Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 248 The end of the exam

Chapter 248 The end of the exam
These martial arts are temporarily drawn before the exam, and they belong to the curriculum of the academy. Students in the intermediate class generally do not know it. If they really encounter this set of martial arts in the exam, they can only say that they are lucky.

Meng Hao is sure to get a full score in this subject. He chose the most difficult set of martial arts. Sure enough, all of Meng Hao's talents are concentrated in martial arts. Although he watched for a short time, he was able to complete 7% of the moves, with a correct rate of 60%. That's already a big deal.

In the strength test, the strength of a single punch also reached 500 kilograms, which is definitely one of the best candidates in Mengyuexing.

In the second exam, Meng Hao chose Artifact Refining, and he also did well in this subject.

Although he is not a master of supernatural powers, he has a strong soul. It is not difficult for him to refine weapons, but he is a monk!Although he didn't know it himself, coupled with the Divine Hammer Nine Refinements, it was originally the method of refining weapons in the cultivation world, and it was not difficult to refine a high-level item.

Anyway, those experts and teachers couldn't recognize it. Sure enough, Meng Hao's weapon refining credits are not low. After all, his strength is stronger than Su Qing, and he studies very seriously, unlike Su Qing who always fools around in class.

Some courses are really bad for Meng Hao, so he can only pass. However, in the pharmacy exam, he can use the cooking method to refine the liquid to the purification of the liquid, but the final liquid concentration ratio is really helpless, and he finally got a passing grade.
Meng Xing is the favorite of Alien Beasts. He came up and chose the most powerful and highest-scoring Alien Beasts. The remaining subjects such as Lingzhi, Machinery Manufacturing, and Modern Biology are as long as he can get mixed points. If he doesn’t understand, he will pass the exam. Many times.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on the sixth day, Su Qing officially ended the exam and asked to leave the exam room.

The guide sent her back to the hall. In the hall, some of the accompanying teachers from various schools were resting, some were chatting, and some were watching the news on the communicator.
The intermediate class graduation exam is fully closed, and the leading teachers of each school have to stay here for 7 days like the students, and they can lead the students back after all the exams are over.

The management of teachers is not as strict as that of candidates. They can move freely in the hall area, and they can also use the communicator. They can just make do on the recliner when they sleep. As for personal hygiene, it is better than students!You can also brush your teeth and wash your face.

As soon as Su Qing was brought out, the leading teacher of the No. [-] intermediate class in Mingyue City, Mr. Tian, ​​the craftsman, jumped out of his seat in surprise, ran to Su Qing and the guide, and asked anxiously:

"Excuse me, what's going on, why did you bring my student out?"

The exam is still more than 30 hours away. Try to take one more subject. Even if you didn't sign up, you can sign up on the spot. How was Su Qing brought out? What happened?

The guide smiled and said: "There is no problem. Su Qing came out early after the exam was over."

"Ah!!" Mr. Tian was surprised. He led the graduate exams every year. He had never heard of any candidates who left the exam room early. They usually complained that there was not enough time for the exam.

"Su Qing, you really finished all the subjects you applied for."

Su Qing nodded, "Yes, Mr. Tian, ​​I have also finished the on-site exam. Some exam rooms take more time, otherwise I can get out of the exam room faster."

After hearing this, Mrs. Tian felt a twitch in his heart. How did Zhou Peilan teach this child? Didn't he just pass the exams in the subjects he was good at?

Since there is plenty of time, it would be nice to have one more exam, one more point, it's already out, it's too late for him to say more, wouldn't it make the child feel sad?

I had to say as kindly as possible:
"Okay then, you go sit and wait together, there are still more than [-] hours, tell me, what is the content of the on-site exam?"

Before the end of the exam, the teachers didn't know the content of the exam, they were all questions from the Imperial Education Bureau.

Now every teacher is eager to know how much the content of this on-site assessment has changed. Most of the subjects have not changed much, and some subjects have changed every year, and the content of the test is getting trickier every year.

