Chapter 257
Teachers of other subjects congratulated the two on their academic success and bright future.

The two of them received too many blessings that day, and the smiles on their faces almost froze. When the guests were full, they would respectfully send all the guests away at the door.
Every guest, Su Qing will return gifts according to the value of the gift,
But on the surface, a packaging box is used. If you don’t open it at the time, you won’t know what’s inside.

After the guests left, only the Yang family was left, and the uproar was finally over.

After Su Qing settled the bill, Yang Dayong brought his parents, wife, and Su Qing together with all the presents, and returned to Yang's house together. They stayed at Yang's house for dinner. Yang Dayong had something to say to them,
Yang Dayong wants to talk to the two children more about what to do when they are outside.
They didn't know each other well. When they arrived at Venus, they didn't have any acquaintances. They were all on their own. The two of them were still young, so they didn't know much about the world.

He must explain it well to them. Mrs. Zhu must not understand the twists and turns of some people and things. People on big planets look down on people from primitive galaxies, so they should be more careful.

After Zhao Mei's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came back, they were a little tired, so they went back to the room to rest first. Although eating a meal was not tiring, it was tiring to satisfy the guests. After all, they came to congratulate the two children.

After taking a short break, he still needs to open a shop to start a business. Although Yang Wei can earn money now that he works, the family's finances have eased a lot. Who would dislike a lot of money? Soon, his daughter will go to school and his son will need money to get married.

Mr. Yang and Yang Dayong and his son sat in the living room, and began to talk to Su Qing about human etiquette, how to communicate with people outside, what kind of people you can meet, who you can't get along with, and what to do when you encounter problems deal with,

How they deal with the children of those big aristocratic families, they have to be not flattering, not arrogant or rash, just be normal, and not be too rigid. . . .Every sentence is golden and good, which is the great wisdom of the Yang family's father and son's decades of life.

In the past, Yang Dayong never thought of teaching them about the world, because the environment of Mingyue City No. [-] Intermediate Class School is very simple, and most of the students have some small frictions between students, which is nothing to worry about. What do teenage children know?
In a blink of an eye, the two children have grown up, and they have to go to an alien galaxy to go to school. I don’t know how many light-years away from Mengyuexing. He has no choice but to take care of them.

I have to instill in them some principles and experiences of life, so that they will suffer less and understand the sinister nature of human beings.

Meng Hao may not have much emotion when he heard it, but Su Qing nodded again and again, and took it down seriously.

After dinner in the evening, Yang Wei drove the two of them back to the dormitory, helped move all the presents in, and took away a large box of medicine.

During this period of time, Yang Wei also actively helped Su Qing sell medicines. He knew that Su Qing wanted to buy two storage containers, and each storage container cost more than [-] million yuan. Could he not help?

Even Jiang Fan was urged to help sell the medicine, but thanks to Jiang's wealth and wealth, it is not a big deal to buy this little medicine.

It's just that Su Qing can't sell too high-level potions, so she can only win by quantity, and low-level potions are not very valuable. She refines them for several days in a row to get enough interstellar coins.

But Meng Hao was attending the banquets of good friends one after another. They were all admitted to Xinghui Academy. Of course, they had to celebrate and thank the teacher.

Su Qing would sometimes be invited by her classmates, all of whom were good friends of Meng Yan. Most of them would make medicine at home. After attending the graduation ceremony, the two of them would pack their bags and go home.

Yang Wei sent Su Qing the last batch of medicine sales money, and she finally saved enough interstellar coins to buy new communicators and storage devices.

To buy communicators and storage devices, you have to go to brand stores in large shopping malls. The communicators in street shops are all second-hand old models, and the quality is not guaranteed.

They are about to go to school in a medium-sized galaxy, so they need to buy an advanced communicator, which can connect to the star network, and they can contact people from Mengyuexing.

The two chose a shopping mall that specializes in expensive commodities, and went to buy a communicator first. After looking at it for a long time, they chose a very powerful communicator, which cost several million. Meng Yu wore it on his hand, grinning happily. smile.

Su Qing still chose a watch-style communicator, the workmanship is very exquisite, and it is inlaid with fine gemstones, shining like a bracelet,
After buying the communicator, they took the elevator, reached the highest floor, walked into a store specializing in high-end goods, bought storage devices,
Storage devices are very common in the central galaxy, and the price is not that expensive, but the price has increased several times when they are transported to Mengyue by merchants.
Su Qing thinks it is more cost-effective to buy in a medium-sized galaxy, but in order to protect Huo Miao and her own space, she has to buy one anyway, no matter who she or Meng Hao uses,

That way they could bring more luggage. In the end, Su Qing decided to buy one for Meng Hao to use first, and then buy another one for Venus himself, which would save a lot of money.

A few days later, the school held a graduation ceremony for the sixth grade graduates. The principal spoke on stage, and the students received their graduation certificates one after another.
Everyone took a group photo and bid farewell to teachers and classmates. The graduates are about to leave the campus. Their intermediate class has officially ended, and everyone has successfully graduated.

In the afternoon, Su Qing and his wife went to Yang's house to bid farewell again and brought many gifts. Yang Dayong scolded them for wasting money, but his expression was full of joy.

When Su Qing and the others come to Mingyue City next time, it's time to board the spaceship and fly to the distant Venus.

Useful things in the dormitory are packed up, and useless things are given away or sold to second-hand shops.

Meng Hao restored the planting field to its original state, cleaned up their personal belongings in the kitchen and bedroom, and Jiabao began to do a general cleaning, and by the way, a comprehensive disinfection,
Su Qing patted Jiabao's bald head, "Goodbye, Jiabao, thank you for taking care of us for six years."

Jiabao Machinery's voice sounded, "Goodbye Su Qing, Meng Yu."

After they leave, Jiabao will be cleared by the general affairs department, and will be reserved for the new students who have moved in to continue to use it.

Early in the morning, Meng Hao rented a tram and drove to the dormitory, preparing to load their luggage into the car.

As soon as the car stopped at the door, Zhang Chengcheng came and rushed to help carry the luggage.

Zhang Chengzhen did not expect that the two children who sold vegetables back then were admitted to very good colleges. Over the years, he has been buying vegetables grown by the two of them just to take care of them, and they have a good relationship.

I heard that the two of them are going back to their hometown today, so I came here to see them off. With so much luggage, how did the two of them take it away? If they rented a car, he just happened to help return the car.

Su Qing and the two of them have a lot of luggage, and this is Su Qing, who received most of them in the space, and most of the rest are their clothes and textbooks.

Su Qing is not like other students who sell all the textbooks they have finished studying for scrap. Instead, they pack them all up and put them in the space, including all of Meng Xiao’s textbooks.
The equipment for refining medicine and refining tools are sold as second-hand goods. Although they can't sell many interstellar coins, those equipments are really useless, and they must buy more advanced ones when they arrive at Venus.

The food, on the surface, was given away, and most of the things that were brought into the car were gifts brought to their families by the two of them, their clothes, and things they used frequently, so the car was full.

Su Qing smiled and said to Zhang Cheng:
"Thank you, Uncle Zhang. If you don't come, Meng Yan will have to make another trip to return the car. The aircraft will be waiting for him, and it will take time."

Zhang Cheng tied the rope that tied the luggage tightly, checked whether everything was tied up, looked up and said with a smile:

"It's true for both of you. It's not early to say that you need help. You should be polite to me about this matter. I'll take you to the door."

Su Qing is going back to his hometown today, and he said goodbye to the Yang family last night. Everyone is busy, and they left today by flying machine, and they didn't ask them to see him off.

(End of this chapter)

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