Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 244 Before the Graduation Exam

Chapter 244 Before the Graduation Exam

Su Qing's face darkened, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do the questions, I am also reading, am I accompanying you?"

Meng Hao looked at the book in Su Qing's hand with tears in his eyes, his eyes were full of accusations, why are you taking the graduation exam, you can read extracurricular books, and I have to do the questions without sleep.

Su Qingmei comforted him softly and said: "Write quickly, go to bed after finishing this piece, I promise you will be energetic, don't eat or drink, have a clear mind, and pass the seven-day graduation exam."

In the end, Meng Yu only slept for two hours before being called up by Su Qing. The two of them had to go to the classroom to gather after breakfast, and followed the teacher into the examination room.
The exam officially starts at 9:[-] in the morning. Candidates need to log in with their student card numbers and take the exam on Xingwang. The written exam starts first, that is, writing the exam paper in text form, and finally submitting it.
After the written test, you can take the on-site test of professional courses. The test is divided into different test rooms, and teachers from different planets will cross-mark. Experts from each planet will score the students through surveillance videos on the star network, and finally choose the average score.

For example, for Su Qing's on-site pharmacy exam, ten grading teachers from other planets will give the on-site scores, and then experts from different galaxies and planets on the star network will give the scores. The experts are all pharmacists from different planets' pharmacist unions. Also a five-star pharmacist.

Su Qing's teacher Zhou Peilan, as well as a group of excellent teachers from Mengyuexing's other intermediate schools, were sent to a nearby planet to be on-site grading teachers, which can be regarded as a guarantee of fairness to a certain extent.

Meng Yu was sleeping in Zhengxiang, but Su Qing called him up to eat, yawning all the time, how can he test in this state?

"Qingqing, how can I take the exam like this, I can't open my eyes," Meng Hao tried hard to open his eyes while drinking the porridge.

"You'll be fine in a while, you'll be fine if you don't sleep for seven days." Su Qing said calmly, taking small sips of porridge.

Don't look at the same rest time between Su Qing and Meng Hao. Not only are they not tired at all, but they are also full of energy. Meng Hao wondered how Qingqing did it.

How did he know that Su Qing didn't need to sleep at all. He either studied or meditated at night, so he didn't rely on sleep to recover his energy.

After eating, Su Qing put a pill and a bottle of medicine on the table,
"Meng Hao, take the medicine and drink the potion, and you will be refreshed."

"Isn't this Bigu Dan? Let me eat it now. I'm just full and I'm not hungry." Meng Hao has eaten Bigu Dan, of course he knows it.

"You eat first, and when you get back to the examination room, there is nothing else to eat except the nutrient solution given out. I heard that the nutrient tastes terrible. We are not allowed to bring in anything on us, and you don't have anything to eat."

Strict inspection is required before entering the examination room. Candidates are not allowed to bring into the examination room except their clothes and student card. All things are put in a bag and put into the storage box in the examination hall. After the examination, they will be retrieved.
Meng Hao thought the same thing, just eat one grain, one grain of Bigu Dan can keep people from starving for three days, and it can also save time to do the questions.
Meng Yan looked at the potion on the table and asked, "You have to drink the potion too? What's the use of it?"

"Spirit Accumulating Potion, it will make your mind clearer."

Su Qing didn't explain much, Yunshen Potion is a simplified version of Yunshen Pill, and she can't refine it, so it is still possible to refine a bottle of potion, which is specially prepared for Meng Yu.

These days, she disciplines Meng Hao very strictly, there is no way, once she relaxes, Meng Hao will have a blank mind,
Only let him sleep for three hours a day, make him do the questions hard, and explain to him that Meng Hao's mental exhaustion is serious, and he must recover with the potion of Yunshen, and take the exam in the most energetic state, otherwise he will not be able to get a high score .

Meng Hao didn't talk nonsense, opened the potion and gulped it down, wiped his mouth, he felt refreshed and full of energy, and the dullness caused by lack of sleep was swept away. Now let him go without sleep for three days and three nights. no problem.

