Chapter 256

It’s hard for Su Qing not to be famous, and no matter how low-key she is, it doesn’t work. The information from childhood to adulthood, and her school experience have been turned up again. It’s amazing. Some of them are people. If you want to get in touch with her, maybe you will use it in the future .

It's a pity that Su Qing has a cold personality, doesn't like to go out, has few friends, and has no chance at all. Knowing that she is going to treat, they all inquire and want to get acquainted. If Su Qing gets rich that day, they can also take advantage of it.

As for Meng Hao, who was also admitted to Tsinglan College, he was ignored by many people. One is that Meng Hao's score is not so outrageous, and Su Qingzhuyu is ahead, so he is darker. The most important thing is that martial arts are not popular in the empire. , how can there be a supernatural teacher with a great future.

Soon on the second day, Su Qing ordered a total of five tables of banquets, enough to entertain more than 100 people. Yang Dayong had already agreed that the couple would come over to help greet the guests.

In the past few years, the Yang family and Su Qing are like relatives, and they have no elders in Mingyue City. Yang Dayong feels responsible for the two children, so he must come to help, otherwise the child would have no experience in treating guests.

For such a big event, the parents of other people's children have to come forward. Su Qing and Meng Hao called him grandpa. He is the elder of the children. Instead of the two children's family members, thanking the teacher should also be done.

Over the years, he has watched the two children grow up. They are promising, and he also has face. He is very enthusiastic to help take care of them. In the future, when the two children become successful, maybe he can get some credit too!

This day, everyone in the Yang family came except for Yang Xue who was still in school, even Mr. Yang and Mrs. Yang came to congratulate Su Qing.

Yang Dayong and Su Qing talked about the process and how to arrange the seats. These are all rules. Those who are in those positions are particular about who they are, and they can't neglect the guests.

At that time, we have to sit at the table to toast everyone with tea. If the other party brings a congratulatory gift, they will return the gift when they leave.
Su Qing nodded and said that she had already prepared the gift in return.
Because Su Qing wanted to raise money, he refined a lot of elixirs and medicines, so he planned to use the medicines as a gift in return. The people who came were all teachers, classmates and friends, so it would be worthwhile to give them.

Over the years, everyone has helped them to some extent, especially Teacher Meng and Teacher Zhou, as well as Meng Fang's martial arts teacher, and they have always been very concerned about their studies.

The Vitality Potion is given to people with average relationships, and a bottle of Rejuvenation Potion is given to those with good relationships, which can treat internal injuries. Those with the best relationship will be given a bottle of Marrow Cleansing Potion and Beauty Potion. For example, Meng Xiaoyu must like Beauty Potion.

Su Qing ordered more than 200 gift boxes for the liquid medicine alone.

There are still many medicines in the jade pendant space, Su Qing wants Yang Wei to help sell them,
She and Meng Hao also need to replace each of the latest communicators and buy two storage devices. It is estimated that it will cost more than [-] million yuan, but this money will definitely be spent, so there needs to be a clear plan. The source of income, the money from selling pills cannot be moved for the time being,
This matter has been discussed with Yang Wei, Yang Wei will go to their dormitory every day, take a box of medicine to help sell, and then give money to Su Qing,
Yang Wei told Jiang that he sold it for a friend, otherwise no one would believe that he made so many batches of medicine by himself.

At half past ten, guests came one after another. Yang Dayong, his wife and Su Qingmeng stood at the door to welcome the guests, welcomed them into the restaurant, and arranged them to sit at the table.

Yang Dayong felt that he had a lot of face. He really treated Su Qing and Meng Xiang as his grandsons. In Mingyue City, he was the elder of the two children.

Smiling and entertaining every guest who comes, everyone knows that he is the elder of the two Su Qing, and they will say congratulations,
Yang Wei asked for leave from the company and came here in a hurry, afraid that they would be too busy,
But Yang Dayong glared at him, "Your father and I have experienced many things. I can't do this little thing. It's almost time. You go to school to pick up Yang Xue!"

