Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 254 Looting the medicinal pill

Chapter 254 Looting the medicinal pill
Su Qing asked: "Then how much interstellar coins can you pay?"

Xie Tian stretched out a finger, "[-] million interstellar coins."

Su Qing's face darkened, and he said with a sneer: "Humph, thank you, boss, are you kidding? According to the market price, the price of these pills is less than 200 million, but don't forget, can you buy them at the market price? Someone It is difficult to buy a Dingyan Pill for [-] million yuan, not to mention the quality of my pills is much better than those refined by others."

Xie Tian knew that he would pay less money, and the man would definitely not do it, so he could only ask:

"How much do you want, tell me the actual price."

Su Qing: "50 million and [-] million interstellar currency is my base price, and it can't be lowered. If you can't afford it, I think the store next door to you will be happy to buy it."

Xie Tian hurriedly said: "Don't, since Mr. found me, it means that I have the good fortune to make this deal with you. I will take this batch of pills according to the price you said."

Su Qing smiled and said: "That's true, boss, don't be too stingy, it's your luck that I can sell this batch of pills to you, you will definitely make a lot of money, don't ship too fast, let customers Knowing the effect is more valuable.”

These elixirs were all refined by Su Qing with an alchemy furnace. Genuine elixirs are not of the same grade as the elixirs refined by supernatural masters. Only after taking them can you know the heaven-defying effect. One copy, one and only, thanks to God's blessing, can't it be bad?

Xie Tian nodded, "Yes, it is my greatest blessing that you can sell it to me, sir. Please take out all the pills and let me test them."

Su Qing directly took out two boxes made of jade, one hundred pills in each box, and you could smell the strong medicinal fragrance when you opened it.
Xie Tian is also a pharmacist, an expert, and he knows that the quality of the medicine is good just by the taste.
He still carefully checked the quantity in a special container and put it into the machine for inspection. The results were the same, and the quality was all top-grade.

Xie Tianchi had a smile on his face, his hands were shaking with excitement, this was the first time he had seen so many pills.

Looking at the pills, his heart was burning with excitement, but it was a pity that he couldn't make them by himself.

"Sir, all the pills are of very good quality, I will borrow money from my friend right away, just wait a moment,"

Xie Tian ran to a corner and started contacting friends to raise money. They are pharmaceutical businessmen, not because they have no money, but most of the money is spent on goods or real estate. It is easy to borrow some money from friends, and soon Thank you for collecting 50 million and [-] million interstellar coins,

He walked towards Su Qing excitedly, "Sir, I have all the money, give me your account number, and I will send you the money."

Su Qing handed him an unregistered financial card. It was Su Qing who asked Yang Dayong to help him.
Yang Dayong has a lot of friends, so it is very convenient to apply for this kind of card, otherwise most people would not be able to get an anonymous financial card.

Xie Tian was not surprised that Su Qing had such a financial card, so he directly opened the communicator to enter the bank website, and transferred 50 million and [-] million interstellar coins to this account.

Su Qing checked the account balance and it was correct, so she nodded and put away the two jade bottles and the jade box on the table. These are all things in the jade pendant space and cannot be left to them.

Su Qing originally only wanted to sell more than 50 million, but she didn't expect that she asked for [-] million and [-] million, and the other party agreed without much struggle. She sold tens of millions more, which was a bit beyond expectations. When she was happy, she wanted to compensate the boss, thank you,

He took out a large glass bottle directly from the space, and put a lot of different pills in it, all of which were low-grade pills refined by Su Qing when he was a beginner in alchemy.

It can't be given to Yang Wei to sell, it's not the same as the elixir on the market, it's useless to keep it for yourself, so I gave it to Boss Xie as a gift, anyway, he can't find out his origin.

"Thank you boss, I think you are not bad, and we will not see each other again in the future. This bottle of elixir is my handiwork. The quality is not very good. I gave it to you. You can sell it cheaper , well I'm leaving."