Su Qing picked and talked about the situation of the examination room, and Teacher Tian said in shock:

"What? Refining the third-order marrow washing potion, who can succeed in this, let alone the second-order raw bone pill, the questions set by the Ministry of Education are too difficult."

As Su Qing told, other teachers gathered around and took a breath after listening.

This level of difficulty, how many points can the students of their original galaxy take in the test, the level of the test has all been raised, a few students can get excellent scores in the test, most of them guarantee that the passing score is not bad, hey!How do the test scores of their planets compete with those of developed planets?

After Su Qing finished speaking, she went to the locker to take out her belongings, took the communicator, connected to the Internet, and watched the news to pass the time.
At this time, no one noticed that Su Qing had been in the exam for six days, but she didn't look haggard at all, she was still in high spirits, and her body was clean without any peculiar smell.

Meng Hao traveled to different examination rooms with all the candidates. Meng Hao had taken all the courses, and he couldn't get more points. Most of them won't be difficult to get tens of points. Going around again and again, in the end there was really nothing left for the exam, so I walked out of the exam room and came to the hall.

At this time, there were quite a few students who had finished the exam, and they were all planning to apply for the Xinghui Academy. It is estimated that their scores would come out almost immediately, and more people were still taking the exam, striving to fight until the last moment.

Most of the candidates took the written test for four days. They were not like Su Qing and Meng Hao. One didn't need to rest at all, and the other was addicted to drugs. Others have plenty of time.

As soon as Meng Hao came out, he found Su Qing, and the two sat together and muttered about the exam,
Meng Hao also couldn't remember the content of the written test, it was all asked by Su Qing, and he replied,
Hearing the answer written by Meng Hao, Su Qing nodded, it's okay, she didn't let her work in vain.

Speaking of on-site exams, I guess Meng Hao did well in the exams of Artifact Refining, Martial Arts, and Beasts, and he can also get a passing grade in the other middle classes.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on the last day of the exam, the intermediate class graduation exam officially ends. Candidates who have not finished the exam can get as many points as they want. When they have to leave the exam room immediately, three days later, they can check the results on the star network and start filling out the application form.

The teachers of each school gather the students of their own schools, leave the examination room in order, get on the car and return to their residences.

As soon as Su Qing and Meng Hao returned to the dormitory, they went back to their room and fell asleep with their heads covered.
Even if Su Qing has a high skill, she still feels tired if she doesn't sleep for several days. After the exam, no matter whether it is good or bad, she should rest first, take a good sleep, and have a good rest for a day.

Meng Hao was even more mentally exhausted, and the potion of Yunshen was just too strong, and all the fatigue was doubled, allowing him to fall asleep standing up.

Both of them went to bed. Huomiao and Jiaojiao didn't see their master for several days, and wanted to act like a spoiled child, so the master went to bed and fell asleep. The two of them had nothing to do, so they jumped out of the window to play again.

Su Qing and the others slept until it was dark before they were woken up by the two meows. This week, Jiabao was cooking for them, which made them greedy and wanted to eat fresh meat.

Su Qing and Meng Yu finished their exams and felt relaxed. The six-year intermediate class was over, and the two were about to embark on a new path of study.

In order to celebrate by making something delicious, Su Qing pretended to open the refrigerator and took out pieces of exotic animal meat, which were actually taken out from the jade pendant space.

Meng Hao said that he wanted to eat teppanyaki. If it wasn't too late, he could invite Yang Wei and the others to celebrate together. They graduated.

Today there are only Su Qing and Meng Hao, plus two cats, let's celebrate first, and finally get out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Su Qing cut the meat into slices and marinated it, and asked Meng Hao to go to the planting field to pick vegetables, wash them, cut them and put them on a plate for later use.

Put the pot that Meng Hao made back then on the induction cooker, and the two began to barbecue.

(End of this chapter)

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