Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 263 Bragging is taken seriously

Chapter 263 Bragging is taken seriously

A group of people talked and laughed and walked into the mountain. At this time, there were very few snakes, insects, rats and ants in the mountain, and the vegetation was not so luxuriant.
While Su Qing was talking to Meng Shuo, she contacted Huomiao and Jiaojiao and asked them to come over to protect everyone secretly. An extra layer of protection.

Along the way, I often encountered pheasants and hares. Meng Yan didn’t even like them. He insisted on killing one, Qingjiao Niu or Treading Cloud Deer. He said that the meat of those exotic animals was delicious. If he caught it, he would pull it back and invite everyone to eat together. Meat.

When Su Qing heard Meng Xiang's bragging in front of him, he snorted coldly in his heart. He knew bragging. A large group of people came into the mountain noisily. He heard the strange beast from more than ten miles away. He ran away early and waited for you to hunt it down.

Seeing pheasants and rabbits, she threw out a few leaves. If none of the pheasants or rabbits ran away, Gou Wa and the others picked them up and put them in the back basket. It is good to have a pheasant in the mountains.

Only then did Gouwa and the others know that Qingqing is indeed more powerful, and Meng Yanguang can brag, so everyone started to boo him, bury him, and praise Qingqing vigorously.

Meng Hao was so angry that he fought with them in the mountains, making everyone laugh.

Su Qing didn't talk much, and followed them silently. Everyone knew that Qingqing didn't like to talk since she was a child, and she was used to it long ago.

Su Qing is also in a good mood, so she will just come out to visit mountains and rivers. These years, she has also worked very hard, learning all kinds of knowledge, as well as homework taught by her ancestors, refining alchemy, drawing talisman formations, and reading books Books in the library, staring at Meng Rong to study when he has nothing to do,

Now that she has graduated, she can also relax, live a comfortable life, and cheer up to go to another more colorful world.

Jiaojiao and Huo Miao, the recovered Su Qing has arrived, Su Qing told them to follow in secret.

Leading the way, Meng Hao has gradually walked into the deep mountain, beyond the furthest point where the yam was dug back then. Only the hunting team from the village has been here. Several men have been to the mountain to hunt strange beasts. no,

Li Dahu saw that his son was still in good spirits. Before going up the mountain, Qingqing stuffed a magic talisman into the child's heart, saying that it would be safe, but he didn't know if it was because of the magic talisman. Anyway, his son was full of energy, with big curious eyes. Look around.

And Meng Shuo was more comfortable. Su Qing put a layer of spiritual energy on the two of them. No wonder they were uncomfortable. The spiritual energy can not only nourish the body, but also isolate mosquitoes, wind and sand, and filter the air.

They have been walking here for more than an hour, Gouwa and the others are panting tiredly, looking back at Qingqing, the little girl still looks the same, even her hair is not messy at all.
Then look at the men of them, all of them are blushing, have thick necks, and are short of breath, not as good as a little girl. It seems that Qingqing is really as powerful as Meng Hao said, and the ability master is very powerful.

Li Dahu was also out of breath, he shouted at the top of his voice:

"Meng Hao, let everyone rest for a while, drink some water, we can't compare to you, your physical fitness is good,"

In fact, they have also reached the third level of martial arts, but they are not practicing, of course they are far behind Meng Hao.

Meng Hao looked back at his partners, all of them were panting like cows,
"Okay, let's find a place to rest. I said that your physical fitness is too poor, and you lack exercise. Are you wasting your martial arts skills? I still want to teach you a few tricks."

