Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 249 Alchemy earns money

Chapter 249 Alchemy earns money
Since they were in the sixth grade, the two of them haven't eaten a good meal. They just make do with it. It's good to have vegetables and meat without lack of nutrition. Besides, they both eat a lot, so how can they be free, like noodles? Dumplings haven't been made for a long time.

They spend all their time studying. Now that the exam is over, they will wait for the results and apply for the college.

After going home and spending time with relatives for a while, it is time to say goodbye to them, pack up and set off,
The colleges he got into were not too bad. If it was really the three colleges that Su Qing chose, he would be on a spaceship and leave Mengyuexing at the latest after the Chinese New Year.

Generally, the school starts in March, and it will be miserable if you go late and fail to register, so you have to leave early.

Mengyue is far away from the medium galaxy, and it takes more than a month for ordinary civilian spacecraft to reach it, not to mention that Su Qing chose three planets that are all close to the central galaxy.

For this meal, the two of them and the two cats ate dozens of catties of meat and a lot of vegetables.

Meng Hao ate a lot and digested it quickly. After eating the last piece of meat, he stroked his stomach and said comfortably:

"I'm finally full. I'm so happy. I don't have to do problems in class anymore. I'm finally free."

Su Qing squinted at him, freedom is strange, the martial arts departments of the major colleges are the strictest, although the culture class may be poor, but they practice martial arts from morning to night every day, there may be martial arts competitions or something, maybe they have to mop up Strange beasts, those who are tempered in danger, right!This guy likes such passionate days.

snort!How can a pharmacist and a planter be easy, let Meng Hao do that kind of fighting and killing, she just needs to be a weak little fairy.

Su Qing is already refining the talisman that her ancestor prepared for her, the fairy sword Luoying. Luoying is composed of a set of fairy swords, which can be transformed into a fairy sword at ordinary times.
Su Qing thought again that since they were going to school in a medium-sized galaxy, they could no longer continue to pack their luggage on the road.

You need to buy two storage containers, even if there is only one cubic meter of space, you can cover your own jade pendant space. In the medium galaxy, it is a big place, and people are well-informed. is exposed.

A storage device is estimated to cost several million interstellar coins, and there are two people's spaceship tickets, two people's tuition fees, living expenses, and resource fees. In this calculation, hundreds of millions of interstellar coins are not enough.
Whatever Su Qing does, she must be fully prepared, check her account balance immediately, and plan how to make money. The fastest way is to sell a batch of elixir, and it must be a valuable elixir.

Now Mengyuexing's Tier [-] pills are very common, and many people can refine them, but Tier [-] and Tier [-] pills are very scarce, and there is basically no market for them.

This time selling the elixir must not pass Yang Wei. Yang Wei can barely refine the third-order elixir now, and the quality is still average. He's causing trouble.

Can't let this guy know, Su Qing glanced at him in disgust, and leaned on the sofa to watch Meng Hao, who was enjoying Star TV.

Thinking of this, Su Qing decided to go to alchemy first, and went directly upstairs to her room.

Opening the protective formation plate, she entered the jade pendant space with a flash of thought, and decided to refine the third-order marrow washing pill and Yanyan pill,

There must be a lot of people who want to buy these two kinds of elixir, and they are the most valuable of all the medicines. It is always hard to find one in the market, and before it is refined, it has been pre-ordered and divided up by various forces.

The jade pendant space has been taken care of by Su Qing for several years, and it has become much more pleasing to the eye. Su Qing bought some simple materials and can build a house according to his own needs. The effect is not bad.

Those piles of various resources were sorted out by her and neatly stacked on the shelves. Su Qing built several houses to put all the things in.

