Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 255 Admission Notice

Chapter 255 Admission Notice

Of course, Xie Tian lied. The quality of the batch of pills was so good. He felt that they were sold at a loss. He must have kept some and slowly shipped them.

With these 200 elixirs alone, Xie Tian made a lot of money, and when he sold the gift elixirs given by Su Qing, he made another fortune.
It's a pity that it was a one-time sale. Since that day, Xie Tian has never seen that man again, nor sold such a good pill.

Su Qing became invisible after leaving the Canxing Market, and flew directly back to the school, entered through the window of the dormitory, quickly entered the jade pendant space, restored the disguise on her face, and changed her clothes before coming out.

Go downstairs to play with the two cats for a while, go out to the optical brain room of the school library, go to the star network, check the flight route and price of the spaceship, what should be paid attention to when making a spaceship?Venus' climate characteristics, cultural characteristics, and various things in life.

She and Meng Hao are likely to be admitted in their first choice, and they will continue to study at Tsinglan College for six years, so they should study their future life carefully and make complete preparations.

After reading the information on the Internet, Su Qing discovered one thing. It turns out that making a spaceship is not all smooth sailing. There are actually star robbers in the interstellar space, who will hijack spaceships and rob them. There are also such things. It seems that the empire is not always peaceful.

After reading the information on Venus, Su Qing had nothing to do, so she logged on to the website of the Pharmacists Union to see the latest posts.

The pharmacist in Tianlong City unexpectedly discovered that modern equipment can only refine third-order elixir, and someone proposed to use the legendary elixir furnace used by monks to break through this limitation.

Someone imitated the legendary alchemy furnace and tried to refine it, but the flame used became a problem again.
No one knows what kind of fire monks use to concoct alchemy, but some fire-type pharmacists try to use their own abilities to emit flames, and the concoction is successful.

Now the world of pharmacists has become a sensation again. Many fire-type pharmacists have begun to study the use of antique alchemy furnaces for alchemy. Unfortunately, no one knows what kind of alchemy furnaces monks use.

Some great pharmacy masters have found a few alchemy furnaces handed down from ancient times, but they are not as effective as imitations. It seems that they still need special methods to use them.

Su Qing just watched the excitement. It is impossible for the supernatural master to activate the alchemy furnace of the monks. They have no spiritual energy, and the function of the alchemy furnace cannot be activated at all.

Su Qing has logged on to the website of the Pharmacists Union for nothing these years. She has been admitted as a three-star pharmacist, but she has never actually been certified by the Pharmacists Union and received a badge.

If people know that a 12-year-old girl has passed the examination of a three-star pharmacist, their jaws will drop.

Three-star pharmacists are not uncommon, but 12-year-old three-star pharmacists are rare. They can be listed as the top talents in the empire, and they must be cultivated emphatically.

Su Qing has decided to take her career as a cultivator instead of a pharmacist in the future. It is better for a pharmacist to hide, because the elixirs she refines are too heaven-defying. If she becomes a pharmacist in the future, it will easily cause a sensation and expose her secret,
It is better to be a cultivator, as it can earn money without danger, and it is also a more respected profession in the empire, especially a high-level cultivator who can cultivate rare elixir.

Su Qing thought, with his own ability, he would definitely beat all the planters. After six years of professional study in the college, he would definitely make a lot of money and live a comfortable life.

At that time, find a suitable planet to settle down, bring grandma to live together, plant flowers and grass every day, and live a leisurely and happy life. As for Meng Xiao, let him go out and fight for hegemony, hehe.

Just kidding, Meng Xiao's naive temper, he will definitely be cheated when he goes out, and when he graduates, open a security company for him, he must be capable, Su Qing is looking forward to the future life happily,
After filling out the application form, the graduates should always pay attention to the mailbox of their communicator. Once they receive the admission notice, they will be admitted by the school they applied for, and they can report to the school before the start of the next year.

