Chapter 261
Everyone glared at Meng Hao, and went back to bed with a gloomy face. Meng Hao heaved a sigh of relief, but fortunately there was no mixed doubles.

It's just that this night, the grown-ups tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. In the morning, except for the two men, the whole family had a pair of panda eyes.

As soon as the grown-ups saw this evil at home, their hearts became hot and they wanted to go up and beat him, but unfortunately they couldn't beat him. That kid said yesterday when he was talking nonsense that even laser cannons couldn't break his physique. I don't know if it's true or not. Slap, Wang Qian felt pain in her hand.

Five-year-old Meng Shuo likes to play with his elder brother very much, because his elder brother is very strong, he can run and jump, and he can even run up a tree while holding him. , don't care about the bad psychology of the four adults at all.

It wasn't until the four pairs of panda eyes kicked him into flames that Meng Hao laughed twice. Feeling bad, he picked up Meng Shuo who was on the ground and shouted:
"I'll go find Qingqing." He quickly rushed out of the house and fled.

Meng Hao is naturally optimistic, what he said last night shocked the whole family, he went back to sleep and forgot all about it.

He didn't remember until he saw his parents' dark faces, and he thought to tell Qingqing quickly, he confessed everything, and his parents were so angry, what should he do?
Wang Qian was so angry that she threw a broom over, but she didn't hit Meng Hao. She jumped around in the courtyard and cursed.
"Okay, don't worry about him, Meng Hao is not young, he has already grown up, since he owes the debt, let him pay it back, if he can't pay it back, he will sell it to Su Qing for the rest of his life, anyway, we can't control it .”

Meng Hong thought about it all night last night. Anyway, their family can't afford the debt, so let's ignore it. Just pretend that there is no grandson Meng Hao, and he was sold to the Su family. Who let the grandson spend such a large sum of money.

Wang Qian wanted to say something, but was pulled by Meng Lin,
"Don't talk about it, hurry up and cook. After eating, go to Aunt Xiuyun and ask her what she means. Do you know that Meng Hao spent so much money on Qingqing?"

Wang Qian held back the urgency in her heart, and went into the kitchen to cook. The parents-in-law are the ones who make the decisions at home, so they must listen to the elders.

Meng Yu hugged his younger brother and trotted all the way to the gate of Su's house. Seeing that the gate of the courtyard had not been opened, he jumped in from the courtyard wall, just in time to see Su Qing practicing in the courtyard.

Meng Hao didn't dare to interrupt, until Su Qing finished practicing a set of kung fu, he approached and said miserably:

"It's not good, Qingqing, my grandpa, grandma, and parents all know about it. I guess they will come to the door after dinner. I was so excited that I went out bald last night."

Su Qing asked lightly: "What did you say?"

"You paid for the money for going to school, and the communicator and storage device I bought for me. After my mother calculated my small ledger, there were nearly 2 million interstellar coins, which almost scared her to death. I think it's a big deal. Not good, hurry up and report."

Su Qing squinted at Meng Hao, knowing that this guy can't hide his words, especially with the storage device, can he hold back from showing off?

Fortunately, she had already told her grandma about this. Since grandma knew about it, it didn't matter to her. Just explain it clearly to the Meng family.

When Zhu Xiuyun saw Meng Jian and Meng Shuo coming, she was very happy to let them stay and have breakfast together.

Meng Shuo is a poor kid. Although he fell asleep when everyone was talking yesterday, he woke up for a while and immediately made a small report to Zhu Xiuyun, saying that his brother was beaten yesterday because he spent a lot of money, and his brother would magic trick,

Zhu Xiuyun also smiled and asked: "Really? Ha ha! I think your brother must be beaten."

She didn't take it seriously, thinking that the Meng family felt that the children spent a lot of money on schooling these years, and they hadn't told them, so they were angry.

Zhu Xiuyun never imagined that it wasn't a little too much at all, it was a lot, and it was so scary.

Meng Hao whispered to Su Qing about what happened at home last night,
Su Qing just nodded after listening, and said lightly, "Got it!"