Gouwa sat on a rock, drank a few sips of water, and said with a self-deprecating:

"Meng Hao, do you think we are as lucky as you to be able to pass the exam and go to school? Now we are farming and growing vegetables every day to earn money and support our family. If we have time to exercise,

The old village chief didn't dare to lead a team into the mountains after the beast tide. They were organized by the villagers themselves. We seldom dared to venture into the deep mountains, so we just hoped to dig a few more truckloads of yams to make ends meet. "

Li Dahu has the best talent in martial arts among them. With a flash of his eyes, he asked:

"Meng Hao, you really know how to teach us a few powerful martial arts. I'll learn from you, and I'm not greedy. As long as I can kill two strange beasts every month, I can save enough tuition fees for my little treasure, so that he can also be like him." You are the same, if you pass the exam, you will be able to be successful in the future, and you don't have to live a hard life like ours."

"Ah!!" Meng Hao opened his mouth, a little dumbfounded, he was just bragging, why did Big Hu take it seriously.

The school's martial arts cannot be spread out at will. When every student is in class, the teacher tells every day that who can use which martial arts is beyond personal identity. Once found out, they will be punished.

Meng Hao looked puzzled, "Brother Big Tiger, what I said just now was a lie, you have also been to school, and you know the rules of martial arts learned in school, so you can't spread it casually."

"Cut," the crowd began to jeer at Meng Yan,
"I know you bragging, you like to show off since you were a child, and you're really giving up."

Meng Yu has a thick skin and is not afraid,
"I'm not afraid, am I afraid that it will be bad for you if it is found out? If it is leaked, everyone will lose their skills, so you might as well not learn it!"

Everyone else is fine, but Li Dahu is a little disappointed. His martial arts talent is higher than that of Meng Hao, but he is not as lucky as Meng Hao, so he puts his hopes on his son, hoping to save more money so that his son can also go to the intermediate class.

He was still a little unwilling to give up, and asked unwillingly:
"Meng Hao, you can't think of a way. The management of the empire is not so strict. The martial arts that can be taught publicly in the school are not that serious. Our Shanquan Village is located in a remote place. Who will investigate."

Meng Hao didn't expect that Li Dahu really cared. If he knew it earlier, he wouldn't say anything, and he didn't know how to refuse. He was afraid that he would feel sad.
Su Qing drank two sips of water for Meng Shuo, and gave him and Xiaobao a half apple to eat. It was all in her space, and no one else paid attention to where she took it out. No one wanted it, and everyone knew the fruit. The price is not low.

Su Qing wiped Meng Shuo's face, and when he heard what they said, he suddenly said,
"Meng Hao, there are regulations on martial arts in the school, and you can't pass them on at will. Body training doesn't belong to the Ministry of Education of the Empire. You can teach them to Big Tiger and the others."

Meng Yu was taken aback after hearing this, and asked, "Qingqing, are you sure I can pass on the body training technique to Brother Da Hu and the others."

"Well, in the last month or so before last year, you can teach whatever the villagers are willing to learn, regardless of men, women, or children. This will increase the strength of our villagers and save them from always being afraid of danger when entering the mountains. Bao is no problem, eat more natural food in the mountains, and make up for the lack of nutrition in the body."

Meng Yan blinked his eyes, not knowing what Qingqing meant, could that set of kung fu be spread at will?
That is a high-level martial art that is a hundred times stronger than school martial arts, and after reaching the third level, how will they fill their stomachs and solve the problem of insufficient energy? What will the villagers do then?Always hungry?
"Meng Hao, we are going to leave our hometown, and we will not be able to return for six years. Our family members are still in Shanquan Village. You teach everyone the art of physical training, and the whole village must remember our kindness.
Our family will survive better in the village. Besides, the life of the villagers is difficult, and we are promising. We can't just watch, and I don't know how to do it for the time being. It's better to spread the body training technique. There is no specific breathing method and Dan With the combination of medicine and high talent, you can't break through the third level, so don't worry and teach them!

The villagers' military force has improved, and it's nothing to beat a few alien beasts. If everyone has money, they will send more children to school.You can also feel it, knowledge can change destiny, we just push it, anyway, the Li family is very far away from Mengyuexing, so don't be afraid if no one checks it. "

Su Qing sent these words to Meng Yan's ear through sound transmission, but she didn't say anything on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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