After Su Qing finished speaking, without waiting for Xie Tian to continue to be polite, she lifted her leg and quickly left the warehouse and walked to the front shop.

Once out of the store, Su Qing disappeared into the crowd like a dragon without touching the ground.

"Wait a minute, sir,"

Xie Tian, ​​who ran out right behind her, still had something to say, but he couldn't keep up with the man's footsteps. The man disappeared in a blink of an eye like the wind.

Seeing Xie Tian running over in a hurry, the clerk hurriedly asked:
"Boss, what's the matter, is there a problem with that person?"

Xie Tian searched in the crowd to no avail, the man had long since disappeared, so he could only say:

"It's nothing, you guys take a good look at the store, I'm going to tidy up the warehouse."

He quickly turned around and went back. There was still a batch of pills worth more than [-] million yuan in the warehouse, haha, thank God he was going to get rich now.

Xie Tian went back to the warehouse to find a professional pill bottle, carefully packed them one by one with tweezers, five pills in each bottle, put them in special medicine boxes, and locked them in the safe.

This reassured him, and he went to see Su Qing as a gift to see what kind of elixir was given to him in the bottle. It really was a elixir for practicing hands, so he put it in a glass bottle, so that the effect of the medicine would not be gone.

But when he took out the pills one by one, he felt that the man was really generous, and these pills alone were worth tens of millions based on the market price.

The man thinks that the quality of the elixir used for training is not good, but it is already several times stronger than many elixirs on the market. What is his identity?Why did Mengyuexing produce such a pharmacist?

This is really a surprise, Xie Tian excitedly distinguished, vitality pill, blood coagulation pill, rejuvenation pill, raw bone pill, spirit gathering pill,
what!What kind of elixir is this?What kind of medicine is this?Xie Tian found out that there were several types of elixir that he didn't know, so he had to put it aside alone and use the machine to test the effect.

In fact, those two are Su Qinglian's Bigu Pill and Spirit Beast Pill. They were not refined at the beginning, so they were thrown into the bottle as waste products, and they were not bothering to pick them out when they were given to Xie Tian. They were not valuable things.

Xie Tian packed all the elixirs, and quietly sent a message to his customers, claiming that he got five elixirs, and those who want to come quickly,
Of course, he sent out the news at different times, leaving one customer, and then contacting the next customer, just like that, and sold half of the elixir that day alone.

Only half of the goods have been delivered, and the [-] million interstellar coins will arrive in the account. First pay back the friend's money, and the rest of the medicine will not worry about selling.
Besides, the man asked him to ship the pills slowly, and when the customers knew the effect of the elixir, he was raising the price. Xie Tian himself was also curious about the machine testing, and what happened to the super effective elixir after taking it.

Xie Tian didn't dare to sell pills in the Canxing Market with great fanfare, but quietly distributed them to some customers he was familiar with.
Even if he was careful and told those customers or colleagues, the news still leaked out. The key point is that the elixir refined by Su Qing is very effective.

The wife of a senior official spent 150 million ruthlessly to buy a Dingyan Pill. She took it at that time, and the wrinkles on her face disappeared immediately. It's worth it for a month.

You must know that women can be crazy and irrational for the sake of beauty. After the woman spread the word, this Ding Yan Dan was spread wildly, and the goods on the market were quickly snatched up, and the price quickly climbed to 300 million star coins grain.

As for the marrow washing pill refined by Su Qing, not to mention the effect must be amazing,
Mengyuexing's pharmacy market has become a sensation. Where can a powerful pharmacist refine such heaven-defying elixir? Why has it never appeared before.

Soon someone found out that the elixir was shipped from a wholesale pharmacy shop in Canxing Market, and it was already too late to find Xie Tian.

Xie Tian had sold all the products in his hand. He insisted that he only bought more than 100 pills and shipped them all on the same day. The main reason was that he lacked funds and couldn't afford that much money.

(End of this chapter)

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