Without saying anything else, I went into the kitchen to help grandma cook.

From Su Qing's point of view, that's not a big deal at all. The Meng family will know about it sooner or later, and it's impossible to keep it a secret forever.

Meng Hao is no longer a child, he is already an adult, although his thoughts are not yet mature, but he can live independently from his parents, no matter how much money he owes himself, it is their business and has nothing to do with the Meng family .

Besides, Su Qing never thought of asking Meng Hao to pay back the money he spent, but in order to stimulate Meng Hao, she kept saying that it was lent to him.

Meng Hao heard from his brother that Grandma Zhu asked them to stay for dinner, and nodded in a hurry. Even if Grandma Zhu didn't say anything, he wouldn't dare to go home to face the four angry elders. Let his parents calm down first.
Look at Qingqing, how calm she is, it's probably not a big problem, big things are not a big deal to Qingqing,
Meng Yu comforted himself, and felt at ease, he was in debt, and he was worried at first, but Qingqing said it's okay, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future, and he is not afraid that he will not pay.

Meng Yu felt that Qingqing was not afraid, if he was afraid of anything, he would owe it, and he would not worry about the debt, anyway, Qingqing would not urge him to repay the debt.

The four of them had breakfast together, Meng Hao didn't dare to stay at Su's house all the time, he was afraid that his parents would kill him, what if he wanted to beat him again, it would be embarrassing,
He is in his twenties, as Mengyuexing's most powerful martial arts genius, how can he be beaten by his parents by the ears? Although it doesn't hurt him, it's embarrassing.

Meng Yu scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, thinking about running away, when suddenly his eyes lit up,
"Qingqing, I made an appointment with Gouwa and the others yesterday to go into the mountains to fight strange beasts, let them see my skills, will you go or not?"

Su Qing glanced at him knowingly, it's all right anyway, then go to the mountain to play, Huo Miao and the others are still in the mountain.

"Then let's go, you carry Meng Shuo on your back first, and when you get to the mountains, I will carry him on your back."

"No problem."

Meng Yu didn't have to face his furious parents, he felt that he could do whatever he wanted, so he put Meng Shuo in a back basket and went to find his friends on the back.

Zhu Xiuyun was still muttering, "This kid, why are you so anxious, why do you feel like running away?"

The children went out to play, and Zhu Xiuyun was the only one left at home. She didn't go anywhere. It is estimated that Brother Meng and Sister-in-law Cuilan will definitely come to talk to him, so don't go out yet, just wait.

Sure enough, when Meng Hao and Su Qing gathered a group of friends and went to the mountain in a mighty way, the four members of the Meng family found Zhu Xiuyun together.
A few adults locked the door and sat in the main room, planning to have a good talk about how Meng Hao spent so many interstellar coins.

Luo Cuilan didn't go around in circles, and asked directly:
"Xiuyun, we only found out last night that that kid Meng Yan has been lying to us all this time. He spent all his school money in Qingqing's money. Do you know about this?"

Zhu Xiuyun nodded and said:

"I know, in the first year, when Qingqing and the others came back, I knew, sister-in-law, you don't have to be so angry, it's just how much tuition and living expenses you can have, Qingqing can earn enough for the two of them,
In the past few years, Qingqing has paid me back a sum of living expenses every month. That child is capable and can earn a lot of money. Don’t worry. , is better than a biological brother and sister, Qingqing will not chase after her for debts. "

Luo Cuilan looked at the old man, what was going on, Xiuyun didn't know how much Qingqing spent on Meng Xiao,

Meng Hong coughed and said, "Xiuyun, don't you know how much Meng Xiang spent?"

Zhu Xiuyu said with a smile: "How much can there be? Qingqing can sell some medicines, not just a few million, not much, Qingqing can earn it."

Zhu Xiuyun thought, Qingqing's one-year tuition and living expenses, and the cost of purchasing resources, a few million is the maximum amount she imagined. With the storage of the communicator, 10 million will come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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