Yang Wei grinned helplessly, his father is also true, he always thinks he is the most capable,

Su Qing chuckled at him, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, Uncle Yang is already an adult, and Grandpa Yang treats him like a child,
Yang Wei coughed, pretending to be indifferent, and sighed in his heart!
The little girl who was not as tall as the podium back then has grown up and is taller than her younger sister Yang Xue. She looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, but she is actually only 12 years old.

Su Qing is really amazing!It turns out that in those few years, they were low-key and dormant, and only showed their true strength when encountering important junctures.

As soon as Su Qing's score was announced, it caused a worldwide sensation. It was a result that no one else could ever achieve.

Yang Wei was thinking about it, Yang Dayong patted him,
"Why are you in a daze, go to school to pick up Yang Xue, she is about to take the final exam, don't waste time, send her back to class after dinner."

"Understood, I'll go now,"

Yang Wei saw that their arrangement was quite good, and besides, there were not many people coming, only two or three tables, so he felt relieved to pick up Yang Xue.
The meeting started at 11:[-], and Su Qing and his teachers sat at the same table, and some teachers really didn't come because they had something to do, otherwise there would be more people. After all, the two of them took such a course for six years, and all the teachers who came taught them in the sixth grade teacher.

The two classmates filled a large table, leaving the Yang family and Zhang Cheng's family sitting together, as well as Meng Hao's best friends,

I didn't expect many guests to come in uninvited at the very beginning of serving the dishes.
They were all people that Su Qing and Meng Hao were not very familiar with. They only knew that they were classmates in the same grade.
Fortunately, Su Qing booked the entire hall and added two more tables. The two arranged for them to sit down, thanked the students for their congratulations, and congratulated them on being admitted to a good school.

The thirty or so students who came here were all students from wealthy families. Everyone was generous, and all the gifts were financial cards. As for how many interstellar coins are in it, I don’t know.
Good friends and teachers congratulated the two, and at most gave some useful small gifts. These people came up with financial cards. How dare Su Qing ask for it?

Yang Dayong also needs to be experienced, knowing that it is not enough if he refuses to accept it, and he will lose face if he refuses, and he will not be able to step down from the stage.

Advise Su Qing to accept it first, and then tell Su Qing in a low voice after leaving the two tables.Su Qing nodded and said no problem, fortunately the customized gift box is from Fuyu.

Yang Dayong gave those financial cards to Mr. Yang, and asked him to quietly check how much money was in them. After checking, write the amount on the red envelope wrapped in the card. They continued to greet the guests,

After Su Qing greeted a group of guests and sat back at the table to eat, Mr. Yang quietly handed her the stack of cards,
Su Qing knew it in his heart after reading it once. It seemed that it had been negotiated. The amount of the debit card was all 20 interstellar coins, no more, no less.

It’s okay, I can use a bottle of potion to return the gift, and now I have the most potions and potions in my space, and potions can’t be taken out at will, potions are fine.

If others want to ask, they say it was made by Yang Wei. Anyway, Su Qing has always used Yang Wei to cover herself, and the video of her exam, except for certain people, will not be seen by anyone. Only some people know about it, and they are not Mengyuexing. People will only lament Su Qing's talent on this planet, and others will not take it seriously.

Su Qing and Meng Hao first offered tea and toast to the teachers. Their academic success is inseparable from the teaching of the teachers, and they bowed respectfully to the teachers.

Meng Zhitao smiled brightly. In his class as the grade director, a student with unprecedented grades like Su Qing could be included in the school history. His care for Su Qing over the years is not in vain. God!
Zhou Peilan also showed a faint smile. Although the student did not apply for the pharmacy major as she had hoped, but being admitted to Qinglan College has already broken Mengyuexing's record, and she is better than her as a teacher. How can such an excellent student Can you be proud of it?

(End of this chapter)

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