On the other side of the space, she also built a large warehouse, which houses all kinds of strange beasts hunted from the mountains,

The jade pendant space has the function of keeping fresh, and it will not deteriorate within a year. The strange beasts are piled up in it. When eating, just pack it up, cut it into pieces, put it in a bag, and take it out at any time.
Now Su Qing doesn't need to use the furs of different animals to practice drawing talismans and refining tools. All the animal skins are sold directly in Canxing Market. Although there are not many interstellar coins, it is better than selling to the buying station in his hometown.
The internal organs, heads and hooves of exotic animals were boiled in the space and served to Huo Miao and the others. Some Meng Hao also liked to eat them. Su Qing didn't eat animal internal organs. Pig's hooves were acceptable, but others were afraid to eat them.

After processing the bloody feces of the alien beast, Su Qing directly used them to fertilize the elixir in the space.

Plants still cannot grow in the space. Even if Su Qing urges the seeds to germinate, they will not grow when they are buried in the soil. Without her power supply, they will be fixed.

With such a large space, Su Qing can only use it to keep the elixir fresh, plant it, fertilize and water it, so as to ensure that the aura will not be lost within a year, which is not bad.

However, as Su Qing planted more and more elixir in the space, and kept watering and fertilizing, the soil quality in the space seemed to be changing little by little.

In the past, if you stay in the space for a day, you will run out of oxygen, but now you can stay for a few days. Although Su Qing does not need to breathe and does not affect his actions, it is still more comfortable to breathe.

Ordinary firewood cannot be burned in the space, and there is insufficient oxygen. Only Su Qing can use his spiritual power to emit a fireball or a fire talisman to burn a flame.

Su Qing made alchemy, a Duhuo magic talisman for cooking lo-mei for two cats.

Su Qing is ready to make alchemy. First, she chooses the elixir she needs to use, walks to the corner where she often makes alchemy, takes out the cushion, sits cross-legged, fetches the alchemy stove, throws out a fire talisman, and suddenly, the flames burst into flames. burn up,

Su Qing controlled the size of the flame, and began to refine the elixir. The elixir is ready-made, and there is a lot of space reserved.
Some of them were dug in the mountains when they returned home. Most of them were the seeds Su Qing bought and cultivated in the field. When the elixir matures, she will transplant it into the space.
In recent years, Su Qing has cultivated a lot of elixir. Except for some rare elixir, the seeds and seedlings cannot be bought. Most of the elixir and jade pendant space for refining medicine are available, and half of the space has already been planted with elixir.

Preheat the alchemy furnace, put the cleaned elixir one by one to purify it into a liquid medicine, and perform alchemy with your fingers to control the liquid medicine.

The biggest difference between alchemy and today's alchemy is the temperature of the fire. The flame controlled by the monk can burn all the impurities in the herbal medicine, and only keep the pure medicinal liquid, no need to separate the medicinal liquid.

All the elixirs are put directly into the alchemy furnace according to the order of the rules, and there is no need to stir them like refining medicines, just use the hand formula to display the aura and stir it,
All of these will consume the alchemist's spiritual consciousness, and keep an eye on the situation of the liquid medicine, which consumes a lot of spiritual power and the power of the primordial spirit.

However, it is only the third-order Xisui Dan and Dingyan Dan, Su Qing is still very sure, and it is not difficult to refine a furnace.

When she came out of the space, it was already late at night, and she hurriedly practiced sitting cross-legged, not to delay her practice.

I don’t have a chance during the exam, so I have to hurry up and practice when I come back. Every time I increase my cultivation base, I will increase my self-protection ability. I will soon meet the proud sons of those big galaxies. I don’t know what will happen. The stronger the better.

The graduation exam of the Imperial Intermediate Class is over, and the students are relieved. Although the results of all the students will be released on the same day, they need to be checked again to avoid any omissions.

Especially for the results of the on-site examination, the scoring teachers in each region crossed each other, and rechecked the scores of all students based on the video to see if there was any error.
Teachers from a planet in the central galaxy were assigned to review the video of Mengyuexing, and they were still mocking each other on the star network,
(End of this chapter)

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