Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 245 Amazing Exam Speed

Chapter 245 Amazing Exam Speed
Since then, many big companies in Mengyuexing have launched their own online shopping business on Xingwang, not to mention that the business is quite popular.

That's why the elixir that Su Qing was looking for could be sent from a distant place, and Meng Hao could drink the spirit-intense potion, so that he could take the graduation exam in good spirits.

At 8:[-], the teacher in charge of the school enters the four classes and rolls the roll. When all the students are present, they go downstairs and line up to the school gate.
Four large passenger speed cars were parked at the gate. To send students to the examination room, everyone boarded the cars in order, and the speed cars started.

In the car, the teacher was still talking about various rules, how to do it in the past seven days, no matter how many times he said it, there would still be problems at that time, especially the random allocation of optical brains, familiar people would not be judged. Arrange an area, at most one school in one area, all students in the same class will be dispersed,
"Everyone remember what I said. In the examination room, it is absolutely forbidden to whisper to each other, talk to each other, call a report for what to do, and ask the teacher to solve it. Once you are caught looking around, talking to others, without discipline, you will be expelled from the examination room immediately. Not allowed Is everyone clear about taking this year's graduation exam?"

Because I have said it too many times, not many people responded, only a few voices came from me to know,
The teacher is not angry, life is her own, the teacher has fulfilled her due responsibilities, and if they don't listen, they don't care and let her go.

Soon the bus stopped, in front of the largest library in the capital, all the students got off the bus, lined up, and under the leadership of the teacher, they entered the lobby of the school and went through the security check. Cards, etc., are all packed and placed in the lockers in the library.

Su Qing put away her belongings, closed the door of the locker, and if she wanted to open it again, just press the fingerprint lock.

Then lined up and walked forward following the teacher's guidance. After 10 minutes, she finally sat in her seat.

There is also a distance of 50 centimeters between each person, and the distance between the aisles in the front and back rows is about one meter, which is convenient for the teacher to monitor the field. In addition to the on-site teacher supervision, there are countless cameras in every corner to monitor every student.

All other functions of the optical brain are locked, and you can only log in to the exam website on the star network. The empire has developed for many years and has a mature exam system that can completely avoid the possibility of cheating. It is a relatively fair exam. This is only a written exam, because it is The intelligent system automatically judges and gives the results without human interference.

When it comes to professional courses, the practical on-site exam is not necessarily the case. As long as there are people making judgments, there is a matter of personal preference.

Su Qing turned on the optical brain, entered the examination website, logged in with her student card number, and her information was displayed on the Internet, making sure that it was correct. This was the first step. All students logged in to check their personal information.

Candidates in Bright Moon City didn't have any major problems. Candidates from other regions were full of tricks. Although there was a rehearsal, they were still a little chaotic. Fortunately, they all entered the venue an hour early and had time to solve it.

At exactly 9 o'clock, the exam began, and the light screens in front of all the candidates changed. The Minister of Education of the Empire announced the official start of the graduation exam for the intermediate class.
The entire empire is synchronized, the light screen is automatically switched, and the name of each subject is displayed on the page, which is all the subjects that the examinee chooses to apply for.
Click on the name of the subject, and it will be converted into a paper for answering questions. You can choose which subject to take first, and there is no restriction on the order.

Su Qing applied for all subjects. As long as she had taken the class, she signed up. It is estimated that very few people in the whole school dared to apply for the exam like this. She also signed up for all the on-site exams in the practical class. Give up, anyway, one more point is one point.

Unlike other students, Su Qing chooses the subjects she is good at to answer the questions first, and saves the most difficult ones for the last.

She just opened the test papers in order, and just buried herself in the questions. She didn't check the papers after finishing, and just clicked submit. Her answers were very fast, and she didn't even need to think about it, just filled it out.

Others may have to think about it seriously, but Su Qing doesn't need it at all. The monk Yuanshen has a very strong memory, and as long as he has seen it, he will never forget it. That's why Su Qing will use all his firepower to apply for all subjects and show his true strength. Strength, this is not the time to be low-key,

She also doesn't know the genius and strength of the empire's central galaxy. If she can't hide it, she won't be able to get into the college she likes.

You must get all the scores of the written test, because the on-site test is easy to change the score due to various reasons. Only the written test can show the true strength of each candidate.
If you want to compete with the geniuses of those big galaxies, you have to take all subjects,

She asked Meng Yanan to enroll in all subjects, and told him to discard the questions that he didn't know how to do. Hurry up, do more questions, and win with strength. Even if Meng Yan has forgotten all the subjects, he can still do the multiple-choice questions to score. Anyway, if you can catch a point, it is a point.

Once Su Qing's horsepower is fully turned on, it will be terrible. The text on the light screen flashes like dancing, and the idea input helmet worn on the head is heating up, unable to keep up with the input of Su Qing's consciousness.

Su Qing finished the fastest subject in 10 minutes.

All the students were immersed in answering the questions, and they didn't know how long the time had passed. When they were hungry, they asked the teacher for nutrient solution. If they needed to go to the toilet and call for a report, the teacher took them to the bathroom.

After six o'clock in the evening, some students who took the test for nearly ten hours could no longer stand it. They began to take off their helmets, put the seats flat, and rest with their eyes closed. The brain was kept active for a long time. No, need to rest.

Some people are still insisting that Su Qing has already finished half of the subjects. As a monk, it is not a problem to stay up and sleepless. Her soul is strong and she does not feel tired at all. Unable to bear it, she lay down and fell asleep, only Su Qing continued to answer questions at an alarming speed.

Even the teacher supervising the examination room yawned. If the invigilator hadn't worked 8-hour shifts, someone would have noticed that Su Qing was unusual.
Because there were other students working on the questions at this time, many of them woke up and went to the bathroom to exercise their bodies to continue the exam. Su Qing simply stopped drinking and sleeping, and just sat there without moving.

At this time, Su Qing has finished two-thirds of the subjects, and there are more than ten subjects left. The written test is about to be finished. Su Qing is free to answer the questions, and under the circulation of the dantian aura, his whole body is exhausted, and there is no need to rest at all.

She must hurry up and complete the written test as quickly as possible, and then take the on-site specialist test. In order to take more subjects, she must work hard.

At five o'clock in the morning, Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief and finished the work. All the questions for all subjects have been answered and submitted. There are still six days left, which is enough for her to take more professional courses. Ah, I can't give up anymore.

She also said the same to Meng Hao, it is best to complete all the written tests two days ago, and spend the rest of the time on the on-site test.
Su Qing took off the helmet, laid the chair flat, and lay down for a while with empty thoughts.

In fact, taking a test is really trivial for her, but some questions are very clever, not just relying on textbooks and a strong memory to answer correctly, it depends on the understanding of the homework and personal analysis ability,
Su Qing enrolled in general subjects this time just to get more points, because Mengyuexing's teaching level is much lower than that in developed areas. With a good educational environment, students trained to answer certain questions must be better than her.

No matter how evil Su Qing is, she can't get it back. Meng Yuexing's level is so high, no matter how high the teacher is, he doesn't understand how to teach students.

(End of this chapter)

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