Chapter 246
For the same knowledge, the teacher of Mengyuexing can only teach them superficially. The famous teacher of the central galaxy will explain it thoroughly to the students from the bone to the flesh, so that the students can write the answer clearly and clearly as soon as they see the question. Limits can't compare.

Su Qing lay on a chair, closed her eyes, and waited until 8 o'clock to take the on-site exam. The reason for choosing 8 o'clock was that it was just the time for the teacher to change shifts. The teacher who had just arrived was full of energy and would be more patient in watching the students' exams.

But it was only the second day, the on-site exam, maybe only Su Qing herself, and the written exam for others would take at least two or three days.

At this time, Meng Yu was resting, and he was also taking the exam. According to Su Qing's instructions, he reported to the general subjects and wrote the questions in order. Who cares, write all the questions he knows, and pass them if he doesn't.

Meng Hao's primordial spirit is extremely powerful, he thought it was the psychic power that was activated, and he was able to answer the questions very quickly. This is also related to his habit of doing questions every day for several years, and many answers can automatically emerge when doing questions every day.

Meng Hao couldn't pass some of the questions directly. Even if he took the exam very fast, he didn't have Su Qing's ability to defy the sky.

It’s almost 7 o’clock and I only finished half of the subjects. If I want to finish all the exams, it’s going to be tonight. Compared with other students, I can be considered a monster. You must know that except for Su Qing and Meng Hao, very few people dare to apply for all subjects. You are going to apply, if you can’t finish it and hand in a blank paper, it’s better not to apply.

Seeing the time display on the light screen, which was fixed at 8 o'clock, Su Qing got up, quietly performed a cleansing technique on herself, turned off the light brain, raised her hand and shouted: "Report."

The teacher who just took over came over, "What's your problem? Why is the optical brain turned off? Is there something wrong?"

"No teacher, I have finished answering all the test papers, and I am going to take the on-site test."

"Ah, oh, ok, I'll notify the guide over there and take you there."

The invigilator was surprised, and immediately reacted, and sent a notice on the communicator.

Soon a young female teacher came and led Su Qing to take the on-site exam. Anyway, Su Qing didn't know anyone, so just go with the teacher.

The guide checked Su Qing's student card, swiped it on a handheld device, and it showed the examination room and major that Su Qing signed up for. The female teacher seemed to see something surprising, and opened her mouth for a while before closing it.

"Student Su Qing, please follow me. I am your guide. I will take you to the first on-site exam. Which major do you want to take first?"

Su Qing said calmly: "Pharmacy"

The on-site test must not be random, it should be the opposite of the written test, first test what you are good at, and then take the test in turn.

"Okay, I'll take you to the pharmacy exam room,"

The public library of Mingyue City is very huge and has many floors. On-site exams are arranged on the top floors. One exam room can arrange ten people to take the exam at the same time.

This type of examination is already considered fair, but no matter how fair it is, as long as it is judged by humans, it will be mixed with personal consciousness, so twenty people are assigned to score, including school teachers and experts from various professions in society, and the average score is taken.

The pharmacy exam room arrived, and the female teacher opened the exam door. There was also a guide inside, and the teacher who brought Su Qing could not enter.

Qi Siyu is Feiyuxing's pharmacy teacher, and was assigned to Mengyuexing as one of the on-site assessment teachers. Generally, it takes three days for this kind of on-site examination before students come over one after another.
Ten students can be assessed in the same session. Anyway, students who want to take the test will definitely be able to take the test. After all, there are many professional courses, and there are not many people who are scattered.

What's more, the examination room can be tested 24 hours a day, so there is no fear of delay, but at least you have to enter the examination room before the last exam starts.

After Su Qing entered the examination room, he attracted the attention of many teachers. It was very surprising that someone came to the on-site examination the next day.

Every teacher held their chests up and sat upright, including all the expert judges online on

Facing the first candidate of Mengyuexing, Qi Siyu first explained the exam rules. In fact, everyone knows these procedures. The teacher has explained it countless times in normal times. The difference is that the questions are different for each session.

Sure enough, there are two sets of questions for this year's imperial pharmacy graduation exam. You can choose one of the two. One is to refine the third-level marrow washing potion, and the other is to refine the second-level raw bone pill.

This question is not difficult for the students of the central galaxy, but for the students of the original planet like Mengyuexing, it is completely beyond the standard, and almost no students can get full marks.

But the person who wrote the question will never lower the test standard because of the original galaxy. You say super class, and our students here have no problem refining the third-level potion, so I am not taking care of you. You can choose one of the two, and our candidates can take the test. Difficult subject.

No matter which exam you choose, it is estimated that most of the candidates of Mengyuexing will fail in refining,

Fortunately, medicine refining is divided into steps, and each step must be separated, and the total score will be recorded at the end. Even if the refining is not successful in the end, if you can purify the liquid medicine, you can still get half of the points, and you won't fail because of refining. Just give zero points directly, and the students in the original galaxy really don't want to go to school.

Qi Siyu asked: "Student Su Qing, which one do you choose to test and refine?"

Su Qing said directly: "I choose to refine the second-order raw bone pill."

Qi Siyu's expression changed, and he confirmed again, "Student Su Qing, are you sure you want to refine the second-order raw bone pill."

Su Qing nodded, "Yes."

Qi Siyu: "Then start the timer now, I wish you success in refining."

Su Qing walked to the equipment, first selected the elixir, warmed up the equipment, and started refining

As soon as Su Qing made a move, the expressions of the ten teachers were shocked. This little girl is not very old, and she is very skilled in refining techniques, and she didn't lose a single point.
Even the eyes of many experts on were brightened. They were a little dissatisfied with being assigned to the Mengyuexing examination room. As pharmacists of medium galaxies, those candidates who are interested in primitive galaxies may be able to successfully refine are very few,
These people included a five-star pharmacist from the Venus Pharmacist Union. Su Qing, as the first and only candidate to take the on-site pharmacy exam, can he not be noticed?
A total of more than [-] teachers on the star plus network at the scene were all watching Su Qing refining medicine. If other students faced this scene with poor psychological quality, their legs would be weak from fright, and it would be strange if they could still take the exam normally.
Su Qing, however, was not affected at all, and did every step methodically, with precise movements, in one go.
The step of purifying the medicinal liquid was completed quickly, and the purity of the medicinal liquid reached an astonishing 98%. Such a result made Qi Siyu take a deep breath, Meng Yuexing was a genius! !
Even the experts on looked unbelievable. They suspected that Su Qing was cheating, but it was impossible.
Each of them is not a member of Mengyuexing, it is impossible to help an unknown person cheat, and it is even more impossible for the machine to have problems.

Su Qing started the next step of refining, gathering the liquid and returning to the spirit to form a pill. This step stumped the judges and teachers present. Half of them can't refine pills. Even the teachers don't understand how to rate the students. Fortunately, as long as the refining is successful and the effect of the elixir is tested, it is better to give full marks directly. The level of the teacher is higher than that of the grading teacher. Can you not give full marks?

Which Qixing pharmacist can refine pills, but only first-level ones. This graduation exam uses second-level raw bone pills as the assessment topic. No one thinks that any of Mengyuexing's students would dare to do so. challenge.

Unexpectedly, the first little girl who came to the site for assessment directly chose to refine raw bone pills. She not only has a stable temperament, but also has a steady hand and a steady mind. The refining techniques are precise and not bad at all. If you can do this at such a young age, your future achievements in pharmacy will definitely have a bright future.

(End of this chapter)

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