the knowledge long ago, as long as she was in the classroom, she would listen carefully and never lose her mind.

This class is Zhou Peilan's pharmacy. She talked about the formula principles of several kinds of medicines, what kind of medicinal properties they form when they cooperate with each other, why some panacea should be added more, and some should be added less, how to master this degree, what is needed when refining medicine What to pay attention to. . . .

These are not new knowledge points, Zhou Peilan still repeats them patiently to deepen the students' impression,
She also mentioned the refining of elixir. Since Yang Wei innovated the alchemy technique a few years ago, the elixir appeared on Mengyue Star and spread quickly. Now everyone in the empire knows about elixir. Talented pharmacists , basically can be refined successfully.

Therefore, Zhou Peilan was determined that this year's pharmacy practical exam would be a choice between the two, allowing candidates to choose whether to refine pharmaceuticals or pills. Everyone knows that refining pills is more difficult, and they are likely to get high marks.

At this time, Zhou Pei went to remind the students:
"Remember, those who are not sure, don't take the risk of refining pills. If you fail, you will have no chance to do it again. It's better to refine the potions you are sure of, and get the points first."

The students in the pharmacy class are all outstanding talents. There must be someone who can refine elixir, such as Su Qing,
Although she has never refined it publicly, Zhou Peilan knows her well. Su Qing will definitely refine it. As for other people, they will also refine it, but it will be very reluctant, and the probability of success is not high.

What she warned was those few people. It’s not that you think there’s no problem in refining medicine, so it’s definitely okay. During the exam, a small negligence will cause big problems, and their psychological endurance is not good enough.
As for Su Qing, Zhou Peilan had never seen her before. She had a panicked expression, she was young, but she was very calm, and she felt stable and steady in everything she did, so she was not worried.

After talking about this, I will focus on explaining several third-order potions until the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

"Okay, that's all for today's lesson. Everyone, go back and practice the refining of these kinds of potions, as well as various problems derived from the ratio of medicinal properties. These are the key points of the exams over the years. This year's exam questions are likely to follow Several medicines are related."

Zhou Peilan closed the lesson plan in her hand, announced that the get out of class was over and walked off the podium. When she walked to Su Qing's side, she said:
"Su Qing, come to the office with me."

Su Qing nodded, packed up the notes in his hand, put them in the bag of the desk, lifted them up, followed Teacher Zhou, and walked out of the classroom.

Zhou Peilan sat on the chair, took a few sips of water from the cup to moisten her throat, and then looked at Su Qing, her most proud disciple.

"Su Qing, the graduation exam is half a year away, have you decided which college to take?"

Su Qing nodded and said: "I have already selected three schools, all of which are in the medium galaxy. I feel confident. The competition in the central galaxy is too fierce, so I will not consider it."

"Oh, which three colleges are they, let me help you refer."

Zhou Peilan was not surprised at all. She has taught Su Qing for six years and knows her students very well. Although she is not talkative, she is very thoughtful.

Su Qing: "Qinglan College of Venus Star, Fez College of August Star, Chasing Wind College of Yaoyang Star."

She reported the names of the three colleges without stopping.

Zhou Peilan showed surprise, and then said as calmly as possible:
"The three academies you chose are all first-class academies in the medium galaxy, even if they are not inferior to the academies in the central galaxy, they all entered the top [-] imperial academies,
Your vision is really good, but I am worried that your grades are considered excellent in Mengyuexing, and compared with all the geniuses in the empire, it is still slightly insufficient.I suggest that you don't take too much risk, and apply for a lower-ranked school as a guarantee, such as the Chenxi Academy of Bright Morning Star. "

Su Qing nodded slightly, "Yes! I know Mr. Zhou, there is still some time before the exam, I will think about it again."

What she was thinking in her heart was that I would not go to Bichenxing, that is the headquarters of the Li family, and it was too late to hide, and she did not want to have anything to do with the Li family in this life.

In addition, Chenxi Academy didn't even enter the top [-] in the empire rankings, so Su Qing didn't like it either.

If the teaching quality of Mengyuexing was not too different from that of Central Galaxy, Su Qing would have dared to apply for Tianlong College, Qingbei College, and Qingyun College, which are the top ten colleges in the empire. Unfortunately, to be on the safe side, she still applied for the three schools she had chosen for a long time Bar!

Seeing Su Qing's reply, Zhou Peilan knew that she was very confident and would not change her mind. She sighed in her heart, even a gifted student was under pressure. She was afraid that her limited ability would delay the child, so she waved her hand.

"Okay, as long as you know, you can go back, if there is anything you don't understand in your studies, just come to me."

Su Qing nodded in agreement, said goodbye to Teacher Zhou, and left her office.

The school's electronic screen erected in front of the teaching building shows how many days are left until the graduation exam every day.

With the passage of time, everyone's sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger, even Meng Hao, who is big-hearted, began to get anxious,
However, he is only anxious when he sees the electronic screen every day, and he has no spare time to have extra emotions at other times, and his mind is occupied by full exercises.

When the weather is getting cooler, there are still three days before the graduation exam, and various military warships are flying from Mingyue City one after another.
The people who came were all the local garrisons from major cities who sent the candidates. After the teachers and students left the cabin, the warships had to return quickly and come to pick them up after the exams. Mingyue City would not allow so many warships to stay.

Mengyuexing This year, all the students who took the graduation exam from all over the world have come. According to the previous practice,
All candidates from other places are arranged in the reception building of the Planetary Government. There is a hotel with a height of dozens of floors, which can accommodate nearly ten thousand teachers and students.

Every year at this time, the government will deliberately vacate the reception building to solve the problem of food and accommodation for teachers and students taking the exam.
Each school is divided into an area, and the teachers in charge of each school are in charge. The local government pays half of the cost, and the capital of the planet pays half. All students only need to take the exam with peace of mind.

Two days before the exam, all candidates went to the exam room for a rehearsal. The teacher led the team to enter, arranged the location, turned on the optical computer, simulated the exam process, and solved the problems in a timely manner. It's better than taking an exam without any experience.

Then all the students went back to their residences and took the time to do the final review. The school had long since stopped arranging teachers to teach and let everyone feel free, just to relieve the tension before the exam.

Su Qing and Meng Hao didn't feel the pressure from others. Su Qing had absolute confidence, but Meng Hao had no time at all.

Qingqing can't wait to deprive him of all the sleep time, so she can write more questions for him, don't want Meng Yu to memorize and review like others,

This guy forgets his front feet and back feet, so he won't store it in his mind. The only way is to write, to form a conditioned reflex, and to remember when he writes too much.
So Meng Hao has been writing and writing non-stop. He has lived through such a life for six years. Thinking about it is full of bitter tears, and he is still nervous and stressed, and he has no time to feel it.

Finally, it was the day of the exam. At night, Su Qing didn't let Meng Hao close his eyes at all, and kept doing the questions. Meng Hao was about to cry.
"Qingqing, what time is it, I don't have enough sleep, how can I pass the seven-day exam, and the exam is not allowed out, so I can only lie down on the seat and take nutritional supplements for meals. You are too cruel to me, I Protest against Spartan education."

(End of this chapter)

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