"Okay, Qingqing, you are amazing. This potion is amazing. I don't feel tired at all. Instead, I am full of energy. Let's go, let's go to the classroom to gather."

Su Qing solemnly told him, "Don't talk about the medicine, just say you went to bed early last night, so that you can take the exam today with energy."

"Don't worry, I know."

Hey, Meng Hao sighed in his heart, Qingqing had too many secrets, many of which he couldn't tell, it was too uncomfortable to hold it in his heart, he was afraid that he couldn't help it that day, and he would go out with Tulu.

The two left the dormitory and rushed to the classroom. Su Qing and Meng Hao had been divided into classes since the fourth grade. They were not in the same classroom. They walked into the teaching building and entered their respective classes.
At this time, the classroom was already full of students, all of them looked dignified, and some were still holding on to the exercises, trying to sprint to the last second.

Su Qing sits quietly in her seat and rarely communicates with her classmates. She doesn't like to chat with others for nothing, and has a cold personality. I don't know, what are the names of my classmates?
Anyway, there won't be much interaction in the future, so Su Qing doesn't want to be friends with a bunch of kids. It's already very strenuous to raise a Meng Hao. It took her a lot of time since she was a child, and it cost her a lot of interstellar coins.

Meng Hao and Su Qing have opposite personalities, carefree, familiar with everyone they meet, and very popular in their class.
The students in their class are almost all of this character, good at martial arts and weapon refining, most of them are male students, and there are no girls. Meng Xiao chatted enthusiastically with everyone as soon as he entered. Come on and still fight.

The students of the first intermediate class in Mingyue City are basically directly admitted to Xinghui Academy. They cannot be admitted to famous alien schools. The academies on this planet are absolutely fine, so they don’t have much pressure.
Those who are under great pressure are those students from wealthy families who want to be admitted to the middle-level galaxy colleges. After all, the teaching quality of those schools is relatively high, and the talents they cultivate are more capable and competitive.

You can also go to developed areas to experience some things. After graduation, you may stay in those areas to work and live if you have the conditions. .

When Meng Hao's classmate saw him coming in, he was surprised and asked:

"Meng Hao, you can do it. You know you can get into Xinghui Academy. You don't have any dark circles. You slept well last night, right?"

Meng Hao laughed and said, "Hey, what do you think?"

Good fart, Qingqing didn't let him go to bed until after three o'clock in the morning when he was working on the problem, and then he woke up at six o'clock, and they didn't believe it when he said it.
His grades are usually pretty good, and it is no problem to be admitted to the Martial Arts Department of Xinghui Academy, so the classmate asked that.

It's a pity that the three academies Qingqing chose required Meng Hao's desperate efforts. He knew what Qingqing was thinking, and he didn't feel at ease to let Qingqing go to an alien system to study by herself, so he had to risk his life to accompany his sister.

Su Qing had planned everything a long time ago, even Bigu Dan and Yunshen medicinal liquid had been refined in advance, Bigu Dan was lucky to say that all kinds of spiritual herbs for refining Yunshen medicinal liquid were still missing after searching Mengyuexing A sort of,
In the end, Su Qing still posted a post on the website of the pharmacists' union to buy it, and bought it after spending a lot of money, and paid a shipping fee to send it to Mingyue City by the interstellar express sent by the seller.

Speaking of Interstellar Express, it is necessary to mention the elixir refining method pioneered by Yang Wei back then, which made Mengyuexing famous in the empire.
At that time, only Mengyuexing had elixirs for sale, which attracted many businessmen from the medical field to purchase them. However, the scope of the empire was so large that it was not worthwhile to go to Mengyuexing to buy a few bottles of elixirs.

Fortunately, Interstellar Express saw the opportunity and opened Mengyuexing’s express outlets to solve this problem. After the buyer paid, the seller directly delivered the goods to the buyer through Interstellar Express.

(End of this chapter)

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