Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 247 Shocked the teacher in the examination room

Chapter 247 Shocked the teacher in the examination room
Everyone stared at Su Qing's refining medicine, and also held the idea of ​​learning. Su Qing's refining medicine was like flowing water, natural and smooth, without any lag. The liquid medicine was tumbling and rolling in the refining furnace, gradually forming

The little girl kept waving her fingers, and many people didn't know what it meant, so they tried to memorize it. Finally, the elixir in the refining furnace gradually took shape, and a scent came out. Everyone knew that it was about to be successfully refined.
Su Qing played the pill collection formula, grabbed a medicine bottle next to her, opened the furnace lid, and six round pills, supported by her spiritual energy, flew into the bottle automatically.

The medicine bottle was placed on the table, and Su Qing looked at the teachers, "Report, I have finished refining."

After a few seconds of silence in the examination room, Qi Siyu said: "Well, good, very good, student Su Qing did very well in the test, please ask the staff to take it for the test."

The assistant in the examination room took out a elixir, tested it on the machine, and the result was displayed, which surprised everyone. It is not surprising that people from Mengyuexing can refine elixir, because the alchemy technique was invented by people from Mengyuexing.

But it's great for a student in the intermediate class to be able to refine it. Su Qing's talent is completely comparable to that of the Central Galaxy genius.

All the grading teachers gave Su Qing's refining elixir a score, and there was no accident that they all got full marks. Of course, Su Qing couldn't see it. Only after the results were announced, she would know how much she scored in the on-site exam for pharmacy.

Qi Siyu said: "Okay, student Su Qing, your pharmacy on-site exam has been completed, you can go to other exams, I wish the exam goes well."

Su Qing saluted, "Thank you teacher"

Turning around and walking out of the examination room, the guide outside was still waiting for her.

"Student Su Qing, which exam room will you go to for the next exam?"

Su Qing said calmly: "Lingzhixue"

"Okay, please follow me." The guide led the way to another examination room.

When the Lingzhi examination is ready, everything remains the same, as long as one can distinguish what is a hundred kinds of elixir?Choose one of them and let it take root and sprout with different abilities. The higher the spiritual plant grows, the more points it will get.

Su Qing stood in front of the stage, and took a deep breath when he saw it. They were all third-order seeds, and most people knew it without any problem. They wanted to activate them quickly and let them grow.

Not many students of Mengyuexing can do it. Could it be that everyone in the central galaxy can do it, and the strength is too strong.

Su Qing randomly selected a medicine seed and put it in the petri dish in front of him, stretched out his hand to cover it, and used his spiritual energy to perform the growth formula, disguised as a wood-type supernatural ability,
The elixir seeds in the petri dish quickly took root and germinated, branched out, sprouted branches, spread out the leaves, grew taller, and within a few minutes, it grew into a mature elixir.

This situation stunned all the judges and teachers. Is what they saw real?
This is not an ordinary plant, but a panacea, which can give birth to ordinary plants. Generally, people with wood supernatural powers can grow instantly, but panacea cannot. If you can take root and sprout, you will be able to pass the test.

Unexpectedly, the first candidate who came in was young and had strong supernatural powers. It took only a short time to successfully produce a third-order elixir. This speed is not everyone's ability to achieve even the geniuses of the Central Galaxy.

If it hadn't been for seeing Su Qing put the medicine seeds in and use supernatural powers to produce them, the teachers would not believe that a candidate could do it and let the third-level elixir grow and mature in a few minutes. God, this is a plant. The genius of the trainer.

So not surprisingly, Su Qing was able to get full marks in the Lingzhixue on-site exam again.

Su Qing didn't care about the teacher who was shocked. She just wanted to get a high score in the test now. Since the empire has such a test question, it means that there must be students who can do it.

There was silence in the examination room, which made Su Qing anxious, what happened, did she do something wrong?It's still showing flaws, no way, I used spiritual energy to disguise myself as a wood-type supernatural ability, and Teacher Zhou couldn't tell the difference.

Su Qing said softly:
"Teacher, my exam is over."

"Ah, yes, it's done, you can leave the examination room now."

Hearing Su Qing's words, the examiner woke up like a dream, and realized that the situation just now was not a dream, but a real student, who instantly gave birth to a third-level spiritual plant. This qualification is against the sky.

Su Qing left the examination room of Lingzhi School and began to sweep down according to the subjects she was good at, such as Artifact Refining, Formation, Biology, Medicine, Ability, and Beast. . . .

Subjects that require on-site examinations account for one-third of all subjects, mainly to check the students' actual hands-on ability, so as to analyze whether the candidate is suitable for applying for this major.
The average student is to take the test of the subject they are good at and the major they plan to apply for.

No one entered the examination room one by one like Su Qing, and it didn't take long.

Reluctantly, Su Qing picked up the refining hammer. Once the magic hammer was refined, who would fight for the front? Tested, not much worse than the works of those refiners, it can already be regarded as an excellent weapon.

This time, many teachers and experts in the art of crafting were stunned. This year, the qualifications of Mengyuexing's students are quite high.

As for the study of abilities, it is very simple to test the ability, what type it belongs to, and how many levels it has reached. It is also a confirmation check for candidates to avoid problems in previous tests.

Su Qing stabilized the ability at the fifth level, which was too eye-catching at a high level.

At the examination site of alien beasts, you will fight with alien beasts in person, and then deal with them according to what you have learned. You can also choose to test the beasts,

It's a pity that Mengyuexing's students didn't have the chance to learn the imperial beast, and Su Qinghui didn't dare to use it either.

I have to choose a more powerful beast to fight, and then clean up and deal with it neatly, and distinguish which parts can be used to refine weapons and medicines,
All the judges nodded their heads one after another. They thought that the little girl who came in, looking delicate and timid, would definitely choose a flamingo, a green goat, that kind of more docile beast. Unexpectedly, she chose a flame cheetah when she came up. He slapped the cheetah to death in two or three strokes, and he was not afraid of the bloody smell. He dealt with the strange beast in a short while. It seemed that he had done it countless times, and he was very skilled.

Su Qing went in and out of various examination rooms like a lantern, and finally even changed the guide by four. At this time, three days had passed, and some on-site assessments were very time-consuming, such as refining weapons. It took more than a day to build the knife. Some can be completed in half an hour.

After finishing the basic major vocational courses, Su Qing went to take some small professional courses, such as bodybuilding, martial arts, cosmetology, nutrition,

On the morning of the sixth day, after Su Qing finished all the subjects, she would go in for a round no matter whether she would or not, to get a basic score. The main reason was that she had too much time.
Except for Su Qing, no one else can do this kind of exam. The other candidates have been struggling with the written exam for the first three days. After the written exam is over, they will take the on-site exam. Naturally, time is tight and they need to choose important assessments.

Because teachers and guides work in three shifts, no one knows that Su Qing has been restless, sleepless, eating, and drinking for six days. Su Qing also left a deep impression on the teachers in every examination room.

On the second day of the exam, Meng Hao finally finished the written exam and started the on-site exam.

He first chose the Martial Arts class. It was still early when he walked into the examination room, and he only had three candidates taking the exam together.

The three of them do a set of martial arts that they have learned at the same time, scoring according to the movement specifications, and then a strength test. The last level is that there are ten sets of high-level martial arts. Candidates can choose one at will, watch it in the video for ten minutes, and then do it One movement, the more movements imitated, the higher the score.

(End of this chapter)

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