Chapter 262

Wang Qian was straightforward, and before the old couple opened their mouths, she rushed to say:

"Auntie, how many millions? I calculated Meng Yu's account book yesterday, and there are almost [-] million interstellar coins. I'm so anxious. How can our family pay it back? Qingqing bought a communicator for Meng Yu for more than two million , and spent more than [-] million yuan to buy some kind of storage device that can hold things, oh my god, how dare these two children spend money so lavishly."

Wang Qian chugs and balds about what happened to Meng Jian last night. As expected of a mother and son, she can't hold back her words.

After saying these words, Zhu Xiuyun was stunned, what?Meng Hao spent nearly [-] million yuan in six years, what did he do?After spending so much money, the communicator is more than two million yuan, and there is another five million yuan device, why use it?These Qingqing didn't say anything!
Seeing Zhu Xiuyun's stunned expression, the four members of Meng Hao knew something was wrong.

Luo Cuilan hurriedly asked, "You don't know how much it cost?"

Zhu Xiuyun calmed down her heartbeat, then patted her heart and said:

"I know Qingqing paid for Meng Yu's tuition and living expenses, but I don't know how much. In the first year when they came back from vacation, Qingqing bought two communicators.
I thought it would only be a few million at most. Qingqing inspired the supernatural ability, and everyone said that it is easy for supernatural masters to earn money, so I didn't take it seriously. It turned out that it cost so much money. "

Zhu Xiuyun knew that intermediate classes cost money, but she really didn't know how much it would cost.

Yang Dayong would not tell her, afraid that she would be worried, so she thought it would be a few million, but she didn't expect it to be hundreds of millions. The two children will go to college for six years, and the cost must be even more.
Qingqing also wants to take herself away, it seems that she absolutely can't go, there are multiple expenses for multiple people, don't let the children worry about it, let Qingqing save some money.

Grandma Meng looked at the old girl, she was in a stable mood, she was not too excited, and continued:

"Xiuyun, we came to you to explain to you face to face that our family can't repay the money, so we asked Meng Yu to pay off the debt with his own body. He belongs to your family. You can do whatever you want. Whoever asked him to go to school spent so much money?" Many interstellar coins."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Xiuyun disagreed and said:

"Sister Cuilan, what did you say? Although the amount is a bit huge, I was also surprised, but these are nothing to Qingqing. The relationship between children cannot be calculated by money.
Meng Yu has been taking good care of Qingqing for six years outside, otherwise I wouldn't feel at ease if she went to school alone at such a young age.Meng Hao will definitely be successful in the future, don't say a few hundred million, he is not afraid of more, in the future, you can't say anything about prostitution, it will hurt the child's heart, thinking that you don't want him. "

After Zhu Xiuyun said these words, the old couple of the Meng family felt relieved. It wasn't what they wanted to say. They really couldn't bear such a high debt. What can they do!
Unexpectedly, Xiuyun was very generous and didn't take it too seriously, and instead persuaded them. It seems that Qingqing is really good at making money, and a few hundred million is not difficult for her.

Wang Qian also felt relieved. She was scared to death by what her mother-in-law said just now, and cursed, but after all, Meng Hao is her own son, who was raised by her hard, so why did she sell it to the Su family?
Meng Hong, Luo Cuilan and Zhu Xiuyun told each other what they knew about Meng Jian's use of Qingqing to earn money to go to school, and finally understood most of the truth.
In the end, the two families agreed that they didn't care about the children's affairs. Qingqing had been big-minded since she was a child, and Meng Yu was in her 20s. If she didn't go to school, she could start a family.
Now that the two of them can earn money by themselves, they don't have to worry about going to school anymore. Even if they worry about it, it's useless. It will cost hundreds of millions to go to school, which is too exciting for them who have been poor for a lifetime.

It's better to let them make trouble on their own, Xiuyun is right, the two children are as close as brothers and sisters, what are the debts, since she paid the money, maybe she didn't want to ask Meng Yu to pay it back.

