Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 250 Choosing a Plant Cultivator

Chapter 250 Choosing a Plant Cultivator

A small planet in a primitive galaxy, the graduation exam questions this time are a bit difficult, how many people can pass,

However, as the review teacher of various subjects such as pharmacy, equipment refining, spiritual planting, and supernatural powers, he was stunned when he saw the first video.

Where did this top talent come from? Are you sure he is a native student of Mengyuexing?
They didn't believe it. After looking at the results, several subjects were full marks. At first they wanted to find faults, but after checking for a long time, they were impeccable. They had no choice but to confirm that the scores were correct.

The first candidate was so bullish, which made the teachers of Central Galaxy calm down a lot.

It's a pity that looking back, the candidates are average, and there are a few who barely made the potion. They dare not touch the pill. It can't be compared with the little girl who took the first exam. She is so calm, and the concoction is smooth and smooth. system, which can be called a textbook-like standard.

Why! !It's a pity that the girl was born in Mengyuexing. If she is in Qingyangxing, she is guaranteed to be a key talent. She can definitely be admitted to Tianlong Academy. With Mengyuexing's teaching level, she can enter the top 500 schools. She is considered amazing. .

Read on, hey! !A pharmacist happened to see Meng Hao refining the medicine, and when he saw him adding water to it, he almost fainted in surprise, coughed several times,
What the hell?Can refining medicine still release water?Why is there no deduction of points? No, it seems that Mengyuexing has a medicine refining technique of adding water, which is generally disdained by serious pharmacists.
Seeing that Meng Hao finally succeeded in purifying the liquid medicine, he nodded, "It's not bad, if you can get half of the marks, it's not too high and it's hard to pass."

As for the teacher of martial arts, seeing the video of Meng Yan's rounded eyes sparkling, this is a good seedling, if only he can be in his own school, it is a pity that he was born in a remote place and wasted his talent.

The most difficult set of martial arts in the intermediate class of the empire, the kid dances vigorously, his hands are like shooting stars, his eyes are like lightning, and he punches and palms with full strength, especially in the end, after only watching a ten-minute video, he can master a set of unfamiliar martial arts. Seventy to eighty percent of the imitation, this talent makes him itchy.

After this round of checking, the scores of all candidates will be directly calculated for the total score if there is no problem. If there is a problem, it will be reviewed again and revised to the correct score. Generally, 99% of the candidates will have no problem, and a very small number of them may have misjudgments and will be rejected. correct it,

Starnet, with the efforts of teachers and experts from different galaxies and different planets, all test scores were reviewed within three days and submitted to the Imperial Supercomputer. The system will automatically calculate the scores and send them to the Ministry of Education website, and all candidates can log in Check out your score.

For the past three days, Su Qing has been nesting at home, either practicing kung fu or alchemy, Meng Hao was finally liberated, Su Qing no longer restrained him, and could do whatever he wanted.

He was either visiting everywhere, or running wildly around the campus with his two cats.

Meng Hao is much better than Su Qing. Su Qing has been in school for six years, and her classmates can't recognize her clearly.
Meng Hao is familiar with everyone, even if people look down on him, he won't lose his temper with a smiling face.

So after the class was divided, Meng Hao also had a few friends, and he had been playing around with them for the past three days, but he didn't leave the campus, and he was waiting for the results to come down and fill in the colleges he applied for.

Su Qing is preparing for the upcoming trip, and she wants to save a large amount of interstellar coins for her and Meng Xiao's school expenses.

When they first arrived in a strange place, they couldn't figure out anything, and there was no way to earn money. Everything had to be started from scratch. Without money, how could she and Meng Hao go to school? They spent so much money on intermediate classes alone.

When she arrives in college, she can only spend more, she must make full preparations, and she has to worry about all these, so let Meng Hao have fun for a while!

He has worked hard in the past few years. It is not easy to raise a child, and it is even more difficult to educate a good child.

When the two of them arrived at the new school, whether it was the pharmacy they studied or the martial arts department of Meng Xiaobao, it would consume a lot of resources.

People who learn martial arts should eat high-energy food more often. As the skill increases, the food will become higher and higher.
Usually, you need to take elixirs, and warriors need to take vitality potions and essence-gathering potions, which are also a lot of expenses.

Fortunately, I can refine the pills and save some money. Meng Yan can take the body-building potions for the time being, but the elixir for refining the body-building potions is also a lot of money. Based on Qing's calculations, it is estimated that she can bear it enough.
The advantage of going to college is that the empire will give each student a subsidy. Although it is not much, it is enough for students from poor families to practice and go to school. It is difficult to advance quickly, and they have to solve it by themselves.

Su Qing wanted to sell a batch of elixirs, but instead of following Yang Wei's path, she could only go to the Canxing Market to try her luck, and she had to disguise herself so that no one could recognize her.
All these must be carefully considered. It is the first time to do this kind of thing, and I have no experience, so I have to ask my ancestors for advice.

Three days later, the school notified all the graduates of this year that they can check their grades on

This year's graduates swarmed into the school's optical brain room. Fortunately, the optical room is large enough for them to use. Some students have conditions at home and can check it at home.

Su Qing and Meng Hao also came over to check the scores and see their own exam rankings.

Because there are too many students in the empire, there is no big ranking for the whole empire. Each planet is ranked separately.

Log in to the website of the Ministry of Education and enter the student card number, and you can check the score. Those who did well in the exam were elated, and those who did not do well were listless and wailed in the brain room.

After checking the score, you can directly apply for the school. After submitting, the school you applied for will receive the candidate’s information, and the other party will send a notification if the other party agrees to the admission. The information that is not admitted will be automatically sent to the next school you apply for. three schools,

Most people sign up according to the school's reputation and ranking, from high to low.

However, Su Qing chose a good school that was all first-class. She didn't think that her grades would fail the exam, but she also analyzed it and made a list. In this way, Su Qing already felt that she was very good at it.

She didn't apply for any of the schools in the central galaxy. In fact, she really wanted to go to the best school, and then she chose all the schools in the middle galaxy for insurance.

This kind of thinking lets other people know that they may be madly sprayed by many people, or be so arrogant.

Su Qing checked that his grades were okay, and then checked the highest score in Central Galaxy, and it was indeed a hundred points higher than his own. Where is the genius really that powerful?

Then check the highest score of the medium galaxy, which is comparable to her score, so that it is safe for her to apply for Qinglan College of Venus,
Su Qing has been thinking about whether to apply for the Department of Pharmacy or not. It is too expensive to go to the Department of Pharmacy, which requires a lot of refining equipment and resources. A very large expense,

In fact, she doesn't want to focus on pharmacy anymore, she just needs a minor. How to learn pharmacy, and it's not as high-end as alchemy.

If she applied for this major, it would be unavoidable to often refine medicine,
She thought that would be a waste of time for herself. She would just learn alchemy from her ancestor. Once she knew how to make alchemy, medicine could be made without learning, and many alchemy recipes were more complete.

In this case, it is better to report to Lingzhi, and become a planter in the future. One is to save money, and she is more interested in various plants. There is no word to describe the number of biological species in the interstellar world. I can only say Countless.

She is a monk of Mulingen, and she has a natural affinity for plants. Being a planter in the future will be a very good career.

Thinking of this, Su Qing directly filled out the application form and applied for the Lingzhi Department of the three schools he had already selected. If Zhou Peilan knew about this, he might be so angry?
(End of this chapter)

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