After waiting anxiously, Su Qing and Meng Hao finally received the admission letter from Venus Tsinglan College.
This made the two of them very happy. Although Su Qing was sure that the two would be admitted, she was still uneasy before receiving the definite news.

She was afraid that she would be separated from Meng Xiao and be admitted by two different colleges. Fortunately, they were both admitted by the school of their first choice.

This time, the heart that has been hanging on is finally at ease,

After Su Qing and Meng Hao received the admission notice, they immediately contacted their family members and told them the good news.

After getting through the village chief's communicator, the two families got together to listen to Su Qing and Meng Xiang, telling them the great news,

But the whole family of Zhu Xiuyun and Meng Xun was very happy. The child was admitted to a university in a medium-sized galaxy, and he was still ranked within the top 100 in the empire. What’s amazing, even the village head Wu Youde laughed happily. Promising baby.

Everyone's faces were full of smiles, and after talking for about 10 minutes, Su Qing reluctantly hung up the video, and then the two of them notified their teachers, friends and classmates,
First, the Yang family, then Teacher Zhou, Teacher Tian, ​​Meng Zhitao, Meng Xiaoyu, father and daughter, and Zhang Cheng who opened the shop. Anyone who has a good relationship with them in the past six years will contact them to report the good news and let everyone share their joy.

Yang Dayong reminded Su Qing by the way that it is such a great happy event to be admitted to the college. Don’t forget to thank all the teachers and arrange a time to invite the teachers and friends to have a meal together. It is also the last gathering before graduation.

Su Qing also had this idea, and under the introduction of Yang Dayong, he booked a small hall in a hotel to entertain all the teachers and friends, to celebrate the two of them being admitted to the college, and to say goodbye to everyone.

After attending the school's graduation ceremony, they will pack their bags and go back to their hometown. They may not see each other again, and they may never see each other again. Let's have a meal together. They want to thank everyone for their support over the years. take care of.

After booking the hotel, Su Qing and Meng Hao began to inform their teachers, classmates and friends to attend the banquet at noon tomorrow.

So everyone replied when they received the message, they would definitely go, Su Qing and Meng Hao wanted to treat guests, how could they not go,
Most people think that they will go even if they ask for leave. If they can be admitted to Qinglan College, they must establish a good relationship and say congratulations.

Since Mengyuexing has records, the two have been admitted to the best college, and there is no former one.

Su Qing didn't know many friends, and they all overlapped with Meng Hao. Meng Hao had many friends, and there were more than a dozen who wanted to congratulate him. Anyway, the more people there were, the more lively they were, and he never refused to come. ,
When Su Qing invited her teacher Zhou Peilan, she was very cautious in her words, for fear that the teacher would still be angry with her.

Zhou Peilan knew that Su Qing didn't apply for pharmacy, but chose Lingzhi, and she was so angry that smoke came out of her orifices, so she sternly scolded her why?
After listening to Su Qing's explanation, she was silent for a while, but she could only relieve herself. The reality is that Su Qing was born in poverty, and she was able to attend the intermediate class for six years, all thanks to her own efforts.

Going to college for another six years, the expenses are like running water, what can an underage child do?
Zhou Peilan can only remain silent, let's learn Lingzhi!At any rate, it has something to do with pharmacy, Su Qing has a wood-type ability, which is also suitable for her.

So Zhou Peilan didn't get angry when he received the invitation from the students, and he agreed to go to the banquet without hesitation.

Even Yang Xue had already agreed to go to congratulate Su Qing during the two-hour break at noon.

Some students who did not receive the invitation also inquired one after another, and also wanted to congratulate Su Qing and Meng Yu face to face, so that they could get acquainted.

Su Qing is now a celebrity of Mengyuexing, No.1 in the world, and her total test scores are comparable to the highest scores of medium galaxies, hundreds of points higher than Mengyuexing No.2, a very scary score,

(End of this chapter)

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