Having said that, the four members of the Meng family feel at ease. The hundreds of thousands of critical hits they received yesterday have calmed down, otherwise they will not be able to sleep well every day.

At the same time, they really realized that the two children were not ordinary people, they had gone beyond what they could imagine, and immediately they left Mengyuexing, the original galaxy, and went to a wider world.

Meng Lin couldn't help sighing, "I can't help my son, let them go out on their own. They will be better than us in the future. As elders, we just need to stay in our hometown and don't make trouble for them. One day they are tired, and they will return to their homeland." Will be back."

Several people nodded, that's it. When the child grows up, he is like a bird that leaves the nest. It is destined to fly far away. What is the future of guarding their small mountain village every day?Life is tight.

At this moment, Meng Hao had already forgotten all his troubles, carried his younger brother on his back, summoned his friends, and rushed into the mountains with a group of people. Of course, Su Qing and Meng Hao could not use their real strength, and they had to take care of the dog. Baby, Lele, vigorously them,
Li Dahu heard that they went to the mountains to fight strange beasts, so he was also interested in following them. He also brought his son, who is just three years old this year, and said that he watched Meng Hao fight strange beasts, so that the child would open his eyes and he would be as promising as Meng Hao in the future. .

More than a dozen people in Hula are young and strong guys with good legs and feet, and they go into the mountain after driving a few trams like the wind.

When we arrived at the old place, we parked the car, took some things with us, each carried a basket, and ran up the mountain, saying that we would go to the deep mountains to hit a big guy, so that everyone could open their eyes.

Meng Hao's martial arts skills are really powerful. In recent years, he and Su Qing have traveled all over the mountains near Shanquan Village, and there is nothing he is not familiar with.

Gouwa was still a little worried, "Meng Yan, can you do it? If you meet a big guy later, what will you do if you can't beat him? Let's explain to the few of us who still have children."

Meng Hao, who was leading the way, waved his hand coolly,

"What are you afraid of? The mountain range in our village is similar to my back garden. Don't worry. When I took the graduation exam, I directly killed a fifth-order strange beast. The trivial things in the mountains are not enough for me to take pictures with one hand."

Gou Wa: "But you are alone, if you encounter many strange beasts, can you deal with them?"

Meng Yan said indifferently: "Isn't there still Qingqing? Don't underestimate the ability master, Qingqing completely crushes me in terms of combat power."

The little friends took a look at the little girl who was following at the end, carrying Meng Shuo on her back, walking pretty at the end of the line. She shook her head in disbelief that she could be so powerful.
Meng Hao smiled and said: "Don't you believe it, supernatural beings are not simple, you can't just look at the appearance, they must be better than ordinary people, you have never seen Qingqing killing strange beasts, hey, I can't compare."

Speaking of this, Meng Hao is still a little depressed. His spiritual powers, Qingqing said, are extremely mysterious. He has practiced for several years, only to find out that farts are useless, that is, to be better at hearing and seeing, and have no combat power at all. Fortunately, he did not. It was said everywhere that he had activated his abilities, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing, he is simply not comparable to Qingqing's ability,

Once Meng Hao and Su Qing went into the mountains to hunt exotic animals together, and when they came to a place where there were herds of cattle and sheep, he and Su Qing flew into the herd at the same time,

Meng Hao picked up a big wooden stick and hit the head of the strange beast directly, while Su Qing flew over lightly, with a touch of his finger, it fell down.

Meng Hao only killed one of them with a few sticks, but Su Qing killed one of them, can't he be powerful?The key point is that she can fly, so fast that no beast can run away from her.

Li Dahu smiled and said: "Dog, don't believe it, the supernatural master is a fairy-like figure. You have little experience and have never seen a supernatural master make a move. I went to Anyang City once and watched a competition between the supernatural masters. That is really wonderful, the water-type ones shoot water arrows out of thin air, and when they hit a person, there is a bloody hole, and the gold-type ones are made of metal knives, which can turn and fly, which is amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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